First misunderstandings: the passport of opportunity is declared by a person with COVID-19 Business


The reader who called the newsroom (first and last names are known to the newsroom) said that she was very surprised on Monday when she tried out of curiosity to register in the system that she started today.

The man says he experienced flu-like symptoms last week, on May 21. after a PCR test and received a positive response at 22 days. At this point, he said he was feeling fine, although the weaker symptoms still remained.

Photo from personal file / Positive COVID-19 test

Photo from personal file / Positive COVID-19 test

The man’s health record indicates that he may have contracted COVID-19 on May 20. Before that, on May 7, his wife had been diagnosed with COVID-19, but her own test was negative at the time. For a man from May 11 to 20. However, he was instructed to adhere to self-isolation, COVID-19 was also infected on the last day.

“I have received an AstraZeneca vaccine. My wife also has a vaccine, she received it at a similar time. She tried to get a passport of opportunity today, everything went well. I said I will try and wonder what the news will show, after all. I got exactly the same thing: a green passport so I can go wherever I want and communicate with whoever I want. ” 15 minutes said the reader.

He stressed that he was not even ready to do so, but asked to find out what might have influenced those results. contacts on the website, then referred to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.

“When I called for the first time and asked if I could get an opportunity passport after the first vaccination, he explained that it had only been four weeks. Then I asked if a person with COVID-19 could get a passport and I said yes, but this has to be confirmed by a GP. Then I asked him if a sick person could get that passport; I laughed and asked how a sick person could get this passport. I say – got it, “said the man.

Photo from personal file / Personal diagnosis

Photo from personal file / Personal diagnosis

The reader sent an email to the ministry. a letter with visual evidence that his illness had been registered, but this did not prevent him from obtaining a passport of opportunity. So far, he has not received a response from the ministry. Then he decided to contact the media.

“There may be more people who are sick but who are motor. They can get those passports and walk wherever they want, ”the concerned man explained.

Registration Center: The Opportunities Passport is not superior to the law

15 minutes He requested the Ministry of Economy and Innovation for this case, but his representatives referred the journalist to the Registry Center.

The spokesperson for this institution is Mindaugas Samkus 15 minutes In its reply, it stated that, in the absence of sufficient personal data, the Center could not comment on the case.

Speaking about the registration procedure, he clarified that the onset of the disease is recorded by a positive laboratory test, the results of which are entered into the electronic health system by the laboratories that perform the tests. The 180-day period during which the passport is valid in case of illness is calculated from the onset of the illness. “However, the passport of opportunity is activated and the contact activities allowed to the person – the passport of opportunity turns green – only after the end of the period of forced isolation.” Family doctors must enter into the electronic health system the diagnosis that a person has already had COVID-19, that is, register the end of the disease, ”said M. Samkus.

Photo from personal archive / Mindaugas Samkus

Photo from personal archive / Mindaugas Samkus

He also highlighted that the opportunity passport is based on data contained in the eHealth system, which is transmitted to the system with some regularity, but not in real time. For example, test results are transferred to’s opportunity passport every hour and cases are logged into the system, every day.

“Finally, it should not be forgotten that the passport of opportunity is only a technological solution, an aid in the fight against a pandemic, but it does not take precedence over national legislation or quarantine restrictions. In other words, if a person has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they are subject to the usual conditions of quarantine and self-isolation that they must comply with, ”said M. Samkus.

He also said that on the first day of the opportunity passport, there were no more complaints.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Registration Center

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Records Center

“The most common questions are that people cannot obtain their passport of opportunity even though they meet certain criteria. In the analysis of these cases it is usually due to the fact that the required period has not yet elapsed after the last vaccination, as well as the e-health system does not always register the COVID-19 disease or incorrectly enter the disease or vaccination data, ”said a representative of the Registry Center.

M.Samkus recalled that people who have had problems can contact the consultants of the Registry Center by phone +370 5 236 4577 or write to [email protected].

No more than 180 days must have elapsed since the PCR test.

According to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, those who have contracted the disease or those who have received a negative test result can obtain a passport of opportunity.

It is possible to have a passport of opportunity only in cases where the data on vaccination, disease or test result are in the electronic health system, that is, they have been entered by Lithuanian health professionals. For people under the age of 16 who wish to benefit from less strict quarantine conditions, it will be sufficient to present an identity document.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vaccination Center

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vaccination Center

Comirnaty (manufactured by BioNTech and Pfizer) and Moderna (manufactured by Moderna) require 2 doses of vaccine. Once these vaccines have been administered, the Opportunity Passport will be available 1 week after the second dose of the vaccine. For those who have received Janssen (manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutica NV) and Vaxzevria (manufactured by AstraZeneca), the Opportunity Passport will be available 4 weeks after the vaccine has been administered. Important: Vaxzevria vaccine recipients will still need a second vaccine, to be given no later than 12 weeks after the first dose.

In survivors of COVID-19, the diagnosis of coronavirus will need to be confirmed by a positive PCR test or an antigen test. To be eligible for the Opportunity Passport, no more than 180 days must have elapsed since this positive test result, and the period of self-isolation must have expired. If a person has developed COVID-19 but has not consulted a family doctor, the fact of the disease will not be recorded in the medical history of the system. In this case, the person must contact their family doctor to enter the disease data in the eHealth system.
