fines of this magnitude scare any alien


Youtuber Chepolinko has been living in Japan for over 11 years and is constantly sharing a new post that tells interesting facts about Japan, its people, cars, travel, and more.

On this occasion, Chepolinko decided to tell us why Japan is one of the safest countries in the world and the curiosities of its fine system.

“It just came to our attention then. The fines in Japan are particularly high and even surprising and shocking for foreigners. And the truth is that practically everyone, foreigners who have come to Japan at least once, violate these laws.” , intrigues Chepolinko at the beginning of the story.

If you are driving a car, put your mobile phone aside

Chepolinko claims that one of the most recent regimes in place in Japan involves cell phones and driving a car.

“If a police officer learns that you are talking on the phone while driving a car, or even while stopped at a traffic light, the fine for such an offense ranges from $ 170 to almost $ 2,800,” Chepolinko said, adding that “the prison is still in danger. “

Why such “draconian” punishments? The answer is quite simple. Traffic accidents have increased in Japan in recent years and a large proportion of them are related to the use of mobile phones. They are the ones who cause accidents.

In addition to the huge fine and the threat of imprisonment, let’s add that in Japan, ‘driving license points’ are deducted for traffic offenses.

Chepolinko claims that when a driver’s license is obtained in Japan, its holder has a “sum of 6 points” and those points are deducted for each traffic violation. On average, 2-3 points are lost for a violation. When all the points are lost, the driver loses his rights for a month and a half.

That’s when you use a smartphone while driving – you can immediately lose all six points, and thus lose your driver’s license for half a year. Let’s not forget the fine of nearly $ 2,800 and possible imprisonment. Of course, the maximum penalty is already here, but even in the slightest variant, the consequences will be painful.

The most interesting and strange laws concern … cyclists

Chepolinko, who has lived and worked in Japan for many years, claims that the strangest laws apply to cyclists.

There are many cyclists and cyclists in Japan. People love this vehicle and drive a lot with it. On the sidewalks and even on the trails, cyclists can be seen circulating. Then the tourists rent a bicycle and ride a bicycle with the Japanese who pass through the crossing.

“But there is a fine of up to $ 200 for doing so. According to the regulations in force in Japan, bicycles are classified as vehicles and can only circulate on roads that are also used by cars and other vehicles,” says Chepolinko.

Of course, there are some exceptions. Bicycles can be circulated on specially prepared roads, with lanes to go through the junctions. Additionally, children under the age of 13 and over the age of 70 can ride on sidewalks and other places that are prohibited for regular cyclists.

“Of course, the Japanese police will not attack you with the maximum punishment, but they will probably warn you and present the order, if sometimes you have not listened to it. However, if you drive like crazy on a sidewalk with a sports bike or normal, then the police will arrest you and impose a fine ”, warns Chepolinko of such an order.

There are even more interesting arrangements for cycling. Using a smartphone or umbrella while riding a bicycle is prohibited.

It sounds funny, but in the rain: Japanese people like to ride their bikes and hold an umbrella in one hand. This can not be done.

“Using a phone or umbrella while riding a bike carries a fine of up to $ 470,” warns Chepolinko.

“And wait, that’s not all. Do you enjoy listening to music while riding your bike? Do you put on your headphones and go out for a ride? You can also be fined up to $ 470 for such behavior,” says Chepolinko.

The same amount of fine applies to a flashlight that is not attached to a bicycle. Especially if you drive without it in the dark. “These bonuses will remind you that a bike should have good lights.”

Shocking fines for drinkers

When staying in a bar or cafe, having a more noble drink, it is strictly forbidden to sit behind the wheel of a car.

Are those two kilometers perhaps to ride a bike? It is better not to do that. Do not do it in any way! If you ride a bike and get drunk, the fine is $ 9,300 and you can still go to jail for 5 years!

“I remember that in Japan the bicycle is a vehicle and the Japanese police take safety very seriously. That is why it is necessary to know this law for relaxed tourists who can devise a way to return home after the party. Such a trip will be very expensive. It is better not to try your luck ”, warns Chepolinko.

It is also interesting that a seat mounted on a bicycle frame or rear wheel cannot carry another person. This is a violation for which we will receive a warning for the first time, and if we repeat the violation, it will also be fined.

Pedestrian Penalties and How to Win a $ 500,000 Fine

It is also very important that foreigners coming to Japan know this.

“There is a situation where you come to the intersection, the traffic light turns red, and there is not a single car around. Of course, you want to cross the road instead of waiting those 2-3 minutes for the traffic light colors to change.

And as soon as you get in the way, as if a Japanese came out of nowhere, or worse, what a Japanese grandmother who accuses you of all the evils done by foreigners and how you insulted her in the eyes of samurai ancestors.

When those eyes lock on you and you start to feel ashamed, you don’t want to go back to the intersection and how a decent Japanese man waits for the traffic light to turn green, ”says Chepolinko.

Of course, both the Japanese and the foreigners themselves are not ideal, and there are cases when a person in a hurry crosses a road through a red light or in places where there are no crossings at all.

“Because crime is very low in Japan and those cops don’t have a lot of work to do, they get caught up in the details. And if a cop catches you going through a red or where there is no crossing, at least you will get a stern warning. and morals. And if you’re in the mood, there are fines of up to $ 470, “says Chepolinko.

“Until now, pedestrians cannot use their mobile phones. However, there are more and more places where this type of insurance is emerging and is related to safety. To avoid emergencies and for people to focus on what It happens around you, not on the phone.

Another important moment is that if a pedestrian is in an emergency or uncomfortable situation that is not even his fault, but at that moment he used the phone, all the blame will fall on his shoulders, ”says Chepolinko.

At the end of an interesting story, Chepolinko still wants a lot of advice for cyclists and drivers of other vehicles to make sure. Otherwise, the fines imposed could be completely ruined.

“If an awkward situation happens and you hit the Japanese, they don’t give a damn, the fines can be huge.

Here the press wrote a lot about an incident that took place 5-6 years ago, when a student, on a bicycle, beat his grandmother, who found herself in a coma after this incident.

For this, the student’s family was fined $ 500,000, ”Chepolinko concludes his story in shock.
