Fight for “golden” ministries: for which party which publication is more important


Of the three parties that clashed with hands over the formation of the ruling coalition, only the Liberal Movement dared to name not only the ministries they wanted to govern, but also the names of their candidate for ministers.

We already know that the liberals would delegate the deputy of Seimas Simonas Gentvilas to the ministers of the Environment and to the ministers of Economy and Innovation, the adviser to the mayor of Kaunas Simonas Kairis. And they do not reveal the candidate for the ownership of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to be elected.

(19 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Tomorrow after the elections – TS-LKD press conference

Publications versus program

At that time, the Lithuanian National Christian Democratic Union (TS-LKD) and the Freedom Party kept repeating that the trio should first agree on the provisions of the program, and only then would the seats be distributed. University professor Mykolas Romeris (MRU), political scientist Rima Urbonaitė, raises the question of how sincere the parties are in this matter.

“Of course, maybe you should talk about the show first and then think about other things. But it is very difficult to say how much is real and how much we do not have a proof here. Those negotiations are not really going on, but the names are being given at the same time? It can be so much, “said R. Urbonaitė on

Rhyme Urbonaitė

The Liberal Movement, with its candidacies, is so bold because it had planned ministerial candidates for the shadow government a little earlier, which we did not see during this period.

“It just came to our attention then. If you spoke earlier to focus on those areas and you had people you said you could delegate to, now that change of position would probably receive more criticism than support,” says the political scientist.

Although R. Urbonaitė calls the current process of negotiations on the governing coalition healthy, here he raises the question of when we will see growing ambitions.

“Probably one day they will still come out of the closet, it will not be the case that everyone caresses each other very well, agrees on everything and we will see a very fluid process. We may not see some of the processes as they take place behind the scenes.

But still, I don’t think the division of positions is important either. This time the mood is a little different and a little different pattern. But at least the politicians themselves are talking about the harmonization of the provisions of the program, “said R. Urbonaitė.

The most coveted chairs

Gediminas Kirkilas, a longtime Seimas member who has contributed to the formation of many governing coalitions, admits that politicians in some ministries are more anxious than others.

“First, national defense and foreign affairs, here will be the main conversations with the president. It is a tradition that in part must be the president’s man,” said G. Kirkilas on

For his part, R. Urbonaitė has no doubt that the conservatives will want to appoint their people to these two positions.

“I think the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and National Defense will be more desirable to conservatives, because their focus has always been there and it has been strong enough. Also the Ministry of Energy “, commented the political scientist.

Next, G. Kirkilas distinguishes the presidency of the Minister of Finance as one of the most important positions. He assured that it would be the conservatives who would appoint his man for finance ministers.

“From now on, the Minister of Finance or the Minister. I think there will be many women in this Government, and well.” The Minister of Finance is usually the person of the Prime Minister, “added G. Kirkilas.

Gediminas Kirkilas

It is also supported by R. Urbonaitė, who points out that the Minister of Finance is practically the right hand of the Prime Minister. Nor does he expect those responsible for this position to have many candidates or much debate about the candidacy.

“I would be inclined to think that Ingrida Šimonytė, who said that she already has a man in mind, will be inclined to stay with her. For the simple reason that the Prime Minister should be someone close to the Prime Minister. Contact with him should be very narrow and the consensus must also be strong enough, because in reality it is the right hand of the Prime Minister “, says the MRU speaker.

G. Kirkilas divided the remaining ministries into two groups: economic and social. For example, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the Ministry of Energy are among the first. A social – Ministry of Social Security and Labor and Health.

The larger a faction in the Seimas made up of one of the coalition members, the more ministries it receives. And in case of disagreement, they try to compromise by offering positions at the Seimas.

“If you do not agree with a ministry, the vice president of the Seimas or some important committee will compensate.

One of the most important and powerful committees is the European Affairs Committee, as it is the largest, and it gives a mandate to the Government and the President. Next, of course, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, because many meetings are joint and the mandate is also with the Committee on European Affairs. Next – Finance, Economy, Social Affairs – the most difficult, “- said G. Kirkilas.

Ministry of Labor and Social Security

The most popular ministries

But not necessarily the most monetary ministries are the most attractive. According to R. Urbonaitė, the changing importance of ministries has been evident recently.

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports is now probably number one. Just because we see the desire expressed by all parties to lead it. Certainly, thanks to the Ministry of Education, before there was no such competition ”, said R. Urbonaitė.

She describes the post of Minister of Education as very risky, because it will not be possible to reform the entire system during the period, changes can only be initiated, and unpopular decisions will cost the Minister political points of karma.

However, the political scientist raises the rhetorical question of how the parties will be able to agree on the leadership of this ministry, because they all point to education as their priority.

R. Urbonaitė named the Ministry of Health as the hottest ministry, considering the pandemic that is ravaging the world.

“I think it will be very important here what kind of person will appear. Because the situation is really getting worse, hotter and even more worrying. Until now, conservatives are thinking about having that ministry in their hands. But the question is whether there will be more people ”Commented the political scientist.

If this ministry is so important, maybe it will go to the party that will nominate the best candidate for minister? R. Urbonaitė says it would be good if this happened, but the ambitions of the parties may prevail in this place.

“The parties can offer, but then sit back and say that, objectively speaking, this candidate is the strongest. What does it mean objectively? Some will say you want it, because first, second, third, others will say no, it’s great in fourth, fifth, sixth. The question is how much of that rationality will be, ”said R. Urbonaitė.

TS-LKD, which won the Seimas elections, secured 50 seats in the Seimas, the Liberal Movement (13) and the Freedom Party (11). In total, the parties will have to share 14 ministries and various other positions in the Seimas.
