Father Angry Over Confusion Over Children’s Passport Options – Will He Have To Open A Bank Account?


On Monday, the cabinet must adopt a strict procedure whereby many activities, including the opportunity to shop in larger stores, are available only with a passport of opportunity.

It can be given to people who have been vaccinated with coronavirus, and a negative test will give you a passport of opportunity for two days, but you will have to pay for the test yourself.

Plans to open an account

Marius who lives in Vilnius (the editorial board knows the real name and surname: aut. Past). 15 minutes He said after a ministerial meeting on Wednesday that widely supported the future changes, that he still did not understand how children would have to behave.

Government documents released Wednesday show that children under the age of 16 have a passport of opportunity without being vaccinated, sick and without proof.

Children under the age of 16 are not excluded from future restrictions, so it is not clear to everyone whether they will need to carry a passport or not.

We don’t need that bill anyway, but we do it just for the passport of opportunity.

“With our five-year-old daughter, we plan to go to the bank on Friday just so we can get the passport of the opportunity. Because I can go to my electronic health account and see my children’s accounts, at that time I can only print my passport in gpasas.lt, and not children.

In this case, people with children have two options: physically go to the Registration Center or go to the bank and open an account for the child with logins. We don’t need that bill anyway, but we only do it for the passport of opportunity. ” 15 minutes Marius said.

123RF.com nuotr./Vaikai

123RF.com nuotr./Vaikai

He wondered why parents were unable to download their children’s opportunity passports and argued that as September 13 approaches, when the various waivers granted by the government are due to expire, the Registration Center units must be filled with passports withdrawn by interested parties.

“Isn’t it like staying all night at the Regiter?”

An identity document will suffice for the children.

Daiva Bumblytė, Head of the Communication Department of the Registry Center 15 minutes He assured that children under 16 do not need a passport.

“They only need an identity document. The passport of opportunity will be issued to people over 16 years old,” he emphasized.

Commenting on the issue of obtaining an opportunity passport, D. Bumblytė stated that if children need an opportunity passport, parents should come to the Live Registration Center branch (or register for a visit) with the child and their identity document, then the passport of opportunity will be presented.

He recalled that this document is now valid for 30 days, so after this period it will be necessary to come and update it.

Many doors will close

The government tends to establish that without the possibility of a passport, people can only visit less than 1.5 thousand. square meters in shops, veterinary, animal feed, pharmacy, optician and stores of orthopedic technical material with independent entrance from the outside.

Without a test, you won’t be able to get scheduled medical care without getting sick or getting vaccinated. It is true that there will be an exception: tests that are valid for two days will be free.

It is emphasized that the limitation of the disability to the necessary assistance.

It will not be possible to request minor repairs if the contact lasts more than 15 minutes.

Without the passport, it will not be possible to receive beauty services, travel by public transport, in or out of the city, participate in indoor and outdoor events, access to library reading rooms and state archives.
