Farewell to a pet is seen more and more with dignity in Lithuania: there is a special crematorium, funeral services for animals are offered | Lifetime


Toma Žebelienė, one of the founders of Lithuania’s only animal crematorium, located in the Tauragė district, says that between 60 and 70 cremations of domestic animals take place here per month.

The first and so far the only one in Lithuania pet crematorium Toma and Vitalijus Žebeliai were founded in spring 2018.

“Yes, cremations are on the rise, but there are still not enough to the maximum. At first, there were only a few a month, and now there are many more. We are approached by people for whom the pet was a family member, who want say goodbye to animals with respect and dignity. ” 15min TO LIFE T.Žebelienė said.

According to the interlocutor, according to the laws in force in Lithuania, the animal can be buried in its own plot, in the animal cemetery, it can be cremated or delivered for use.

“They cannot be buried in forests or other public places, which people still do. I would not like to talk about massive use. I don’t want to tell you how things are going, “said T.Žebelienė.

The business idea was entrusted to a credit union

About five years passed from the idea of ​​establishing a pet crematorium to its opening. It took so long to process documents, permits, construction.

The spouses also had to look for a source of financing, as the big banks did not speak.

“Our business idea has been entrusted to a credit union, for which we are very grateful. Then, through a credit union, we started cooperating with Invega. They helped us a lot. So our feedback is only the best. They also believed in the business idea, ”said T.Žebelienė.

He had to interact extensively with various veterinary hospitals and offer working partnerships. The woman says she has heard a wide variety of opinions about the type of service they offer. Between them – and negative.

“Immediately, no one knew of the existence of such a crematorium in Lithuania. And even if someone found out, they took advantage of it, they did not want to tell others, because it seems something unusual. And our goal is to count and familiarize pet owners that they can say goodbye to their pet with dignity and humanity ”, said the interviewee.

I also had to go abroad

The idea of ​​establishing a crematorium in Lithuania came to V.Žebelis: “My husband is a veterinarian. When colleagues from abroad came, they told me how pet crematoria work in their country. We had a piece of land in Tauragė district, so the man thought that this idea, establishing a crematorium for pets, is perfect for us.

The family was very interested in how these activities are developed in other countries, they visited animal crematories in England, the Czech Republic and other countries.

“The crematorium itself is just a simple building. Inside there is a small waiting room, there is a place where we fill out documents. We also have a memory tree – here people can leave a memory of their pet. If you can’t come alone, they might ask us to write something, “said T. Žebelienė.

Especially cremation dogs

Only pets weighing up to 100 kilograms are cremated in the animal crematorium. Most cremations are dogs, much less cats. And a very small part: exotic animals or others.

If a person has decided to incinerate a pet, they do not need to enter; pets can be left at the veterinary clinics with which the crematorium cooperates.

“There was a parrot, a turtle, a hamster, a guinea pig. Brought by the people themselves. We also had questions about the cremation of the turtle, about the shell, so the man called our foreign partners to consult, “said T.Žebelienė.

If a person has decided to incinerate a pet, they do not need to come; pets can be left at the veterinary clinics with which the crematorium cooperates, and the crematorium staff can remove the pet from the home.

“Usually we ask people if their pet will be cremated alone. We only incinerate animals one by one, there are videos if a person wants to be sure. After cremation, the ashes are poured into the urn of their choice,” he said. the interlocutor.

As T.Žebelienė said, according to the law, an animal urn with ashes can be kept at home for up to three months and then buried in an animal cemetery or on our own plot:

The cost of cremation depends on the weight of the animal: from 75 euros to approximately 220 euros.

The duration of the cremation process itself also depends on the weight of the animal; for example, a large dog is cremated for more than three hours.

The first call is the second day.

A few years ago, the municipality of the city of Jonava announced that an animal cemetery would be established. After collecting the signatures of the neighbors, a group of Jonavis went to the municipality, saying that this place is very necessary in the city.

Before that, there were illegal animal cemeteries in the city: people buried their pets very close to the main Jonava cemetery.

According to the chief elders of the city of Jonava. Specialist Tautvydas Pabrinkis, this idea paid off: people bury their pets here and this service is free.

“We received the first summons for the animal’s funeral on the second day, when we announced that there was an animal cemetery in the city. We have assigned a place, prepared and approved the regulation. One person does not need to take over any additional permits, “said T. Pabrinkis.

The Jonava city body of elders also approved the rules. Animals must be buried in the order in which the boundaries are marked, as well as the pit requirement, and they must be deep enough so that the ground covers at least one meter. This requirement is due to the fact that the buried animal is not excavated by wild animals. It is valid not only in Jonava, but also in the Vilnius Animal Cemetery.

It offers not only to bury the animal, but also to care for the grave

Vilnius Edgar offers another service: burying an animal. Animal Paradise is the name of his initiative.

“Animal funeral services will help you say goodbye to your former family member and accompany him on the last trip. We can pick up your pet in a convenient place for you (home or veterinary clinic). We will offer a suitable tombstone or karst according to the wishes of each host.

We will bury your pet in the official Vilnius Animal Cemetery with all due respect. We will be able to take care of the grave of the pet on a regular basis so that it is never left alone, “says Animal Paradise.

“Yes, we offer excavation of graves, burial of animals, a long engraved table. It’s for people who don’t have the tools, the time, or the ability to do it themselves. ” 15 minutes Edgar from Vilnius told the portal.

The idea of ​​offering such a service to Edgar came when he realized that those who live in apartment buildings, he said, do not have the opportunity to bury the animal. Especially older people.

True, the Vilnius resident said that this service he offers is still not very popular, and the price of this service is 70 euros.

“Some people still tend to bury in woods or gardens. But there are some orders. I realized that they don’t leave the pet graves later. It was even interesting, so on November 1 I went to the animal cemetery to see it. Yes, supervise, light candles ”, said the interlocutor.

Almost 70 tons of animals were used per year

Another way to do it when a pet dies is to get rid of it. This service is provided in Lithuania by the company Rietavas veterinarinė sanitarija.

How 15 minutes said Rimantas Smolskis, CEO of the company, there are only a few cases where people would request this service. According to R. Smolskis, this is probably due to the social connection between man and animal:

“People tend to bury their pets themselves. However, our company has concluded about 40 contracts for the provision of care services for deceased animals with research institutions, various veterinary clinics, municipal public services, Nuaras and others, ”said R. Smolskis.

Of them, these animals are taken to the Rietavas Veterinary Sanitary, which for various reasons have been refused to be returned or have simply been eliminated by their owners.

During 2019, 69.2 tons were used, during the first 10 months of this year, 46 tons.
