Famous women open the doors of their beauty salons: prices will rise, but this is not a consequence of the quarantine | Names


As of February 15, the government allowed the resumption of activities for beauty teachers. If the area of ​​the premises where the service is provided to a specific recipient of the service is less than 20 m2. m, no more than one customer should be served at the same time.

It is also mandatory to ensure other conditions for the management of the flow of people, the maintenance of a safe distance, the necessary public health safety, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

She opened her own beauty salon a year ago Oksana Pikul-Jasaitienė She says she didn’t feel quarantined because she had a lot of work to do without the beauty activity. But of course she is delighted to have the opportunity to serve her clients again starting Monday.

When asked if staff scheduling, security measures, and customer flow restrictions are currently a big issue, Oksana ensures no major issues during the first or this quarantine.

“So far we have not experienced any painful changes and our facilities meet all requirements. Only from now on will professionals have to wear respirators instead of masks. All hygiene requirements and customer expectations are not a problem”, – 15 minutes Oksana said.

Of course, the woman warns that there is currently an increase in the number of clients who want to beautify themselves, and even the priority is to provide services to those women who need it most.

“Each teacher has a circle of clients. We give it to whoever needs it. People long for beauty treatments. And new clients sometimes have to offer even very distant dates. Some masters really have to wait, ”says Oksana, adding that the most important thing is that, right now, clients are healthy, aware, and only feel good when they get to the salon.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Oksana Pikul-Jasaitienė

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Oksana Pikul-Jasaitienė

With the opening of beauty salons, there is more and more talk about rising prices for procedures. They, according to Oksana, will naturally increase.

“The economic situation itself is changing, so the standard prices will not be able to be maintained. Just because there are taxes, salary, it is natural that they increase. So far, my beauty salon has only increased the cost of some procedures: haircuts , makeup, more expensive services provided early in the morning. Later, after assessing the overall situation, the prices of the remaining procedures may go up, “said O. Pikul-Jasaitienė.

The interlocutor assures that he did not suffer significant losses during the quarantine because he does not have loans and the beauty salon is his. With the closure of a business, other activities arose, so, of course, the woman feels stable.

In addition, state aid of this type was provided and part of the loss was offset. Of course, when calculating how much profit could be made during that time, it cannot be said that the quarantine has been beneficial for the company, ”says Oksana.

Work in the beauty field and have your own business. Kristina Ivanova He also says that permission to return to work, albeit with restrictions, is rewarding. According to her, the first quarantine has already shown that it is really possible to work in such conditions.

“Due to limited places, the fact that we work in shifts, but everything is possible to reconcile. Beauty providers must now wear respirators, and everything else hasn’t changed, ”Kristina notes.

The quarantine of the famous woman was also not greatly affected, she said that after opening an online store, she found time to renovate the beauty salon.

“I have been working in the field of beauty for a decade, I know that a solution can be found in all cases of life and in all situations. We shouldn’t complain about how difficult it is, we should be happy that a little bit of everything is loosening up, we just have to follow the requirements, “said K. Ivanova positively.

However, K. Ivanova, who maintains close ties with other companies, says she is aware that many beauty salons in Vilnius have stopped working. State benefits, according to the interlocutor, are like a drop in the ocean.

“I was determined to work myself, I came up with a strategy that I followed and everything went well. My job – e-shop, helped to retain employees, I adapted to the conditions and created added value. It would be difficult for me to sit down and do nothing, ”Kristina said.

Organizers Photo / Kristina Ivanova

Organizers Photo / Kristina Ivanova

And how do you evaluate government subsidies? According to K. Ivanova, 250 euros for people with a family had to be difficult to survive.

“If there is only one person working in the family, for example, there is no father, you have to fight for the savings, what if you don’t have them? I don’t want to judge, I have my own opinion on this, I’d like to keep it to myself. ” 15 minutes K. Ivanova said.

It is true that one woman does not hide that prices in her salon are likely to rise after the quarantine, but she emphasizes that they are increasing every year: “We are not service providers, we do not regulate prices. They are governed by what we depend on: all the brands we work with. If the prices of disposable items, towels, shampoos, paints go up, it is natural that the price of services will also go up. So far this year, our suppliers have not changed prices, so they have not changed in the showroom. They will be reviewed in the spring. “
