Factories “Vičiūnai Group” Plungė from September 13. will no longer admit employees without a passport


The portal was the first to report this message. 15 minutes.

According to Algirdas Razma, CEO of the Vičiūnai Group production company in Plungė, this decision was made with regard to the safety and health of employees.

“As an employer, we take care of the safety and health of our employees in a responsible manner. We constantly ask for our protection and that of others, we organize vaccinations in the workplace and give bonuses and days off to vaccinated employees.

In the absence of an improvement in the situation due to the spread of the Covid virus, we have decided that we will invite employees of all companies in Plungė to work only from September 13 with passports.

You can get a passport of opportunities not only by vaccination, but also if you get sick, have an antibody test or regular tests are carried out. In this way, our aim is to ensure safe working conditions on the territory of the production companies in Plungė. ” Delphi in the comment, says A. Razma.

According to the website, the Vičiūnai group of companies produces chilled and frozen food in 6 of its factories located in Plungė: Plungė Cooperative Trade, Vičiūnai and Partners, Baltic Food Partners, Plungės Duona, Plungės Duonas pastries, Orka foods.


© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

As indicated Rekvizitai.ltPlungė Cooperative Trade has 1,069 employees, of which between 50 and 59 percent. are immunized against Covid19.

Vičiūnai ir partneriai employs 700 people, between 40 and 49 percent. are immunized against Covid19.

The Baltic Food Partners have 371 employees, 50-59 percent. Company employees will enjoy immunity.

Plungės Duona has 18 employees, 60-69 percent. has immunity.

Plungė Bread Bakery: 104 employees, 60-69 percent of them were vaccinated.

Orka Food has 90 employees and their immunization level is 40 to 49 percent.

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