Extraordinary fight: an old man against the state, politicians and famous brokers


Extraordinary fight: an old man against the state and the runners

Located in a picturesque spot in the Kaunas district, on the outskirts of Kačerginė, the Nemunas Žiedas State Race Track has been rocked by scandals for several years. The public body that ruled on his bankruptcy, and the court decided to recover more than $ 3 million from the former boss. embezzled funds.

Various interest groups are fighting for influence on this race track. More recently, Arūnas Samochinas, the head of the newly established public institution Nacionalinis žiedas, which manages the track and has been declared bankrupt, has resigned. He told Delfi portal that he was tired of constantly puncturing the wheel posts. The municipality of Kaunas also withdrew from the shareholders of this institution, publicly accusing the other two interested parties: the municipality of the Kaunas district and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of non-compliance with the obligations.

Now it has been decided to link the future of the race track with investors. A dealer will be sought to rebuild the track on state land at their own expense so that world-class competitions can be held.

However, this may not happen. Regina Dargužienė, a resident of the Kaunas district who had reached a respectable age, demanded in the courts that it be prohibited to organize races on this track.

This woman’s claim can only seem ridiculous at first glance. However, she lives within the “Nemunas Ring”, where her home is located, so in order to enter or leave her home, a woman is forced to take risks each time. Both she and her family members or friends have to cross a stretch of track where race cars run almost daily at enormous speeds. What about the noise that the residents of the farm have to endure?

R. Dargužienė’s daughter, Asta Dargužytė, told Delfi portal that this problem is very old, but so far there is no solution. A pre-emptive lawsuit requiring a ban on racing appears to be the result of exhausted patience.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The farm belonged to V. Landsbergis – Žemkalnis family

When could a private house appear on a state-owned national track whose owner demanded a race ban? This question probably arises for many, but the answer is worth a plot like a political thriller. Especially since a legal battle has already been waged on this farm, in which R. Dargužienė clashed with the former de facto head of state, conservative patriarch, long-term MP, Professor Vytautas Landsbergis.

The farm where the woman lives dates back to this place in the interwar period. V. The parents of Landsbergis – Vytautas Landsbergis – Žemkalnis and Ona Jablonskytė – Landsbergienė, who had a summer house in nearby Kačerginė, had acquired a large amount of land in these areas. The politician’s mother also owned the farm in the village of Gaižėnėliai, which is currently surrounded by a race track.

O. Jablonskytė – Landsbergienė accepted R. Dargužienė’s parents – Antanas and Marijonas Budrius – to live on the farm. The family, who agreed with the politician’s parents, are said to have cared for their farm and summer house, as if they were Landsberg’s housewives.

After World War II, the Budriai family continued to live on the O. Jablonskytė – Landsbergienė farm, and the property was registered in their name.

The race track at this location was created much later, with the first race in 1960. Why it happened that when designing the route of union importance, a farm with inhabitants remained within it, one can only speculate.

Plots of land on the race track

Plots of land on the race track “Ring of the Nemunas”

© Regia.lt

At the epicenter of the “Tvartelis case” there is a farm on the track

The controversy over this farm almost two decades ago has been widely discussed in society.

Although R. Dargužienė, who inherited it from his parents, lived on the farm, V. Landsbergis also filed claims for ownership of the ex-mother’s property. There was no lack of emotion in this lawsuit, the story itself was called the “barn case.” This happened because only the farm barn has been unchanged since 1923, and other buildings have been rebuilt and legally acquired the status of new buildings.

V. Landsbergis indicated that the buildings belonging to his mother are located on 9.5 hectares of land inherited from him. A politician’s representative in court mentioned that the client agreed to donate the buildings to the people who lived in them, but he wanted the historic justice restored first: his mother’s property had been returned.

It is possible that a small farm has been donated or sold to Budria, but it is not possible to prove this claim, as there are no documents that can prove it.

The longstanding dispute over who owns the farm and the land underneath ended R. Dargužienė’s record as owner of this tenure at the Records Center.

V. Landsbergis sold the reclaimed parental land, which has not been disputed, to the son of his sister Algimantas Karazija, who lived in Australia.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The case is lost, preparing for the second stage of the dispute.

But let’s go back to the lawsuit in which the farm owner demanded a ban on racing on the ring road. Although these claims were rejected, Arnoldas Šimaitis, a woman’s representative and an assistant attorney, told Delfi that she was preparing for a new stage of litigation.

What is the basis of the requests to prohibit runners from organizing competitions and trainings on the only track of this type?

The preventive complaint addressed to the Vilnius District Court establishes that the Public Institution “National Ring” carries out dangerous activities, i. on a car racing track next to the applicant’s home, without a health protection zone, he conducts auto racing competitions and training in that sport.

The document establishes that there are three routes in total: two small ones, which do not represent a danger, and the 3350 meters long large route, next to which, on the inside of the route, is the farm of R. Dargužienė .

It is also claimed that the cars that circulate on the race track pollute the environment and make a lot of noise, the race car that escapes from the track destroys the property, representing a real danger to the health and life of two members of the family who live in the area of ​​the track. The danger is said to be real, as two incidents have already occurred during which the property of R. Dargužienė was damaged by € 6,000, otherwise € 1,700 for his brother’s property.

Rinalds Rizovs

Rinalds Rizovs

© RD Photo

However, the most important argument is the constant danger for both the farm resident and the athletes themselves.

“It is not possible to enter and leave your home safely during sports races and regular training, the farm on the track is not safe because there is no noise barrier, traffic light, tunnel or viaduct that allows four residents of the farm, including a schoolgirl, to enter and leave their home, and protection against solid particles of gasoline and exhaust gases is not guaranteed, a sanitary protection zone has not been formed “, – write the defendants, members of the” National Ring “to the city of Kaunas and to the municipalities of the district and to the Department of Physical Education and Sports in a request addressed to him.

The Court of First Instance dismissed this action and declared that the wrongly chosen defendants were shareholders of Nacionalinis žiedas. A similar decision was made by the Vilnius Regional Court, which examined the applicant’s appeal on March 17 of this year.

Commenting on this decision, A. Šimaitis, an assistant attorney representing R. Dargužienė, said he was preparing for the next stage of court disputes: he would continue to request a ban on racing on the track, only this time he would file a lawsuit. against the public institution that administers the Nemunas Ring.

Lithuanian drift championship stage on the Nemunas ring road

Lithuanian drift championship stage on the Nemunas ring road

© Andrius Laucius

The chief of the Ring of Nemunas also recognized that danger existed.

“A person cannot go against the public interest, the person who does it must be very naive.” This is probably the opinion of very cunning lawyers who want to “rape” an elderly woman’s property, “said Arūnas Samochinas, who headed the National Ring and recently left office.

Still, he acknowledged that there can be no abode within the race track, where residents have to cross a highway with cars and motorcycles running at a speed of approximately 180 kilometers per hour to get home.

You can only guess what consequences would be expected when a race car running at tremendous speed collides with another. Obviously, if a motorcycle or car traveling at such speed obstructs a person, there would be no chance for that person to survive.

Admittedly, a remote controlled gate was installed some time ago, so with the exception of farm residents, it would no longer be necessary to keep track. However, this does not solve fundamental security problems.

“It just came to our attention then. When the competition takes place, a security guard is always on duty at the place where R. Dargužienė lives. However, it is only during the competition, and training on the track is basically all the days ”, admitted A. Samochin.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

Ways to solve the problem: build a viaduct, dig a tunnel or buy a farm

Upon examining R. Dargužienė’s claim in court, feedback from the “National Ring” was received, clearly indicating that his home was planned to be redeemed.

In preparation for the reconstruction of the route in 2018, an environmental impact assessment was carried out, which is being carried out, among other things, on this farm.

“The proposals presented offer alternatives to reduce this impact: the installation of acoustic barriers and the safe entry or eviction of the population through the rescue of buildings and land. Regarding the latter issue, a letter of intent was signed with the plaintiff on January 9, 2018, whereby the plaintiff and the State enterprise Nacionalinis žiedas agreed that the plaintiff’s farm should be redeemed, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania discussed the allocation of funds.

The head of the “National Ring” assured that there was no real promise to install a viaduct or embankment to enter the farm within the route. According to him, these are just theoretical considerations when preparing a project and deciding what would be cheaper: buying a house or installing extremely expensive buildings.

“It just came to our attention then. A letter of intent was signed with R. Dargužienė that his property would be redeemed. Whose money, municipalities or ministries will do this, then it is not detailed.

If we want this track to finally flourish and attract investment, the most realistic way to renew it is through a concession. In my deep conviction, no dealership will consider investing when there are two private plots inside, ”said A. Samochin.

Still, the deal was not made. A. Samochin mentioned that it was agreed to pay about 200 thousand. However, in his opinion, the plan was thwarted by a woman’s lawyers.

A. Šimaitis, an assistant attorney representing R. Dargužienė, categorically denied the allegations to take over the client-managed property. He mentioned that the woman would agree to move into a home of the same quality. According to the lawyer, the woman’s farm is worth about 250 thousand. euros


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

They also disagreed with the price of a private forest.

Shortly after, Mr. Samochin clarified that the negotiated transaction had not taken place due to a change in circumstances. After the liquidation of the owner of the race track, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, his rights and duties were assumed by the Lithuanian Sports Center.

“Now nobody will offer him that money, so I am calm. I think the only real way is to wait for the decision of the municipality of Kaunas district to take their property for the needs of society. Then you pay as much as the market price” said A. Samochin.

A. Šimaitis, an assistant lawyer representing R. Dargužienė and preparing a new lawsuit for the track managers, assured that in this case it is not legally possible to bring a private home to the needs of society. Otherwise, according to the lawyer, this procedure would have been carried out a long time ago.

The farm surrounded by the race track is not the only “key” in the Ring of Nemunas renovation plans. Next to the farm there is a forest that belongs to A. Karazija.

The former head of the “Nacionalinis žiedas” institution, which manages the race track, recalled that in July 2014, A. Karazija, nephew of V. Landsbergis, who was living in Australia at the time and periodically arrived in Lithuania, submitted a request. This time the possibility of exchanging his property was discussed, but it was decided how much to pay.

When A. Karazija left for Australia, according to A. Samochin, a relative took care of his affairs.

“I contacted her, she made an offer to sell for 0.5 million euros. We said that, from our point of view, this is not a real market price and everything is very quiet. So, regarding the plot of A. Karazija, everything is very uncertain, “said A. Samochin.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

He sees that the only way out is to sell the forest to the state

When Delphi’s portal contacted A. Karazija, who had returned to Lithuania from Australia, and asked him what he was going to do with the forest on the race track, he just sighed. He admitted not only that he could not make full use of his property, but also sell it.

“At first I couldn’t even come up with my arguments. I had to negotiate easements through the ministries to get there in two places. And if there is a race, it is impossible to enter,” said A. Karazija.

He said he didn’t see access to his property, so he was looking for someone to buy it from. Although the land near the prestigious settlement called Kačerginė is valuable, there are still no buyers.

“Who will buy in a place where it is unclear what the future holds for the track,” Karazija said, noting that he was following posts about the track’s uncertain future and interest group disagreements.

He recognized that this was probably the only real possibility for the state running the race track to buy him this land.

“There is a lot to do with this plot, especially in winter. Part of the plot is quite flat terrain, if a summer stage is installed here, the concerts could take place there. There are all kinds of things that can be done, but somehow nobody cares.

The track directors called me several times while I was still living abroad. Once I made them an offer, I said, they know it’s a low price. But there was no talk of buying, they said they had no money. They probably verified if I still exist, if it is already possible to excavate that plot or not, ”A. Karazija told Delfi portal.

He assured that the track is unique, not available in any of the Baltic states, and once an investor is found, this place can be organized and attract brokers from all over Europe.

“It just came to our attention then. I have to talk to me, that woman about buying. Especially since she had previously categorically refused to move. If she now agrees to do so, it is already a big step forward,” said A. Karazija, the owner of the forest. surrounded by the route of the ring of Nemunas.

“Ring Challenge”

© Egidijus Babelis

Looking for an investor and who will buy private property is unclear

Circular road, more than 70 hectares of land owned by the state. It is administered by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, whose representatives have a decisive voice in the National Ring.

In a response to Delfi’s portal, ministry representatives mentioned that the race track would be renovated by attracting a dealership, but several different procedures had to be done before that.

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports argues that it is necessary to preserve an integrated track and that it works well as an important sports object in the country.

The government agreed that the “Nemunas Ring” race track will be renewed through a concession. The Lithuanian Sports Center was instructed to prepare the necessary documents. Pursuant to the Concessions Law, to announce a tender for a concession, the Central Project Agency must prepare and evaluate an investment project. Other steps defined in the legislation are also foreseen: public consultation with interested parties, project coordination, announcement of acquisitions, etc.

All procedures would take about two years. After the announcement of the concession and the selection of the winner, the route is expected to be renewed within 2.5 years, “said the representatives of the ministry.

How will the problem be solved when there is still property owned by people on the race track? Are you considering redeeming this property from the owners?

Ministry representatives answered these questions smoothly, with instructions that this issue will be addressed.

“Contact is maintained with the owners. It has not yet been decided whether the private properties will be redeemed by the state or not because we do not have an exact price that is acceptable to both the owner and the state. In any case, private holdings (issue – aut. Past) are on the agenda, it will be resolved, ”said representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports on the Delfi website.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

Kaunas will sell his share at auction

Commenting on this situation, Vilija Žukaitytė, representative of the municipality of Kaunas district, shareholder of Nacionalinis žiedas, stated that the municipality is interested in the only modern circular race track in Lithuania to be renovated, modern and regularly organize various activities for the public: competitions and sporting events.

“One of the most important tasks of a public institution is to find an investor who can rebuild the race track. Realizing this, in 2019 the Municipality of the Kaunas District assigned 135 thousand LTL to the Public Institution Nacionalinis žiedas. for the preparation of the technical design of the route, as well as for small works to improve the route. In addition, the municipality constantly supports the events taking place in the Nemunas ring for the public, “said the representative of the municipality of the Kaunas district.

Who will manage this track and how the future expects it has become even more uncertain, since the Municipality of Kaunas has declared that it is selling the rights of a shareholder of the Public Institution “Nacionalinis žiedas” and will withdraw from its activities. This decision was made by the Municipal Council of the city of Kaunas.

The municipality of Kaunas indicated that it was the one with the greatest burden and financial burden and complained about the inaction of the other two interested parties: the district municipality and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

“This year, we have not seen any impetus from other stakeholders to modernize the race track.” When we established the public body, we agreed to contribute equally to the maintenance and renovation of this route, but the reality turned out to be different. We believe that it would be more convenient to concentrate activities in one hand, and not between three interested parties ”, Vilius Šiliauskas, director of the Administration of the Municipality of Kaunas, advocated the decision to withdraw from the National Ring.


Ring of Nemunas race track

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The new head of the National Ring was the basketball player Ž. Sixth

The municipality of Kaunas claims to be the only actor that so far has fully fulfilled its obligations: in the last year, 200 thousand LTL have been allocated to improve the infrastructure and safety of the race track. EUR. A technical route reconstruction project was also carried out and an investment project was presented to the state investment program.

“However, no further attention and funding was received from state institutions,” states the report of the City of Kaunas Department of Public Relations.

As the shareholders of the public institution that administers the Ring of Nemunas changed, its director also changed. After A. Samochin resigned, basketball player Žygimantas Šeštokas was named in his place at the shareholders’ meeting.

He did not comment on the Delfi portal about the future of this race track, the search for an investor and the redemption of private land and farms, he mentioned that the employment formalities are still being resolved and that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the situation.

“Ring Challenge”

© Egidijus Babelis

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