Extraordinary Azanov revealed behind the scenes of the work: some of those who did not face it


The guest of the program says that he has always wanted to help people in some way and leave something behind on this earth, that is why all his activities are focused on helping people who cannot find a way out, looking for different opportunities and answers.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Extraordinary Azanov revealed behind the scenes of the work: some of those who did not face it

Sometimes, according to him, a few simple words are enough, it will be good, so that a person who believes in them begins to heal. However, health and other important things on this earth also depend on the person himself, how he is for himself and those around him.

Homeowners and restless souls are part of the job

V. Azanov has repeatedly encountered manifestations of otherworldly life – people tortured by noisy alien forces at night, calling a parapsychologist for help, so he will tell the audience about this mysterious side of his work, which is terrifying for many who have not found it.

Unexpectedly turning on the television itself, electricity, flying saucers, which, according to the parapsychologist, can be the work of pets or dead souls, and there are reasons for everything.

The souls of the dead are aggressive, entangled between two worlds, so V. Azanov always asks them if they need help. Hearing a positive response shows lost souls the way to that world so that they can finally find peace and allow the living to

Viewers of the show will also hear about the poltergeists, the reasons for their existence, and how the dead turn into those restless souls who wander between the two worlds.

The world of women

Karma and past lives

“There is karma, there are no karmic points. This is a very complex subject, not everyone can understand karmic things, it may not be necessary. This is an intangible philosophy, ”says the parapsychologist, who believes that bad actions will not respond in any way in this life, but in another, necessarily, through various physical disabilities and other calamities. When the host of the show, Kristina Rimienė, asks if he knows how it was in their past lives, the psychic does not hide that it is not a secret from him.

The parapsychologist has seen many of his past lives, in one of them he was a herbalist, an expert, so he guesses that from that life he gets information on herbal medicine, isoteric.

“In the next life I will try to change my role, I wanted to become a photojournalist, an artist, maybe this is how my soul will go. After all, it is not interesting to follow the same path a second time. As far as I’ve come, that’s enough for me. I want to be a good painter like Picasso, Michelangelo, Van Gogh ”, says the parapsychologist, in whose life painting already occupies an extremely important place.

“Everything is in us, in our souls: a calm soul is a calm life,” says the parapsychologist himself, who lives by this attitude.

A bouquet that emits light and gives smiles

As the days get shorter and the dark season prevails, we all want to be as bright as possible, so the host of the show, floristic designer K. Rimienė, will talk about the colors: bright, inspiring and enchanting of beauty in the “Floristic dessert” section. It is these flowers that the florist will create when making a bouquet – purple, lilac, exuding life and beauty.

From these colored flowers and feathers reminiscent of feathers, a feminine, colorful and bright bouquet will be born, and every spectator of the show will want to smile.

“World by Women” – Sundays at 10 pm on TV3!
