Experts urge Lithuania to prepare for the influx of migrants from Belarus


According to A. Sipavičienė, as the situation worsens, a crisis of the magnitude that Europe faces when massive flows of immigrants move across the Mediterranean cannot be ruled out.

“Opening borders and indirectly encouraging third-country nationals to enter the EU illegally is one of the threats and blackmail measures,” said A. Sipavičienė in a hot topic on 15/15.

“It is easier to stop this migration from the country of departure. If Belarus starts to stop or even organize, there is a bigger problem here,” said the expert.

According to A. Sipavičienė, the behavior of Belarus can be compared to the increasing blackmail by the Turkish or Libyan authorities, that they can open the doors to immigrants to southern Europe via the Mediterranean.

Support may be needed

According to A. Sipavičienė, if the black scenario were to become a reality, Lithuania would probably have to ask for the support of other European countries, because suddenly it would be difficult to install special centers or hotels.

“In 2015, when the so-called Mediterranean crisis occurred and when a large number of migrants flocked to Western Europe, this burden had to be shared by all. This time, we will probably also have to share if the flow is massive. ”Said A. Sipavičienė.

There will be many who try to cross the border illegally

Speaking of the Belarusians themselves fleeing the repression, the expert pointed out that it is increasingly difficult for the regime to expel these people from the country, so they are forced to seek other ways, trying more and more often to enter Lithuania crossing the border in wooded areas.

“Legally, obstacles are created for them to leave, so there may be many who try to cross the border illegally,” said A. Sipavičienė.

The expert also requested the participation of non-governmental organizations in the preparation process.

Is Lithuania preparing?

– If an unpredictable neighbor takes an even more dire action and an unprecedented situation arises, are you preparing?

– Maybe getting ready, but if I’m ready, I will allow myself to hesitate. It cannot host any center or hotel where it can accommodate large numbers of refugees. When the Mediterranean crisis began in 2015, there was a large influx of migrants to Western Europe, there was talk of the willingness to share the burden. One of the things Lithuania will have to do is try to share the load with other countries so that they too share the flow if it is very massive and large.

You need to have an alternative hosting plan, alternative catering. We also have non-governmental organizations that provide assistance to refugees, so it would be useful to include them in the plan of what to do with the meals, with registration. After all, people can run without documents, they need to be identified, registered, needs clarified, sometimes they need health services, sometimes medical.

– Imagine the need to accept fugitives from Belarus today. How much could Lithuania accept people under the current conditions?

– At present, newcomers to the Pabradė Alien Registration and Rukla Refugee Registration Centers are admitted as standard. They can be expanded a bit, but the possibilities are small. The Lithuanian Red Cross and Caritas provide alternative assistance and accommodation. In case of massive things, hotels, dormitories, temporary housing could be used. I believe that the Food Bank and the entire non-governmental sector should participate here. There would really be something to do if it was something massive.
