Experts: Lithuania will have to strengthen counterintelligence for Belarus


Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas 15 minutes confirmed that a larger NATO-allied force is currently concentrated in Lithuania, but this is due to the ongoing exercise “Iron Wolf” and not to Minsk’s behavior.

“As for the situation with respect to the aircraft, there were no changes in the level of surveillance,” the minister explained.

The “Iron Wolf” exercise in Lithuania started on May 18 and will continue until the end of the month.

Border protection

G. Česnakas, a professor at the General Jonas Zemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy, says that Lithuania will have to respond to A. Lukashenko’s threats.

“On Wednesday, Lukashenko said that he would no longer prevent migrants and drugs from crossing the border.

This includes an important part of border protection, but when it comes to border security from a military point of view, I would say that there will never be very few allied forces in Lithuania, ”said the expert.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Giedrius Česnakas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Giedrius Česnakas

G. Česnakas says that he will not doubt that Lithuania will have to strengthen its counterintelligence capabilities, taking into account Minsk’s threats to opposition activists living abroad.

“What happened to the Belarusian journalist and the continuous threats against opponents of the regime who also live in other countries are a threat. I believe that the Lithuanian counterintelligence institutions will definitely take more responsibility and pay more attention to this area, ”commented the political scientist.

Shrubs for the West

According to G. Česnakas, A. Lukashenko can act to demonstrate its importance to Western countries.

“Lukashenko often liked to show publicly that Belarus is of great help to Western countries, and first of all to Lithuania and Poland, in stopping the flow of immigrants to Europe.

The declaration that it will not stop migrants and drugs is an attempt to show that if it does not “befriend” him, Belarus will not prohibit factors that could slightly destabilize the situation both in Europe and abroad, “said the expert. .

“Scanpix” / AP nuotr./Aliaksandras Lukašenka

The movement must not stop

G. Česnakas was skeptical about the possibility of closing the state border with Belarus.

“There are many Lithuanians living in Belarus. There are many Belarusians studying here at the European Humanities University (EHU). They also have relatives in the neighboring country.

Such a border closure would be unlikely due to human factors.

However, it is very likely that business opportunities will become more difficult and part of the transport will be diverted by the growing restrictions in the economic sphere, ”added the expert.

Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė announced on Thursday that border security with Belarus will be strengthened as much as possible.

She says she has instructed the management of the State Border Guard Service to immediately plan actions and procedures to ensure the rapid implementation of border surveillance systems.
