Expert: Most of the population is likely to receive a different dose of the vaccine.


An expert on justice and public administration reforms spoke about this on Thursday on the “Delfi rytas” program.

“It just came to our attention then. It has pros and cons, and that raises questions from a medical point of view. It will be difficult for politicians to convince people not just once, but later. However, I think the situation continues. being quite critical, so it is to be hoped that citizens are ready to continue participating and that everyone will try to get out of this crisis together ”, said D. Vitkauskas.

According to him, most people in the EU have been vaccinated in Denmark; more than 75% have received at least one dose of the vaccine in the country. population.

“In Lithuania, these numbers are not that good, but they are increasing. I think the passport of opportunities and the discussion about how and who will be able to use it really influences that process,” commented the expert.

Vaccination at Eurovaistina

Vaccination in Eurovaistina

© Photo of the organization

In Lithuania, as he noted, around 58% of patients have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. population.

“This is not the Danish level, but it is definitely not bad compared to our neighbors, the Poles and Estonians themselves. If we look at the EU level anyway, most countries have already reached or will reach at least 60 % limit. All of this has been achieved before the children have been vaccinated. As a result, I think it is likely that 70% will be achieved, but the question remains whether that 70% will be enough, “said D. Vitkauskas.

The third dose, updated and adapted to combat the varieties?

The interlocutor of the program said that the effectiveness of vaccines decreases over time, in addition to the appearance of strains of the virus.

“As a result, it makes sense to do the third dose, then do the vaccination process at least at the beginning on a regular basis,” said D. Vitkauskas.

Asked about the idea of ​​“mixing” vaccines – permission to vaccinate with doses from different manufacturers, D. Vitkauskas stated that this is how solutions and a difficult situation are sought.

“Everything is going very fast and politicians must show the public that there is some answer and you can say that the tail is a whining dog, politicians are whining experts.” Neither the European Medicines Agency nor the manufacturers themselves say that the vaccines should be mixed or that another dose of the same first-generation vaccine should be administered, but politicians have the resources to do something. This gave rise to the idea of ​​mixing the vaccine between the first and second doses and giving the third dose of the same first-generation vaccine to the most vulnerable groups, ”said the Expert in Public Administration and Justice Reform.

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, as noted by D. Vitkaust, only people with immune problems and the elderly will receive the third dose first. Such a practice, he said, was first introduced in Israel.

Expert: Most of the population is likely to receive a different dose of the vaccine.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“Politicians have developed this strategy to this day, but to date it has not been proven that this strategy is not working. I think it is logical that Lithuania, step by step, is trying to do something to vaccinate at least the most vulnerable groups for the third time, ”said D. Vitkauskas.

He stressed that vaccine manufacturers are already developing improved vaccines that can overcome mutations in the virus.

“If we talk about Pfizer and Moderna, which work on the basis of mRNA, it is much easier for them to play around and produce new variants. Both Moderna and Pfizer have already produced a variety of new vaccine cocktails today that respond to all variants of the vaccine. known viruses today. “They can launch them quickly, but vaccines are not a laugh, there are processes for that,” said the interlocutor.

However, he said he believed the improved vaccine could hit the market as early as this year.

“I think it will be possible in winter,” said D. Vitkauskas.

According to him, this is the reason why experts call for the third most vaccinated group to be vaccinated with existing vaccines for the third time, and for everyone else to wait for an improved version of the vaccine.

Will we have a “supervaccine”?

D. Vitkauskas also pointed out that the spread of the delta strain highlighted one aspect: children can become infected and become ill with coronavirus.

“Delta has shown that children are sick too. Sure, it’s bad, it’s scary, but on the other hand, the latest trump card and argument was taken from the lips of vaccine skeptics who said that children were not sick and there were no problems. No, children are sick and children under 12 are also sick, young children are sick, they are dying. Delta has shown us that they will also have to be vaccinated, ”said the expert.

Dovydas Vitkauskas

Dovydas Vitkauskas

© Amenine Archive

COVID-19 vaccines have not yet been approved for children under the age of 12.

“The only thing we can do in the family is create that cocoon and protect the children by vaccinating ourselves. (…) It is to be hoped that after all the tests, the vaccine will appear and the responsible parents will begin to vaccinate their children ”, said D. Vitkauskas.

The expert also said that Moderna has announced the development of a vaccine that will combat not only the coronavirus, but also other upper respiratory diseases, including influenza.

“There will be a cocktail once a year, a supervaccine that will help people to protect themselves not only from the fight, and I think that in this sense, convincing people will be easier,” continued D. Vitkauskas.

The idea of ​​a passport of opportunity also follows other countries

A participant in the program also said that the government is working in every way possible to combat the pandemic.

“Lithuania was one of the first countries to introduce the concept of a passport of opportunity. Recall that it has existed in Lithuania since May. Emotions may be high now because of this, but the approach itself is not new.

Expert: Most of the population is likely to receive a different dose of the vaccine.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Most EU countries are already copying this approach or will copy it and think about it. I believe that the restriction of consumption, depending on whether a person has been vaccinated or not, will definitely be maintained in the near future and is the best tool that the government can use ”, said D. Vitkauskas.

At the same time, according to him, companies can also contribute to increasing vaccination volumes.

“More initiatives can be expected from companies. It is very gratifying that there are Lithuanian companies already paying bonuses to employees to get vaccinated. It is gratifying that companies are not tackling this problem of employee skepticism like a simple hammer of nails. and participating in massive layoffs, a sensitive issue. People should be persuaded and encouraged rather than punished. Therefore, flexible solutions should be expected from the business, “added the expert.

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