Expert: Global immunity can be achieved in September, but there are several conditions


– What makes the president believe that he will be able to vaccinate Mindauginiai? 70 percent. Lithuanian populationand why didn’t that happen?

– First of all, setting goals is good, look strategically too. There is no need to reprimand the president for this, but it is necessary to consider whether the plans were realistic. If not, what could we have done better strategically to make it so? We are quite far from the goal at the moment.

Slightly less than 40 percent fully vaccinated. population. Just over 46 percent received at least one vaccine. In my opinion, if other political decisions of the government are correct and we get more solidarity from companies and society, we could expect a breakthrough.

– What mistakes did the government make in the vaccination advertising campaign?

– A more understandable communication from the Ministry of Health (SAM) was lacking. In this case, the municipalities communicated in a language that was more understandable, clearer, more delicate and understood by the people. Communication from the ministry was technical, sometimes too focused on certain risks. Yes, you need to educate people about the risks, but you need to assess the extent of these risks.

I am convinced that the passport of opportunities is a good solution, it has helped to achieve a better result. I can confirm this objectively by comparing the results obtained with neighboring Estonia, which we love and always compare. In Estonia, 10-15% a smaller proportion of the population has received the first vaccination.

I also agree that expecting people to rush to get vaccinated in the summer is unrealistic. One of the reasons for this is the remaining passport privileges after quarantine. The main thing is to attend massive events. There will be people who will be vaccinated because of this, but it is not expected that there will be a large number.

It is also relevant that SAM controls the vaccination process of people who relapse. Those who were ill were allowed to do so after 180 days, now the deadline has been extended to 210 days. The ministry could encourage people and allow vaccination regardless of this period. Vaccines are available for those who want to get vaccinated. According to e-health data, there are around 250 thousand. population.

– Do I understand this situation correctly? Is this a problem scheduled in the fall when the virus is expected to spread?

– There is a risk and we see it even in countries that are at the forefront of vaccination. I also have no doubt that we will have new strains of the virus in the fall. They are more prevalent, people are really sick, of course there are far fewer deaths, which is good evidence that vaccines are working, but we are still far from the seventy percent dreamed of by experts, which the president also spoke about. .

Let’s not forget that the main objective of the vaccine is not protection against a positive coronavirus test, the objective is to protect against symptoms such as death or serious illness and its treatment in hospitals. This is what must be communicated so that there is no fear of vaccines.

VIDEO: 15/15: why G. Nausėda’s wish to vaccinate 70 percent was not fulfilled. people to Mindauginiai

– How do you value lotteries or various gifts in exchange for vaccines?

Lotteries are becoming a popular practice. Pioneer in the state of Ohio in the United States. Not a single country in Europe applies it anymore, even Bulgaria, which has the worst results in the statistics table, plans to do so. Greece recently announced that it will provide a benefit of 150 euros to young people between 18 and 25 years old. The country is thus facing two problems, promoting vaccination and paying money to young people with unemployment problems.

There is not such a critical situation in Lithuania, when money must be paid out of the budget, but the lottery itself is really a great motivation.

I would also like to believe more in business participation. American practice shows that it works, and in Lithuania I see no reason why companies cannot be responsible for allocating part of the budget to employees in exchange for vaccination.

– It is not necessary to persuade people who want to get vaccinated, but how to reach an audience that does not believe in the benefits of vaccination, and the lottery talk is accompanied by skepticism that vaccines are so dangerous that they even offer money for? they?

– The New York Times recently published analytical information stating that mRNA-type vaccines, the equivalent of Moderna and Pfizer, are likely to last a lifetime.

So far this is just an assumption made by scientists, there is still not enough data objectively, but it is a very good sign.

There will not be a situation that many people talk about, which is another flu shot that will be needed every year. The immunity created by vaccines will be sustainable. This is the easiest way to persuade the so-called light skeptical.

In other cases, where it is more difficult to prove benefits, financial incentives or benefits may be offered to those residents. And, of course, communication about the effectiveness of vaccines. It should be the government’s primary communication tool – vaccines work better than any other form of immunity we know of today.

If all goes well in the fall, in September, with the arrival of new strains of the virus, the public will become more disciplined, I hope we get closer to 70 percent. the goal of a vaccinated society, but so far today everything seems quite distant.
