Exotic insurance: Lithuanians could be one of the first tourists in Sakartvele


The country successfully facing the COVID-19 pandemic has also received worldwide attention. The tourism website of the best European destinations of the European Commission has published Tbilisi in the safest travel direction, including the country’s Batumi spa on the TOP20 list. Having decided to present itself to the world as the safest destination, the country has also received the attention of foreign publications such as The Washington Post and Lonely Planet.

“It is the refined, safe and at the same time more comfortable environment that Sakartvel offers its guests. I think that, together with our unique nature, mountain and sea resort, exclusive cuisine, places of interest, excellent potato wine, a safe environment it will be one of the most important criteria that will further stimulate interest in our country, “he said in an interview with 15 minutes Sakartvelas’ ambassador to Lithuania, Levan Gvachliani, was waiting.

It seems that such a rapid reaction from the country to changes in the travel sector and the adaptation of tourism policy is already paying off: Sakartvelas is also becoming even more attractive in the direction of Lithuanians.

“Sakartvelas has always been a favorite direction of the Lithuanians: interest is always stable, but we felt a slight increase in inquiries after Tbilisi was placed in the safe post-covid address list – 15 minutes said Gabrielė Štaraitė, the head and co-owner of travel organizer Travel Planet.

“So far, Sakartwell is one of the first exotic countries planning to open its doors to foreign travelers, so even those who have already been there are considering re-entering this country.”

Called the safest address

“Our country began the fight against the virus early, declared a state of emergency and all resources were mobilized,” said Ambassador Guachliani. According to him, the successful results were achieved due to three reasons: the understanding and solidarity of the people themselves, the hard work of the medical sector and the appropriate actions of state institutions.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ambassador of Sakartvelas in Lithuania Levanas Gvachliani

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ambassador of Sakartvelas in Lithuania Levanas Gvachliani

Sakartvelas is one of the first exotic countries it plans to open, so even those who have already been there are considering returning to this country, says G. Štaraitė.

More than 3.7 million Only slightly more than 800 cases of COVID-19 were reported in a country with a population of 85%. recovered patients. “I think these numbers are a testament to the success that Sakartwell has achieved in fighting the virus,” said the ambassador.

The country is also learning important lessons from the crisis to the tourism sector. Travelers are very important to the country: the tourism sector represents 11.5%. GDP, employs about 150 thousand. people. “Tourism is one of the most important and growing sectors in Sakartvele, which is actually considered the backbone of our economy,” said the ambassador to Lithuania.

Photo from 123rf.com/Sakartvelas

Photo from 123rf.com/Sakartvelas

More than 9 million people visited the country last year. tourists, and in the wake of its disruption, Tbilisi quickly took steps to rescue the tourism business, receiving multimillion-dollar support.

Last but not least, the vast experience gained by the tourism sector during the crisis. According to the country’s Minister of Economy, Natela Turnava, during the crisis, 83 hotels provided quarantine services to more than 19,000 people. people.

“It can already be said that the tourism sector has successfully adapted to new circumstances,” said L. Guachliani. “Specific guidelines have been developed and are being implemented for all segments of the tourism industry in order to maximize the health of tourists and locals, on the one hand, and avoid any inconvenience for tourists and make them feel free.”

The country has published a comprehensive list of measures to ensure the safety of travelers, from airports to swimming pools.

Lithuanians could be one of the first tourists

From June 15. The list opens domestic tourism and, from July 1, the country begins to accept tourists from abroad. It is true that not all countries will assess the prevalence of the virus in each country, and there will be negotiations between governments. Among the first countries from which tourists would be admitted, Tbilisi names Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Israel, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Greece.

“Of course, the reception of Lithuanian tourists is a priority for us. Lithuania is very successful in the fight against the virus, so I am convinced that Lithuania will be one of the first countries whose citizens will start traveling to Sakartvelas,” said L Gvachliani Last year, the number of Lithuanians traveling to Sakartvela increased by approximately 20 percent.

Before the pandemic, flights from Vilnius to Kutaisi airport were operated by Hungarian airline Wizz Air. The ambassador hoped that the negotiations with the airlines would be successfully concluded, and the air connection would resume in early July.

123rf.com photos / Tbilisi, Sacartwell

123rf.com photos / Tbilisi, Sacartwell

fresh air 15 minutes So far, it could not be said when flights could resume. “We are constantly monitoring and evaluating the current travel situation and restrictions. Wizz Air will launch as many routes as possible once the travel restrictions are lifted and there will be a need for specific routes,” said a company spokesperson.

Permission to resume flights to Sakartwell has not yet been granted. On Wednesday Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said that Air transport with third countries will be a joint decision of the European Union. “Until now, only the movement of flights within the European Union remains, without third countries,” said the prime minister.

If flights were to resume, Lithuanian tour operators would be ready to transport tourists to Sakartvelas in early July. “We also have different routes during the summer months and in September. We are ready to organize individual trips on selected dates “, – 15 minutes said G.Štaraitė, the head of Travel Planet.

Although Lithuanians are attracted to Sakartvelas for many reasons, direct flights have certainly contributed to the popularity of this address. It takes only 3 hours to fly from Vilnius to Kutaisi.

The flights could also benefit the Lithuanian economy. According to L.Gvachliani, Lithuania and Sakartvelas are connected by exceptional cooperation, social and cultural ties, therefore communication between countries has always been very active. “Our citizens have always considered Lithuania an interesting and desirable address. Kartvelis really likes Trakai, the Palanga, Nida spas,” he said.

You will have to do tests

The tourist will not only need to buy tickets, but will also have to decide how to prove to Sakartwell that he will not bring COVID-19 infection. There will be two options: either before the trip, no more than 72 hours before, to obtain a negative answer in your own country; or take a test upon arrival at Sakartwell. Both options will probably cost the traveler.

In Lithuania, the test can be performed in private clinics, the cost of a coronavirus test ranges from 70 to 80 euros.

There will also be opportunities for the traveler to take the exam at Sakartwell Airport. The traveler will then be transferred to a quarantine hotel, where they will await a response. Must be received within 24 hours.

Under the current plan, the tourist himself would cover the costs of the test, safe transportation, and the hotel. The ambassador, however, said that this provision is still under consideration, there is no final decision yet.

The tourist will also be required to have health insurance that covers the cost of treatment with COVID-19. Admittedly, such an acquisition can be challenging. As such bans emerge, those who plan to travel in the future, insurers BNS said. unable to offer such services – In the case of coronavirus disease in the European Union (EU), the costs could be covered with a European health card and, outside the EU, the cost of the disease would be the responsibility of the travelers themselves.

You will need to take a COVID-19 test, either in your home country or at Sakartwell airport.

“Although some regulations may seem inconvenient, on the one hand, it serves the general interests of ensuring health and a safe environment,” said Guachliani.

What innovations await travelers?

So while tourists will likely still have to incur additional costs, prices in the tourism sector itself should not rise. According to the ambassador, state support for the tourism sector will not allow prices to rise.

“Sakartwell’s tourism industry is very diverse, so prices for service packages may also be different, but we don’t expect them to grow.” As in the previous year, Sakartwell will continue to be very competitive in terms of prices and available to our guests, “he explained.

Tbilisi, by the way, was recently Declared one of the cheapest cities for emigrants, taking into account housing rental, transportation and other costs.

The card will be subject to the same security measures as in other countries: it is recommended to use masks in the facilities, to maintain a distance, the temperature is measured in certain designated places, there will be no buffet breakfast in hotels, etc.

G.Štaraitė stated that the previously planned Travel Planet program for travel around Sakartvelas did not need to be changed due to COVID-19, but more rules for safe travel will appear. “Maintain distances on the bus, disinfection, temperature measurements, etc.,” he said. – As before the pandemic, we organize small group trips of up to 12-14 people. It also provides additional security for travelers. “

The country will also offer an innovation: “Green Tourism Zones”, where services will be provided in accordance with the highest security measures.

These will be isolated places, recreational areas with a wide variety of outdoor activities. For example, a hotel located in that area will only be accessible to hotel guests, it will have access to a rapid test for COVID-19, medical personnel on duty, etc.

Where to go and what to try in Sakartvele?

“Lithuanians love Sakartvela because of the wide variety of options, – 15 minutes said the head of Travel Planet. – This country attracts lovers of the city and nature, gastronomy and wine. Tbilisi and Batumi are dynamic and fast growing cities with a wealth of historical sites and attractions. Nature lovers are captivated by the panorama of the Caucasus Mountains, snow-capped peaks and the highest villages in Europe. “

According to G.Štaraitė, summer is especially suitable to visit the remote archaic traditions of the mountainous regions of Svaneti and Tušetija, where you can go hiking, admire the scenery and enjoy the pleasant freshness of the mountain. And the Black Sea beaches in Batumi and the surrounding cities invite tourists to enjoy water entertainment and recreation.

“It is important to mention that Sacartwell is one of the first countries in the world to adopt Christianity. As a result, there are many very old churches and monasteries, even a thousand and a half years old, that are often found in scenic areas, ”said the head of the tour operator.

Lithuanians are also captivated by Sakartvele’s hospitality, friendliness and special love for Lithuanians. “It is not difficult to find friends there alone on the street,” said G. Štaraitė.

Of course, Sakartwell is also fascinated by its gastronomic culture, with exclusive dishes and wines made with unique archaic local technology, as well as special table traditions. The cuisine, the wine, by the way, differs in each region of the country.

“Although Sakartwell is a small country, each region has its own unique tone. That is our uniqueness,” said the Sakartvelas ambassador to Lithuania. According to him, every time a new trip is discovered, something that has never been experienced before.

Let’s say that if your Sakartwell kitchen is associated with shashliks, kachapuri and kinkalins, when you go to Adjara you will taste and borane (a plate made of pieces of cheese floating in melted butter) and naughty (Adjara sour cream), in Svaneti – kubdari (meatloaf), in Kachet – Khashlama (meat stew).

That is why L. Guachliani offers to travel the country better with a guide or, at least, with a person who knows the local life well, then the traveler will discover all the most interesting secrets of the region.

VIDEO: 2000 km from Vilnius to Tbilisi, which he beat on foot, Niko even had to spend the night in the detention center
