Exceptional cars are born in the garage of the goldsmith Šančiai


When viewed from the outside, Aido’s garage doesn’t seem to hide fancy lexicons or Mercedes. And in fact, don’t hide. In a narrow building of only a few square meters, unique masterpieces are born that even the most advanced car manufacturers could envy.

To technology, from childhood

A middle-aged man located in a remote Kaunas district Aukštieji Šančiai spends most of his day, if not part of his life, in the garage. When health permits. If the diseased body does not remember its weakness, Eco, as he says, after catching his breath, loosens from morning to night.

“Many people think that I do it for my own entertainment or to run a business, but it is not like that. The creatives will understand me,” the interlocutor assures me. “I’ve never had standards, lines already drawn, so I take a hammer and have what I like. Man.”

The radiator was removed from the old “Pobeda”. Its thickness, diameter and capacity perfectly match the parameters of the Audi engine.

Creativity is not an empty word for Aid, especially since he is an artist by education. The skilled teacher transfers a different view of the world from his favorite canvas to the garage. Extensive experience as a car mechanic is also helpful here. Her Kaunas resident, who has been fascinated by technology since she was a child, started working as a teenager, when she began working as a locksmith with her father and later took up other auto repair jobs in his service. Over the course of 20 years, you have accumulated a vast body of knowledge that enables you not only to understand the basic laws of engineering, geometry, and other fields, but also to improvise with confidence.

The solution: the Honda engine built into the bottom of the breath is quite sufficient, as the car weighs only 900 kg. / Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

Put a breather in the dush

When asked to show his work, Aidas starts with the latest project. Although he himself says that a name has not yet been invented for him, his followers on social networks called the car Black Black. Why black, since it is light, because it is painted dark. “But why sigh?” I ask the teacher. Eidas shook his head when he heard my suggested versions.

“Certainly not by the name of the lake and not by the water beetle, nor by the popular description of the soul – sighs. As a child they called me Aidūsia, and anyway, Dūsia comes out,” laughs the interlocutor.

The “round” of classic round shapes that fits in the garage is reminiscent of WWII cars or even an older display from the limousine collection of famous American gangster Alo Capone. But only until you open the hood. Underneath is a real beast taken from an Audi A8 limousine. The 4.2 l, 225 kW power unit easily supports the weight of the car: approximately 1.2 t of metal.

Improvise without drawings

Metal is the main material from which the Echo takes the forms it needs. The master bends each corner with his own hands. What is even more unique is that he does not do it from drawings but from memory.

Beauty – An attractive car interior is also exceptional. / Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

“I mean the image I want to see and I’m trying to extract it into reality. Sometimes I look at examples online, but I don’t copy anything, but I create my own design. They already have a metal case,” said the developer.

Improvisation also has its drawbacks. Because often you have to change one or another decision and you have to redo many things.

“The problem is, I don’t have a bigger space where I can see the whole picture of the car all the time, so sometimes I have to push it out onto the street.

According to the master, one of the most difficult tasks in building a DIY car is calculating the center of gravity so that the loads are distributed correctly. The geometry of the wheels and many other things are done on a test basis, while driving, because no support can calculate the distance, the width of the chassis, the weight and the position of the engine. With a lot of practice, the frame construction becomes strong, reliable, and lightweight.

Find towns and bonfires

Aidas tries to produce all the parts or assemblies himself, because it is much cheaper than buying them. Some items or accessories must be purchased from the ebay.com business portal or from other suppliers. But most of the time you find the necessary detail in car debris or in people’s yards. The ingenious designer has adapted details from many well-known and less famous manufacturers to Black Dusk.

“It would be difficult to even list all the manufacturers whose parts are used. For example, the radiator was removed from the old Pobeda (a Soviet car made half a century ago, aut. Past). So why not use it?” the interlocutor smiles.

In search of such an old radiator, he toured several Lithuanian villages, selected several suitable ones, but they turned out to be hollow. Finally, a friend offered his own Pobeda. This one was in excellent condition and helped solve another riddle.

Thankful to the sponsors

By the way, without the help of friends, both for work and money, Aido’s miracles would not have come true. Therefore, the teacher is especially grateful to all completely unknown friends and followers who donate funds on the susimetam.lt platform or in other ways.

Help: In Aido’s words, without the support of the people, his Black Soul would remain just a dream. / Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

“I am not spoiled, so I can make a part with a simpler material, I can make simpler machines for one job or another. If I just need to work more, I do it, but there are materials that you will not manufacture So I am very grateful to people for every euro and the opportunity to continue the work started, “said the man.

The master himself invests a lot of money in the projects, for which he was forced to say goodbye to his designed and very popular sports car, with which he has repeatedly participated in the competition. He transformed it into the paint and materials of his other work.

With the support of like-minded people and Aid’s persistent work, the new project is moving quickly. The author was determined to complete it within a year, that is, by the end of this summer. The plans seem to come true.

She loves like children

Then the Black Dūsia will complement the Kaunas resident’s collection, in which a very attractive landlord, of course, named Dūsia, shines brightly. Aidas donated two years to make this beast. To obtain the best visual and functional result, the car has been redesigned perhaps four times.

The fruits of labor met expectations: a beautiful steel horse weighs only 900 kg. Its units are powered by a 2.3-liter Honda engine. Because the heart of the car has been modified by a turbine, the power can be increased up to 200 kW. This road power is registered abroad and meets all technical requirements, so it can participate in traffic without impediments.

Talents: A specialist who has been repairing cars for over 20 years has learned to do all the work himself. / Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

When asked how much he would sell his masterpieces, Aidas shakes his hand.

“These are my children. How much money can be valued for their children? There is no such money. I do not want to earn my job, but to change at least one drop of gray in my daily life and in others, to show the world that Lithuanians they are a clever and inventive nation, “he concluded.

Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis
