Every second bacteria that cause stomach acid is present – the gastroenterologist told you in which cases it should be destroyed.


– Is Helicobacter pylori contagious or congenital for life?

– I want to mention that this bacterium has accompanied humanity since time immemorial. Its oldest carrier is even 5,300 years old. Not long ago, a mummy was found in the Italian mountain glacier, in the stomach of which Helicobacter pylori was found. The bacteria is very common, claiming up to 50-60 percent. all the people in the world have it. It is very easy to get infected with it, just kiss your loved one and chances are high that you will share it. That is why this bacterium likes to live with all members of the same family. We usually receive it from our parents when we are children, after which we successfully spread it.

– We breathe with oxygen, and this bacterium breathes with chlorine, so it likes to settle where that chlorine is in the stomach. When you are hungry, it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which causes us to develop acids. Is increased acidity the main symptom of the bacteria?

– Yes, this bacterium likes acid very much and increases it. However, the symptoms can vary. The aforementioned increase in acidity often occurs, there may be stomach aches, satiety after a meal, burning. Sometimes it is just a swelling or the feeling that something is wrong. And it often doesn’t cause any symptoms.

Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori

– Maybe it’s worth investigating for everyone, do we have it? Aren’t those tests done for everyone after all?

– People experiencing symptoms should be tested. If there are no symptoms, even if the bacteria live in the stomach, it is likely calm and not causing any problems. Humanity has lived with him since the Ice Age, so he can still live in peace.

– A typical citizen of our quarantine – obese, smoker, malnourished, consuming alcohol, coffee, not sleeping due to stress. Complains of heartburn. Will Detecting Helicobacter pylori Improve Your Condition?

– Our digestion really depends a lot on eating and living habits. We eat an average of 3 times a day, so what we eat has a great impact on our health. So if you like to have strong black coffee in the morning without eating anything, skip lunch and dinner as the main course, with a nice greasy steak and a glass of beer, bacteria killing certainly won’t affect. The diet must change.

Every second bacteria that cause stomach acid is present - the gastroenterologist told you in which cases it should be destroyed.

© Shuterstock

– Yes, after all, we decided to explore, there are 3 main ways. First invasive, patients don’t like it. This is the ingestion of the “bulb”, the bacteria is detected directly. Another way is to find corpses in the feces. The third, very popular, is a blood test that shows that the body has seen the bacteria. When, where exactly and how much – I don’t know. However, this is a simple study. So which test to choose if patients are scared and want to be tested?

– The most accurate and reliable is that piece of stomach during endoscopy. Certainly, not all patients with higher heartburn need this study. In this case, I recommend doing a stool test, although it is not that much fun to add, but it is accurate enough. Blood tests are used less frequently in practice because it is very difficult to know when an infection occurred, whether it is active or not. This test is becoming less and less recommended.

– We found the bacteria. When should it be destroyed? Does everyone really need that?

– If the bacteria spoil your life, you will not need to take it further and you will need treatment. Treatment is also recommended for those who have previously had stomach or duodenal ulcers, or there are people in the family who have had stomach cancer. The treatment is not simple, they are two strong antibiotics, high doses and antacid medications. Overuse of antibiotics is also harmful. Therefore, it is very important to try and use them only when prescribed by a doctor.



– Let’s go back to a hypothetical quarantined patient with all the bad habits. Maybe if a bacterium feeds on chlorine, by reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid, the bacteria will lose nutrients and some will disappear?

– It would be nice if this normally led to that result. Antacid medications, without antibiotics, will only suppress the symptoms and the bacteria will continue to thrive. Certain foods, such as garlic, broccoli, and green tea, are recommended, claiming that they could kill bacteria, but not only improve overall well-being. It will definitely not leave the stomach so easily.

– What is the probability that, even after prescribing antibiotics after consuming your entire cycle, the bacteria will remain?

– The use of antibiotics is growing both in Lithuania and around the world, so the resistance of Helicobacter pylori to antibiotics is increasing. As a result, the course of treatment is prolonged and the amount of the drug increases. The success of treatment is also highly dependent on the location of the bacteria. It is very likely that Western European or Japanese bacteria cannot be eliminated so easily and may even require several treatments. In Lithuania, the bacteria respond well to treatment, but the situation changes every year.



– The next question is: if one family member is sick, shouldn’t he isolate himself from others and treat the whole family for Helicobacter pylori?

– No, it really shouldn’t be. We only study those with symptoms. If family members are feeling fine, nothing more needs to be done.

– And do we need to do any research after the course of treatment to know that we have actually killed the bacteria?

– Yes, it really should, just because of the growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. If the bacteria is detected during endoscopy, it is not really necessary to repeat the examination for the sole purpose of examination, a fecal examination is sufficient.

– And what are your wishes for our viewers?

– I want to keep in mind that we are a zoo with countless bacteria and Helicobacter pylori is just one of them. If you live peacefully with your bacteria, don’t look for or harm them.

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