Even young women suffer from tired skin: the doctor said what to look for


However, this problem also affects young people, for a variety of reasons: lifestyle, genetics, exposure to the sun, the work environment or a slowdown in the production of certain acids in our body. The dermatovenerologist explains why this happens and how to restore vitality and youth to the skin.

From excess sun to bad weather

Skin is our business card that reveals more about us than we would like: how old are we, if we sleep well, how do we eat, what harmful habits do we have, what diseases do we suffer or how well do we take care of them.

“The skin reflects our health, and its condition depends on many factors: age, genetics, skin diseases, the type of skin itself, its structure. The sun can cause significant damage to the skin if we abuse it and do not use it Protective creams. Our way of life also has a big impact. Incorrectly chosen cosmetics, as well as various allergies, which change the appearance of the skin, can also cause damage to the skin, “explains Indrė Šaferienė, a dermatologist at Nordclinic.

According to her, the condition of the skin also depends on the room in which we work and the climate we breathe. The most suitable for our skin would be the tropics, where, unfortunately, warm and humid, we spend most of our time in air-conditioned, air-conditioned rooms, where there is a lack of humidity and the skin dries.

Controlling all these factors that determine the condition of the skin is a difficult task, so it happens that even the skin of young people is pale, loses its luminosity or wrinkles. “It is not up to us, but we have to take care of our skin: we can reduce stress, hydrate the facilities, take good care of the skin, sleep well at night, choose whole foods,” says the doctor.

The lack of acid is reflected in the skin.

In cases where the skin needs help to obtain a fast, effective and safe result, succinic acid is widely used in dermatology and cosmetology. “Succinic acid is natural, found in certain foods, such as broccoli, rhubarb, and cheese. And most importantly, it is produced by our body.

This acid has its own cycle, during which all of the body’s energy is produced in the mitochondria. The natural cycle of succinic acid protects our body from excess oxidative, free radical reactions. However, sometimes the body lacks this acid, and then inflammation can occur, the effects of which we can also see on the skin, ”explains the dermatovenerologist.

According to I. Šaferienė, succinic acid, also called succinate, is safe and non-allergenic, it is considered a strong antioxidant. In our body, succinic acid reduces pain and inflammation, and is often used in cosmetics due to its regenerative effect.

Natural acid: a surprising effect

For those who have firm and healthy skin, succinic acid can be used prophylactically, for example, before an important vacation when radiant and beautiful skin is desired. And those with problem skin, which is more responsive to external factors, may lack succinate in the body and then need more careful skin care.

“In such cases, the combination of succinic acid with hydrating hyaluronic acid can significantly strengthen skin structure, tighten, hydrate skin, protect against increased pigmentation, eliminate signs of premature aging, stimulate elastin synthesis and collagen, “explains the dermatovenerologist.

This combination of hyaluronic acid and succinic is especially useful when the skin shows signs of fatigue, insomnia, when it is affected by the polluted city air. The combination also helps the skin heal faster after acne or melasma scars.

The effect of such a preparation is immediately visible: the skin looks rested, vibrant, radiant and hydrated. This procedure is painless and two or three times is sufficient to achieve the result. After such a course, the effect lasts for several months.

“Succinic acid, like other vitamins, is unequivocally beneficial to everyone and highly versatile, as evidenced by various clinical studies. Therefore, their need for skin depends mainly on age or gender, but on the condition and needs of the skin itself, “says I. Šaferienė.
