Even without knowing the fine, he received a money check from a sheriff – he says he has not received any warning.


“The story is funny,” Arthur said, only when contacted, and says that one day he saw that the bailiffs had deducted 53 euros from his bank account.

After beginning to explain why the money had been discounted, he said that he learned that an administrative violation had probably been recorded some time ago and that he had received a speeding ticket.

It turned out that the crime was committed in October 2020, but the most interesting thing is that the man said that he was not even married when he was not fined.

“The fine was 12 euros, because they did not penalize me, it was reduced to 6 euros. When the bailiff presented the request, it was already 53 euros, ”he calculated.

The sheriff told Arthur that the man should have found out about the fine by looking at his STI account.

“He said that’s my problem, because nobody reports or sends separate letters for minor infractions, so I didn’t get any notification about the infraction, so it’s been half a year and the STI has given my fine to the sheriffs.

The fine is insignificant but angry because I did not receive any information. After all, people generally do not register on the STI website, do not have business or indicate contacts, “he said.

Delfi contacted Irina Gavrilova, director of STI’s Non-Payment Administration, who explained the situation to her.

According to her, the resident is always informed about the offense and the fine that was imposed and the terms of its payment by the institution that imposed the fine, be it the police, municipal companies or others. and all the data for the administration of the fine are also transmitted by the STI.

«The deadlines for the payment of fines are established in the Code of Administrative Offenses (ANC).

Upon receiving said fine, the person must pay it no later than forty days and, in the event of an appeal against said decision, no later than forty days from the notification of the appeal.
dissatisfaction of the day.

According to the Tax Administration Law, the STI has the right to initiate the collection of the fine the day after the payment deadline, ”he said.

It is true, as he assured, if the resident does not pay the fine imposed on him within the specified period, before acting, the STI on its own initiative reminds the resident – it sends a notification by email, and if the resident is not the STI via email. service user, the message is also sent by regular mail, according to the resident’s registration address.

“The notification will inform the person about the non-payment of the fine on time, they will be granted an additional period of 14 days, and they will also be informed about the consequences of non-payment of the fine.

Payment is expected from the payee after notification is sent and recovery is initiated if payment is not made. The STI is obliged to transfer the recovery of the fine to the bailiffs at the latest within six months of the deadline for payment of the fine, ”said I. Gavrilova.

In case the resident has difficulties and for objective reasons cannot pay the fine within the term established by law, they have the opportunity to go to the STI with a request to defer or fix the payment of the fine.

A resident who is a user of “My STI” can find all the relevant information about the ANK fines imposed, their payment conditions, status and immediate payment here: “My STI” -> Taxpayer card -> Administrative fines.

The STI observes that residents, when paying the fines imposed on them, would pay attention and indicate the correct Administrative Sanction, Misdemeanor Identification Code (ROIK) in the special field “Unique Payment Code” of the payment order. The allocation of payments to fines is carried out automatically and, therefore, only on the basis of these data can the STI make a correct compensation of the payment.

If the fine is paid in the name of another person, it must be indicated, as does the ROIK.

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