Even a year later, the man is feeling the effects of the coronavirus – an influx of patients who have already recovered can be expected


A. Budraitis, who was infected with coronavirus, said that one day everything seems to be going well. After being in the hospital, he said, he still had three days to isolate himself.

“After that I went out for a walk and I thought the first walk would be very difficult. I took 7,000 steps at a time and I thought it was very little, I was another 10,000. It doesn’t exist

In general, my illness was probably different, because from what I lost my breath (…), I only entered the lungs and liver very quickly, etc. But after another day and when (…) I started to get back to my work rhythm, that fatigue is much greater than it was “.

He said that he recently had a very interesting day when he woke up early because he had an early conversation with a rehabilitator.

“I was ‘half alive’ all day, but at night I was in football, my team won and I didn’t feel tired anymore. I don’t know how much the fight contributes here or not, ”the sports journalist commented on his status.

Even a year later, the man is feeling the effects of the coronavirus - an influx of patients who have already recovered can be expected

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

According to him, the disease itself reminded me of the roller coaster, because he felt the symptoms on a Wednesday night and by Sunday he already thought that he would no longer need to take medicine, because he began to feel fine.

“But in the afternoons the temperature” rose “very quickly. So, and with my current state, it is very similar when everything looks good, but it is not. Yesterday, for example, was a very difficult day for me, and today It is easier. However, today I have a longer workday, so I imagine that at night I will feel “nothing” again, explained A. Budraitis.

K. Petrikonis said that first of all it must be said that any infection, especially viral, can leave a certain trace.

“We will feel such diverse symptoms for a longer or shorter period of time. Probably nothing strange here and probably this infection, which is new, (…) the body is not exposed to such an expression of the virus and therefore it can indicate various symptoms.

Such fatigue or exercise intolerance is probably one of the most common symptoms. However, it is very difficult to apply all these phenomena to everyone, because everyone who has this infection has a history of life and diseases, “said the doctor.

He also indicated that he works as a neurologist and cares for very serious patients suffering from various diseases. Therefore, it is difficult for K. Petrikonis to believe when such people endure the coronavirus infection.

“They are completely successful and are coming out of this infection. Clearly, there is that group of people who were completely healthy before the disease and who experience the symptoms listed by the speaker and a host of other symptoms.

Then you start to think, maybe you have typical symptoms of other diseases. Again there is a need to rule out postsynovial syndrome, or as we say, “rule out” other diseases that may have existed before COVID-19. “

According to K. Petrikonis, these various combinations cause a lot of confusion for physicians and require some experience for both family physicians and specialist physicians.

“The syndrome is a combination of symptoms and again, when we talk about the syndrome, there has to be more than one symptom. So there is confusion in those definitions. It also depends on the duration. If that long-term syndrome, which lasts from one month to three months, it is considered to be at least 20 percent. Feeling sick.

Then after three months, at least 10 percent. However, when you look at the research, you can see different numbers, and 50 percent. So it really depends on the group of people that is included in the study. Of course, the Lithuanian experience would also be interesting. (…) Again, we have to think that this third is such a threshold that one can roughly assume that there will be patients who will have symptoms in a month or more. Of course, over time, they will diminish and we will come out of that state. “

According to the doctor, since now the scale is huge and more than 200 thousand people are already sick or ill in Lithuania, it is still possible to expect how much will flow to various health professionals. A news radio listener shared that he had recently contracted the coronavirus, but was still struggling with exercise tolerance, and his recovery was very slow, as well as obsessive cough seizures.

Commenting on the case, K. Petrikonis said that the threshold when a person already decides to see a doctor is different for everyone.

“There could be several measurements at this point, is that condition deteriorating? If this is the case, then nothing prevents you from “sticking” to another disease (…). If you feel bad, then you really need to see a doctor. If those symptoms, in fact, limit daily activities, they can’t take care of themselves, and they need to invite someone else, that would probably be the threshold too.

It is also a very important sign if someone tells you this from the outside, (…) that you look bad or you haven’t done something. It’s also a situation that you really have to go to, because the people around you can be a little more objective. “

Even a year later, the man is feeling the effects of the coronavirus - an influx of patients who have already recovered can be expected

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Rimvydas, another listener to the Žinių radijo, said he had had a fight in February last year, but is still opening the doors of medical offices. According to the man, the consequences so far are quite sad, and last winter was tragic, as he was tormented by shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and physical labor is almost impossible.

“Immediately I feel tired, I already wake up tired.” I give “to the doctors, I do lung tests and I do not find anything tangible. I am still young, I am not 50, and I already feel like” dieduko. It seems that when you lead a simple life it’s not bad, but since I’m active and want to go back to physical work, I immediately start to run out of air and feel short of breath ”.

Petrikonis says the case shows that there will be a certain percentage of people who already have long-term exposure to coronavirus disease. Then, he added, they will be really working and doctors of the lungs, and other specialties.

“It just came to our attention then. A situation is such that this virus and inflammation not only damages those normal organs but also muscles, small nerves and innervation disorder occurs in what is already my area and what I have noticed.

So that physical fatigue and exercise intolerance can probably be related to some misalignment of other systems. If no specific disease is found, rehabilitation (go) may be required. Although no clear cause was found, on the other hand, it is perhaps gratifying that it has not been found. You always need to rehab and then there is more hope when it comes out. “

The doctor did not hide that it is still not very clear how to treat the “post-ovid syndrome” and follow the recommendations of other diseases or other experiences.

“We apply that treatment and it is very good that it is often successful. Of course, new achievements and knowledge are needed here. “

Another listener of the radijo Žinių, Matas, managed to regain her sense of smell only after three months of illness and, unfortunately, only 20% has recovered so far, although she does not feel any other permanent phenomenon.

“Once again, that history of olfactory disorders was revived during this infection. We began to pay attention to it again, because as if there was no such treatment and, except for folk remedies, various associations, sniff and try to guess. (…) There is nothing so effective and patience is needed, perhaps even reconciliation, that sometimes there will be a deficit that can be compensated with something.

Still, those basic senses are related in some way and are compatible, because if a person sees worse, he hears better and vice versa. (…) In this case, I can only wish you success and patience ”.

According to Petrikonis, the most important thing now is not to panic about a successful treatment, and the coronavirus is a difficult disease to predict, so vaccines would provide at least more certainty about how to treat.
