Eurovision Finalist Set: The Roop? | Names


Already after the first semifinal, The Roop found out during the press conference that he would appear in the second part of it. The serial number of the group representing Lithuania is now known: 18.

Sequence of performances of the grand final of Eurovision:

1. Cyprus
2. Albania
3. Israel
4. Belgium
5. Russia
6. Malta
7. Portugal
8. Serbia
9. United Kingdom
10. Greece
11. Switzerland
12. Iceland
13. Spain
14. Moldova
15. Germany
16. Finland
17. Bulgaria
18. Lithuania
19. Ukraine
20. France
21. Azerbaijan
22. Norway
23. Netherlands
24. Italy
25. Sweden
26. San Marinas

On Saturday, Eurovision fans await performances by representatives from 26 countries at the Ahoy Arena in Rotterdam, but also in 2019. winner of the Duncan Laurence song contest. He will perform two songs (one that we really know).

It is true that when the performer fell ill with COVID-19, we will not see the performance of Duncan, who has been the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest for two years. The singer will attend the show in a different way.

Those gathered in the arena will also not see the Icelandic representatives take the stage. After a musician from the band Daði & Gagnamagnið diagnosed the coronavirus before the second semi-final, the other members refused to perform in full. Therefore, during the final a recording made during rehearsal will be shown. The same record was seen by the public during the second semi-final.

While the guests will take the stage and one of the most popular DJs in the world will organize a party for several thousand people gathered in the arena and millions on the television screens of their homes.
