European Commissioner: The inconsistency in the dust due to the vaccine seems strange


According to the commissioner, the minister’s behavior when sending conflicting news on the same day could make it difficult to vaccinate as many citizens as possible to control the coronavirus pandemic.

Certainly, the member states have the right to decide on the implementation of their vaccination plans, in this case to stop vaccination with one vaccine or another, but it seems a bit strange when in the morning the minister says that he would vaccinate himself, stops vaccination. in the afternoon that he is convinced that it is safe, “the commissioner told BNS on Wednesday.

“Such inconsistencies in political decision-making lead to public mistrust of the vaccine and the vaccination process. This could have serious consequences if trying to vaccinate as many people as possible,” he added.

V. Sinkevičius, delegate from the previous government, emphasized that the European Medicines Agency is evaluating the safety and efficacy of vaccines, which recommends that vaccination be continued.

Health Minister A. Dulkys states that the decision to suspend vaccination was made by AstraZeneca because it received such a recommendation from the State Agency for Drug Control (VVKT).

The Medicines Control Agency issued this recommendation after receiving three reports of thromboembolic events. Subsequently, a fourth report of a possible case of thromboembolism was received. However, the service emphasizes that there is no evidence that these cases were caused by the vaccine.

The European Medicines Agency says there is “no indication” that a vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford can cause blood clots in some people who have been vaccinated. The World Health Organization is also calling for this vaccine to continue.

A few hours before announcing the decision to suspend the vaccination, A. Dulkys stated that he had no information that the vaccination with AstraZeneca should be suspended and assured that to clear up doubts he would seek vaccination with AstraZeneca.

The European Medicines Agency is expected to make a final decision on the continued use of the vaccine on Thursday.
