Europe loses control of virus: record numbers in Germany, curfew in France, collapse of Russia’s vaccine plans


The number of coronavirus cases in Germany has risen to its highest level since the start of the pandemic

In Germany, the number of new cases has grown at the fastest rate since the pandemic began, and this is the latest sign that Europe is not controlling the outbreak.

The country recorded 7,173 new infections in the 24 hours through Thursday morning, bringing the total number of COVID-19 infections to 334,487, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. This figure surpassed the previous record level of 6,933 cases registered on March 28. 44 new victims are reported, with a total of 9,716 deaths from coronavirus in the country.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Wednesday night that Germany must do everything possible to stop the pandemic, as it would be difficult for the country to cope with the consequences of the repeated outbreak.

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Coronavirus test

Angela Merkel has announced a series of individual measures to control the second wave of the pandemic in Germany and warned that more will be introduced if the number of infections continues to increase in ten days.
In the areas hardest hit by the coronavirus infection, bars and restaurants will close at 11 p.m. and crowds will be limited to 100 people. The use of masks in public places will be expanded.

“Economically, we cannot afford a second wave with the same consequences we faced in the spring,” Merkel said, calling on the country’s citizens to follow the rules of hygiene and physical distance and to avoid rallies. “How we cope and how we do not behave in the coming days and weeks will largely depend on how we overcome this pandemic.”

Russia will not meet its COVID-19 vaccine target

Russia will not meet its goal of producing 30 million. doses of experimental vaccine against COVID-19 this year due to obstacles encountered in maintaining serum stability by increasing production.

Coronavirus in Russia

Coronavirus in Russia

Itar-Tass / Scanpix

“The main challenge is to expand production,” Denis Manturov, director of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Commerce, told Bloomberg TV. – Produces 30 million. Dose before the end of the year is impossible, it is silly ”.

The Czech Republic reports a record number of cases, preparing the battlefield

The Czech Republic recorded 9,544 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, the highest number of coronavirus infection cases per day since the pandemic began, according to data released by the Health Ministry on Thursday.

The country, which leads the total number of two-week infections in the European Union in terms of population, is preparing emergency medical centers with all the necessary equipment and facilities, Health Minister Roman Prymula said in a video in his twitter account.

London prepares to tighten restrictions

London is preparing to tighten restrictions on the coronavirus in the near future as the number of cases in the UK continues to rise.

Rules in the UK capital are likely to change urgently, says an official in the London Mayor’s Sadiq Khan administration. On Wednesday, Khan and the heads of the health authorities met to discuss the possibility of introducing stricter restrictions prohibiting two separate households from meeting inside. The number of cases in London will soon average 100 cases per 100,000 people, the official said.

Ireland bans other home visits, closes more businesses

Ireland is introducing new measures to help limit the spread of the virus, with the number of cases per day increasing the fastest since April. All visits to other homes will be banned and the so-called Level 4 quarantine will be announced in several areas near the Northern Irish border.

In addition to existing restrictions, including the closure of most bars and restaurants, a large number of non-essential business activities and services will be suspended in those areas, the number of wedding guests will be limited to six, and sports clubs will be closed.

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Coronavirus test

France will introduce curfew in major cities

French President Emmanuel Macron announced a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the country’s largest cities. With infections on the rise and fears that there will soon be a shortage of available hospital beds, such measures are expected to help curb the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus.

“The virus is dangerous and poses a serious threat to everyone,” Macron said in a televised interview Wednesday night. “We are at a stage where a response is needed.”

The curfew applies to Paris and its suburbs, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, and several other cities. It is valid for four weeks starting on Saturday.

Singapore and Hong Kong are preparing to announce a preliminary deal on a travel bubble that could exempt residents of both cities from quarantine or “stay at home” instructions, the South China Morning Post reported.

In the United States, the virus has recovered in most of the country, and the trend has taken on a threatening character in 46 states and the nation’s capital. India reports fewer than 70,000 cases for the fourth day in a row, although the number of infections per day is still higher than in the United States.
