EU countries start assessing post-Brexit deal with UK


Following reports of a deal reached on Thursday, EU countries expressed support for the outcome and should unanimously support it. European political leaders have praised the belated agreement between the UK and the EU to lay the foundations for future long-term cooperation.

It is essential that the deal be approved quickly, as the transition period during which Britain continued to follow EU rules, despite leaving the bloc on January 31, will end on December 31. Without a trade agreement, there could be great chaos on the border between the UK and the Community.

The deal is due to be approved by the UK Parliament in the next few days. However, the agreement would be applied provisionally for the time being, as the European Parliament will be able to give its consent, which is also expected, not before next month.

This unit is a success for EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, who has been in intense negotiations with Britain’s David Frost for almost 10 months.

Both countries now say 2,000. the pages agreement protects your important purposes. Britain says it has secured control over its money, borders, laws and fishing grounds. The EU says the deal protects its single market and ensures Britain cannot unfairly undermine the bloc’s standards.

Following an agreement reached between the EU and the UK on Thursday to cushion the economic blow from Britain’s withdrawal from the Single Market and the Customs Union, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was “good business for all of Europe” that it provides “new stability and new certainty.”

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “The road has been difficult and winding, but we finally have a good agreement. The single market will be fair. “

However, he did not speak as enthusiastically as Johnson, saying: “After a successful negotiating trip, I am generally happy. But today I feel only silent satisfaction and, frankly, relief. “

“Scanpix” / “SIPA” nuotr./Borisas Johnsonas ir Ursula von der Leyen

“Looking to the future”

Mr. von der Leyen also asked for 440 million. Europeans who remain on the block to emerge from the drama of the past four years after the British Brexit referendum and look to the future.

“This agreement was worth fighting for … It will protect … the interests of the EU, it will ensure fair competition,” he said.

Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin, whose country would have been hit hard if London and Brussels had not reached an agreement, said the agreement, which represents a “good compromise”, is “highly anticipated”.

“While we will miss the UK in the European Union, the fact that there is an agreement now means that we can focus on how to have good relations in the years to come,” he said on Twitter.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday praised the “unity and strength” of the European Union and said it had successfully concluded an agreement on trade relations with the United Kingdom after Brexit.

“The unity and strength of Europe has paid off,” Macron wrote on Twitter, saying that “an agreement with the UK is necessary to protect our citizens, fishermen and producers.”

“Europe is moving forward and can look to the future in a united, sovereign and strong way,” he added.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was convinced the deal was a “good result” that her country could support.

Christmas gift?

Johnson triumphed on Christmas Day and called the deal a “gift” to Britain, but not everyone in the UK was as happy as he was.

“I think it took too long,” said David Ashby, 62, of Lincolnshire, summing up the mood of many.

Andy Finch, another county resident, did not support Brexit from the start. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” he said. – But we are here. Well we’ll see “.

Following the announcement of the political agreement, the European Commission sent the text to the 27 remaining EU members, and their ambassadors will analyze it on Friday or two days and decide whether to accept its provisional application.

Britain’s parliament will have to end its year-end leave and meet again on Wednesday to try to ratify the deal, which will enter into force less than 48 hours later. Britain’s main opposition Labor Party has announced that it will vote for the deal, so it should be easily accepted.
