Estonia: the epidemic can be considered


“This time we have overcome the coronavirus spread crisis, the epidemic can be considered for now,” he told ERR in an interview. – Now we are focusing on secondary waves of infection, small local foci of it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the epidemic is not spreading in Estonia. “

According to the Minister of Social Affairs, the restrictions imposed by Estonia due to the coronavirus pandemic were justified.

“Now, in hindsight, we hear that the number of deaths and infections is not that high,” said Kiikas. “But very few people think how great it would have been if we hadn’t introduced the restrictions that allowed the virus to spread.”

“Several European countries that also imposed severe restrictions but did so later than Estonia or initially took milder measures have more than 10 times more deaths and infections than Estonia,” said the minister. According to him, according to some estimates, without strict restrictions, the Estonian population would have died 20 times more from the coronavirus population.

May 14 The Estonian government has announced a timetable for further relaxation of the restrictions. Scheduled from June 1. open water amusement parks, spas and entertainment venues in supermarkets (cinemas, bowling alleys, casinos, children’s playrooms).

To date, 1,758 cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in Estonia. Seven people were diagnosed with Covid-19 in the country last day, and five on Thursday. 62 people were victims of the coronavirus.

Since the start of the pandemic, more than 4.5 million people have been infected with the coronavirus worldwide, and more than 300,000 have died.

The first slovenia

Delfi recalls that the Slovenian government announced the official end of the COVID-19 epidemic late on Thursday afternoon, Reuters reports.

Slovenia became the first European country to announce the end of the COVID-19 epidemic, after no more than 7 new cases of COVID-19 per day in the past two weeks.

Travelers to Slovenia from other EU countries will not have to isolate themselves, the government said.
2 million 1,464 cases of COVID-19 were detected in Slovenia, with 103 deaths. The epidemic was declared by the country on March 12.

“Slovenia has been in control of the epidemic for the past two months. Today, the epidemiological situation in Slovenia is the best in Europe,” Prime Minister Janez Janša said in Parliament on Thursday.

The end of the epidemic means that some measures, including financial support for citizens and companies, will be suspended in late May.

It is true that foreigners experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be admitted. 14 days of mandatory self-isolation will also be required for travelers from non-EU countries, with the exception of diplomats and people transporting goods.

In mid-March, Slovenia closed schools, sports and cultural facilities, bars, restaurants, hotels and all shops except groceries. Public transportation was also stopped.

From April 20. The government has taken steps to alleviate the quarantine. Public transportation work resumed earlier this week, and some students will return to school next week. All bars and restaurants and hotels with up to 30 rooms will also open next week.

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