Estonia is plagued by a major corruption scandal: accusations have been made against the Prime Minister’s Center Party


According to the portal, the suspicion was caused by a loan issued by the “Porto Franco” commercial and commercial center. On Tuesday, it became clear that a criminal case had been opened as a result: the security police (KAPO) had searched the KredEx premises.

State prosecutor Taavi Pern said accusations were made against the Center Party, as well as the five people involved in the case. Among them are Mikhail Korb (Secretary General of the Centrists), Hillary Teder (businessman, shareholder of Porto Franco), Kersti Kracht (Advisor to the Minister of Finance, member of EKRE). The names of two more suspects will not be released. Pern said that one of them helped transfer bribes, the other affected trade.

The prosecutor added that the circle of suspects can expand. The study began early last year.

It is suspected that H. Teder and M. Korb before the 2021 local elections on October 17, agreed to donate up to one million euros to the Center Party. Kracht and Teder are also suspected of money laundering. Kracht is also suspected of trading influence.

According to the prosecutor, Mr. Korb is now in custody, considered a suspect. No formal charges were filed. A total of 4 people were arrested.


Last year, the government approved 39.3 million. a loan of 1,000 million euros for the construction of a large project in Porto Franco. The loan to a private company was issued for six years through the KredEx fund: 2% per annum plus 12-month Euribor interest rate. As the experts point out, these are too favorable conditions for such a transaction. Competitors called the 10% annual loan the norm.

Mr. Teder, for his part, donated around € 60,000 to the Center Party last year. Interestingly, half of the victims made after approving a loan to his son’s business. Secretary General M. Korb is responsible for donations to the Center Party.

Kersti Kracht is an advisor to Martin Helme at the Ministry of Finance. He is a member of EKRE. KredEx is a fund established in 2001. Established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. KredEx now has a Ministry of Foreign Economy and Information Technology. Minister: Raoul Siem, member of EKRE.

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