Epidemiologists: a test does not mean you can sit at a festive table


Therefore, they draw the attention of people who are going to ignore the quarantine regime and meet relatives with whom they do not live, which, for example, a test carried out today shows that you were not sick at the time the sample was taken , but in no way did you catch it later. as the coronavirus infection has an extremely long incubation period.

Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius Department of NVSC, emphasizes that the laboratory test for coronavirus infection is positive only when the amount of virus in the human body has reached the appropriate measurable level, which changes very rapidly.

“The greatest evil of this virus is that we can infect another person even when we do not feel anything, in other words, we do not know that we are infected. A test done early in the disease may also not show that we are infected. As a result, on behalf of all the public health professionals who volunteer to help us, the soldiers, we ask that we meet the holidays only with the people we live with. A test performed in this case will not help in any way, it will only be an attempt to deceive yourself. It can be very expensive, ”says R. Lingienė.

According to NVSC specialists, in order not to make the situation even more threatening after the holidays, but on the contrary, to begin to stabilize, it is important that we communicate with as few people as possible, both now and during the holidays. In other words, specialists recommend communicating during the holidays only with members of our family, with whom we live in the same house, and with others, to “meet” remotely, with the help of modern technologies.

NVSC specialists point out that the festive period of the big year is threatening because in the cold period of the year, unlike other times of the year, meetings often take place in closed and stuffy rooms, and during the holidays one relaxes, gathers at the table and wears a mask.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control also recommends avoiding unnecessary travel during this festive period, creating a small “social bubble” with as few people as possible, but even allowing the festive period with loved ones to “bubble. social “note basic hygiene. rules to limit the time you spend together indoors.
