Environmentalists launch the “Garage 2021” campaign


Until May 31, environmentalists will inspect companies and people who repair and dismantle cars.

During the campaign, officials will pay attention to people who perform vehicle maintenance, repair and dismantling of end-of-life vehicles in garage communities, individual garages, outbuildings, farms, hangars and production facilities, according to a report by the Department of Environmental Protection. .

“It is very important that the maintenance, repair or dismantling of vehicles, like other human activities, is as respectful as possible with the environment. Therefore, both in the normal course of business and during the campaign, we put a lot of effort into identifying illegal operators, ”said the Head of the Department’s Waste Management Control Division. specialist Paulius Rutkauskas.

Environmentalists will verify that those who collect and treat end-of-life vehicles have an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) permit or pollution permit, which specifies the conditions for the collection and treatment of vehicles, storage and waste disposal sites.

According to Jurgita Malskaitienė, Head of the Waste Control Division, during the last “Garažiukas” campaign, environmentalists inspected 287 economic entities and 720 natural persons. 404 violations were identified: 284 by natural persons and 120 by economic entities. 44 mandatory instructions were issued to individuals and 21 to economic entities.

According to J.Malskaitienė, the most frequent infractions are related to non-compliance or incorrect implementation of the requirements of the legal acts that regulate waste management.

“For example, it is the incorrect classification of the generated waste, the mixing of the waste with other waste, the incorrect storage of the same,” he said.
