“Environmental investment somewhere in the bleak future”


After the incident, Environment Minister Simon Gentville said that the company’s recurring and highly damaging actions for nature should be evaluated, and the latest accident shows “that the company is not drawing the right conclusions.”

After an internal inspection of Grigeo Klaipėda’s water management system, it was established that a small amount of process water entered the rainwater networks operated by Klaipėdos ūdens and, through them, into the Curonian lagoon. Tuesday due to an automatic valve failure.

On Monday, the Minister of the Environment S. Gentvilas and the heads of the institutions subordinate to the Ministry of the Environment, as well as the representatives of AB Grigeo and AB Grigeo Klaipėda met to discuss the accident of the company and their future plans.

Following the meeting, AB Grigeo also distributed a press release, in which the company promises not only to ensure that the accident does not happen again, but also to invest 3.5 million. to a number of different environmental projects that will help reduce environmental impact, reduce wastewater pollution, and help combat odors.

However, the company’s promises do not seem to have convinced the Environment Minister.

“Well, just #silk # great. Yesterday we met with the representatives of AB Grigeo (the shareholder canceled at the last minute). After the meeting, I saw AB Grigeo’s report and it became lovely what a great company of greats here. I am always in favor of a proactive person and a business that operates legally. However, I cannot remain silent about this company.

1.5 years after the scandal, the company continues to sink its ears … Last week’s accident was misrepresented in a press release. The port dispatchers noticed the contamination in the lagoon and informed the environmentalists, the environmentalists reported the Klaipeda waters, and only after that was the polluter identified and knocked on the door of the surprised Klaipeda Grigeo. The company itself did not register the accident, it is not clear how long this contamination would have continued, ”wrote S. Gentvilas on the social network account.

The company announces that it will invest 3.5 million euros in environmental protection. It is a lot or a little and the question is when? Or perhaps environmental protection is simply a prerequisite to operating that was mandatory 10 years ago after the acquisition of the company. After the most scandalous year of 2020, there have been no short-term boycotts of furniture manufacturers and consumers. EBIDTA’s profitability was 20.2 percent and in May the consortium paid a dividend of 7.9 million euros.

Meanwhile, environmental investing is somewhere in the hazy future and basic. Basically to what would allow the company to resume operations. There are urgent plans to invest in the environment, but with public money. There is no shortage of modesty for the company and this year Grigeo Klaipėda asked the Ministry of the Environment for 200,000 euros in support of its air pollution reduction projects … with its 80,000 euros of co-financing. I will not do.

The company can invest in the environment, here and now. But it’s not like that. The company is necessary for the country’s paper and furniture recycling industries, but the company shows no desire to become a model company in the EU paper industry. Last week, we agreed with the European Environment Agency gen. Director Hans Bruyninckx to audit Grupo Grigeo’s production technologies.

Interviews with IKEA’s global sustainability, compliance and procurement managers about discrepancies in its supply chain are planned in the near future. I will speak Swedish. Sweden has suffered too much from pollution from the paper industry not to understand what it means for Lithuania, ”the Environment Minister wrote.
