Environment Minister Gentville vows to pay for all polluters: car tax changes


The Cabinet of Ministers has not yet been approved by President Gitanas Nausėda, but Liberal S. Gentvilas is currently appointed Minister of the Environment by the ruling majority.

“As a liberal, I can be sure that I will not cut taxes and that there will be big compromises to the world that pollution must cost. Naturally, pollution must cost every polluter, be it a chimney, a car pipe, or just the consumption, ”says S. Gentvilas.

According to him, the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) will have to regulate such a motivational system for residents and companies that it is worth not polluting, and the state will offer an alternative: use ecological heating, switch to public or clean transport, invest in greener industrial processes, etc.

Naturally, pollution must cost each polluter, be it a chimney, a car pipe, or just consumption.

Simon Gentville

“At the Ministry of the Environment, I see many patriotic and ideologically motivated people who lacked opportunities to reveal themselves. I’m not planning a radical overhaul of the ministry itself, it just needs to be enabled and the environment really becomes a priority. Until now, environmental protection has been extreme, “says S. Gentvilas.

Name the first two most important works

Mr. Gentville identified the main future priorities for immediate action: uncompromising control and implementation of international commitments.

“It is very important to regulate and maximize where the greatest risks to nature and society are and to focus on them. So as not to continue to imitate working with little things that are not very harmful, but Grigeo Klaipeda and other things have been slipping for decades. AM tells with almost 2,500 employees, of which about 1,000 work with pollution, control and supervision in construction, economic activities, business and population supervision. AM faces one in three companies through various aspects, so it is very important: a clear and uncompromising preventive control. Here’s the first job. We can’t afford additional scandals and crimes, “says S. Gentvilas.

In his second work, he mentions reducing carbon commitments. He explains that the EU is proposing to increase its current ambition to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030, compared to 2030.

“That agreement is a multi-million dollar commitment to Lithuania, the transport sector, industry, energy, and it is very important to be at the forefront of all this, to dictate the ambition that we are not the last to contribute, but to be leaders.” says S. Gentvilas.

According to him, the amount of EU support and the tax environment for pollution will depend on Lithuania’s achievements, and urgent decisions are awaited here.

S. Gentvil ensures that there are still a number of problems that have not been solved for decades.

In particular, the development of protected areas and the full implementation of the NATURA 2000 network. We have been since 2013. committed to protecting Europe’s most important forests and grasslands for biodiversity, and we are too late. As a result, the public is angry: from Labanoras to the Punia silo, from the elemental logging sites, where the black stork is found, today they are unprotected, ”says S. Gentvilas.

It ensures that the most important forests and natural patches must be protected in half a year.

“The consolidation of the reform of the SFE is still incomplete and still works badly. The SFE still have a transition period like this: I will not make any revolution here. It is necessary to find out where we cultivate, where we leave it to nature, how the SFE works, what tasks he has for him. And he needs to be strongly depoliticized, because he is still directly subordinate to the minister; that’s bad, he needs to be addressed immediately “, says S. Gentvilas.

It also promised to fix problems in the packaging handling sector.

“We are misleading the EU by providing fictitious statistics, saying that we recycle secondary raw materials perfectly. Here we have to stand in front of a mirror for the whole industry, manufacturers, importers, AM and say that the situation is not what we declared, we have not developed recycling capacity and many times that recycling is only paper ”, says S. Gentvilas.

Rates will have to change

Mr. Gentville mentioned that the car registration tax will have to change because, as it is today, it has nothing to do with pollution.

“We need to talk about hidden areas, especially that the car registration tax does not cover agriculture, even though it is a pollution-oriented tax. We need to accept such a principle in society that there can be no exceptions, we cannot ignore some sectors that contribute to the pollution of nature. If it is generally accepted that we will reduce our impact on nature, we must all assume solidarity, ”says S. Gentvilas.

When asked how he evaluated the VAT reduction on heating, he explained that the issue is too early and the coalition partners should consult.

“District heating will be at an all-time low this season, prices for biofuel and gas are on the bottom, and here is a good platform to really push biofuels by reducing subsidies for fossil fuels, mainly gas, diesel and coal, which are still used for heating, “Gentville said. .

He noted that the renewal is stalled and changes in VAT will not start the process.

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