Entrepreneur Gudel is outraged by unequal business conditions – there are no such things in America


Delfi asked Gudel about the state of his business, the government’s relief measures, and the differences in the management of the pandemic in Lithuania and the United States. In answering these questions, the businessman focused on criticism of the new government.

Fragrances International currently has 42 employees and 51 employees at the beginning of the year.

KristiAna has 160 employees, of which around 185 at the beginning of the year, the company is subject to tax relief measures from STI and Sodra due to COVID-19. 23 thousand were paid to the company. 268 thousand euros in subsidies for sick leave and 268 thousand euros. Subsidies in euros after downtime.

Outraged by unequal conditions

When asked if the impact of the commercial suspension was significant, Gudelis confirmed that he was outraged that the commercial suspension in Lithuania was not correct.

“This is a completely inappropriate suspension: when people are crowded in Rimi or Ikiukai, they walk in crowds, everything is in order, and here one or another person enters smaller stores, closes them and leaves them. Here is purely lobbying. I have no other explanation. There are no such things in America, there is no such level of lobbying. “It’s really scary,” said B. Gudelis.

When asked about the government’s support measures for companies, the businessman explained that he had used the spring support measures, but the last payments had been received a month ago.

“We paid the employees in March, April and we delivered them now, recently, a month ago. And the current situation, what is happening now and what is going to happen, is still nothing concrete, just language, “said B. Gudelis, adding that the business still does not see any concrete help.

He was also asked about how the United States is handling a pandemic.

“It just came to our notice then. Equal treatment for all, no exceptions. It is not the case that members of the Seimas, or Congress, can park cars for free and people have to pay money. parking lot. There are no such things. Nobody builds hotels for the people of Congress or the Senate. If a person has money, let it be established, if not, let him not go to those political positions, ”said B. Gudelis.

Furthermore, he questioned the powers of the Lithuanian authorities:

– Those who have not created any jobs are rushing into public positions. If a person cannot do anything in life, how can he do anything while he is in the Government or in the Seimas? I mean the majority.

– And how would you do that?

– I’d do what everyone else does. Those people who are capable of achieving something should go to power. If he is a good soldier, he becomes a general. And if he is not good, he is a soldier. It is as if a person who has not created anything in life, not even living for himself, could be in power. He can’t even feed himself, he needs a state salary. What kind of people are here. Can a person who does not feed himself supervise others how to feed them?

– Do I understand that you are criticizing the current government?

– I’m not criticizing, everything is fine for me. But here for those who chose, wrong. I am not voting, I am not a citizen, they need to be happy with what they have chosen, not with me. That’s it. That’s how it is in life: what you sow, you reap. And it is not necessary to criticize the people who have met. They are chosen by surnames, I don’t know why else they are chosen.

– What specific politicians are you referring to here?

– I don’t want everyone to see it. What I’m going to say here is that I’ve already started collecting by gender, so I don’t know what to say.

– Will the company need to make difficult decisions, perhaps abandon employees, stores or make changes?

– No. Yes, maybe you will. We will see what happens here in January. It seems to me that now the coronavirus has mutated.

Entrepreneur Gudel is outraged by unequal business conditions - there are no such things in America

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

– Sent employees to downtime?

– No, people are now taking the vacations they have accumulated, maybe some are low, I really don’t know.

– What will be the general results of your business this year?

– The results are very bad, not as the government predicts. And they always give good results. Only those others were wrong, now they are right. Just change ministers, change board. Again, a person who does not feed himself cannot feed others. And you don’t need to bring those people together.

Several members of the Seimas, forgot the last name, to whom they gave up their immunity due to some dumplings. It’s not that people die every day, many doctors are infected, not to save the situation, but to talk about, go, Gražulis. Is he gay or not? Well, you see, it’s scary if the nation’s problem is the biggest.

– Or maybe you should add something about …

– Good luck Delfi, next year to raise your salaries, improve working conditions, etc.

– Would that be the wish here?

– It’s so good.

– We wish you all the best.

– I don’t need to wish for anything anymore. I have it all … (communication breaks).

– You’re good?

– I’m fine. Wow, even if it’s just good, it’s normal. And if it’s very good, it’s really good.

– You have just talked about the difficulties, so many problems, so what is your final opinion?

– There are many problems with a government like this, not me, not us, not our company, but the country. These are two different things here. Some companies are prospering, others are disappearing, disappearing. This is where I am talking about government actions, such crown stopovers, airplane stopovers or flights to Lithuania from England. This is absolute nonsense. This variety of crown exists since September and exists and is expanding since September. Stop for populism now, where there is, I don’t know how exactly, maybe 7,000 people had to fly with their parents. Flights from England are suspended. Why? I do not understand why. For purely political reasons. It is as if England left the EU and people were angry about it. Na angry. Lithuania was also angry when it left the Soviet Union: everyone was angry, then the tanks were opened. This is what populism is all about here.

He does such nonsense, he does not allow people to go from Kaunas to Vilnius, to go with their parents. It can be verified by people; You could require verification for a certificate, whether you are sick or not, and then you could go with that certificate. Nobody does that.

– Maybe you have new business plans, new projects, ideas?

– We are all the time, and right now we have many plans in the United States. In Lithuania, we cannot do anything now. It is still possible in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This is what you can do when everything is stopped, people feel intimidated. Now the elected government talks about some fantasies, speculates. That’s what I can say: let’s bring the VAT back to the level promised by the conservatives, Andrius Kubilius, the current prime minister, as his name suggests …

– Ingrida Šimonytė?

– Šimonytė. How much damage did they do to Lithuania in 2008? borrow out of unconscious interest. VAT raised, promised all the saints to restore again. He went from 18 to 21 percent and has not rebuilt until now, but was re-elected.

– And what are your plans in America?

– Well, they would not be re-elected there, no one would re-elect them. In America, our plans? Our plans are underway, under construction on the beach, in Florida, in Nice, everything is happening.

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