Entrepreneur A. Avulis is open to business trials, his wife’s illness, and future projects.


The interlocutor of Kristina Rimienė, host of the TV3 program “Pasaulis per tamizado” (TV3), has experienced many challenges, both in business and personal life, but today she is boldly planning for the future and intrigued with new ideas.

The man is not hiding: he has had to change the nature of the business more than once, but he is the strongest in the field of real estate development. Its business is not limited to Lithuania: it operates in Romania, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. However, as A. Avulis points out, success does not come in a day.

“It took me many years to finally realize that I can relax a bit now, that the capital has been earned so much that I may no longer need to save,” recalls A. Avulis.

He does not hide the fact that both in his childhood and in his youth he had to constantly save and think about how to earn money.

Commercial trials

Avulis’ first business was not very successful: he lost the first million that he made thanks to partners from Russia. However, he did not give up and continued to strive for success. This time we had to face the global crisis of 2008. As a result, the business was also seriously affected and was saved only thanks to the effort, ingenuity and self-confidence of the entrepreneur.

“I always wanted to accomplish more, get ahead, lead. That desire to do more probably led to some very brave investments being made, and in that fateful year 2008, I had enough liabilities for the banks.

At that time, it was 660 million. litas – is really a lot. With the onset of the crisis, revenues fell significantly and obligations with banks had to be met. We had to pay 4 million every month. litas to the bank alone ”, – A. Avulis talks about one of the most difficult episodes in business.

As if that wasn’t enough, fate lost even greater evidence; at the same time, he had to save his beloved wife from the clutches of death.

Between life and death

Even before the crisis, the businessman’s family had planned a trip to Australia and New Zealand, making it necessary to choose between keeping promises and commitments to the family, or staying in Lithuania and fighting the banks. The businessman chose a family: he decided to take a short break and return to sit at a negotiating table with bank representatives.

However, an accident occurred during the trip: the wife’s health suddenly deteriorated. The woman balanced between life and death. In rescuing his wife, Arvydas did everything he could, and more. Not only did he find a great Lithuanian doctor in Sydney, but he also stayed in the hospital, together with his wife, fed her and cared for their son. The staff of the large hospital thought he was one of them: an employee.

On the show, A. Avulis will reveal the diagnosis of his beloved wife, which he heard this time, and will remember how the family endured this difficult time. Only three weeks later, when the wife’s condition began to improve, the husband returned to Lithuania to save his business.

Business savings

Thanks to immeasurable stubbornness and ingenuity, the businessman managed to avoid the fate of many companies at that time – bankruptcy.

“I tried to persuade and create a different business model so that the banks believed that I could achieve something,” recalls A. Avulis. He will tell viewers how he managed to settle with the banks and save his business.

Today, the businessman looks boldly to the future and has no doubt that the pandemic will end, and not one or two of the daring projects to be announced in the near future.

“These are really very bold projects, and if they are successful, it will be possible to say wow! But let’s wait a few more months. I think that when the fall comes, it will really be known if we made it or if we were lucky. If it fails, there will be other projects.

The crisis also reveals opportunities: when some are very sick, it means that others have many opportunities. How we are going to use these opportunities is a question of creativity, ingenuity and courage ”, intrigue A. Avulis.

Those who want to know more about the businessman’s trials on the road, how he managed to extract his wife from death, and what he thinks about the current economic situation, are invited to watch the program “World of women” and to this one. Sunday at 10 a.m. on TV3!

A composition that can also decorate the spaces of a high-class skyscraper

Inspired by a conversation about great new projects, the host of the show, Floristic Designer K. Rimienė, in the “Floristic Dessert” section, will create a small floristic design project that incorporates new and interesting ideas. The basis of this extraordinary composition will be an unconventional vase, which the florist will wrap with additional decorative elements.

From threaded floristic wires, a wave-like structure will be born, which K. Rimienė’s favorite tool, a drill, will help create. This design will be complemented by small flowers that perfectly maintain the proportion of the composition.

Blueberries, fritillary, gloriosis, rapeseed, fragrant pea and floral greenery will complete a truly impressive floral design project. A soft and light composition of stunning colors can become the accent of every home, even the largest skyscraper spaces.
