Energy Minister Candidate D. Kreivys vows to change his rhetoric on Astravas electricity


“There are probably three main jobs in energy today: first, avoid buying electricity from Astrava, syncing and developing your own production. These are the three main pillars on which all our energy is based, ”D. Kreivys told BNS.

According to him, the National Energy Strategy sets the directions up to 2050, which Lithuania intends to follow: first of all, it concerns renewable resources that require balancing capacity.

“As far as timing and Astrava problems are concerned, we probably need a solid reserve system: primary, secondary and tertiary reserve. There are flaws there at the moment,” said the candidate for energy ministers.

Recently, D. Kreivys has harshly criticized the Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas for his proposed methodology for trilateral electricity trading with third countries, according to which, according to him, Belarusian electricity is traded on the Baltic market and continues to enter Lithuania.

Among other things, D. Kreivys, speaking on television, publicly called the Latvian liars: they promised not to sell Belarusian electricity, but in reality they exchanged it, paying for it with Russian companies and these, with Belarus.

“As a politician in public rhetoric, I can probably use rhetoric, and as a civil servant, we will probably speak professionally,” Kreivys told BNS.

Commenting on how he intends to solve the problem as a minister, D. Kreivys said that the methodology currently used by Latvians to trade electricity with Russia is not valid, and that this problem will need to be addressed again in both a tripartite format and with the European Commission.

He argued that Latvia’s position that the tripartite methodology is valid and that they follow it is not a “matter of thought”: “First of all, there are procedures that clearly state how the tripartite methodologies should work. (…) Point 13 of the methodology seems to make it clear that it is not valid without the approval of the three regulators. “

“If we are talking about a bilateral methodology, then this methodology must be approved, signed by two operators and sent to our operator for information, because we are in the common market. Today our operator has not received the signed bilateral methodology, “said the candidate to the ministers.

He assured her that he had not been involved in running the business he had founded for many years.

“I have been in politics for twelve years and probably have not heard that I am involved or that I have been involved in any management during that time. I fully understand the duties, responsibilities and essential acts of a politician who regulates the relations of a politician with companies ”, assured D. Kreivys.

In the declaration of public and private interests, D. Kreivys states that he is a shareholder of the company “Catus”, and a conflict of interest could arise due to the companies “Statybų abundance”, “Specialized Assembly Board”, “SKV valda”, “Makveža”, “Silikatas”, Silicate Quarry and Banga Plus.

In 2012, the court finally recognized that former Minister of Economy and public consultant to Prime Minister D. Kreivys confused public and private interests.

D. Kreivys appealed against the decision of the Chief Official Ethics Commission (COEC) – the latter admitted in March 2011 that D. Kreivys had violated the law by signing an order on the allocation of European Union funds for the renewal of schools, when the construction company in which his mother is a shareholder was awarded. .

At that time, the Specialized Completion Board company won the tender to renovate the Vilnius Ąžuolynas basic school and the Karoliniškės gymnasium.

D. Kreivys assured that he did not know that one of the winners of the contest was his mother’s company, in addition, he did not have the opportunity to influence the decision.

D.Kreivys lost the position of Minister in March 2011.

D. Kreivys, a native of Jonava, has been a member of the Conservative Party for more than 20 years.
