employers can find out how many of their employees are immune to COVID-19


Legal persons can find out about the vaccination of their employees by logging in through the Electronic Government Portal for e. Statistical systems. Access to this system is created automatically for all administrators of legal entities. Links may also be granted to other representatives of the company, institution or organization in accordance with the established procedure.

The number of employees is presented according to Sodra data. For confidentiality reasons, only workplaces with 10 or more employees are displayed.

Unlike the open data file, immunization of people by percentage of workplace vaccination is not administered in ten percentage point increments, but is accurate and updated daily so that it is possible to track changes in the proportion of vaccinated employees. Immunization is not divided into vaccination and infections.

A person is considered to be immunized if they have a positive response to the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 or e. Have a COVID-19 diagnosis signed by a doctor in your health care system, or have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Immunization is considered valid indefinitely for statistical purposes.

It is important to mention that only employees with a Lithuanian personal identification code are included in the accounting, because without it it is not possible to link vaccines, research and workplaces. This will particularly affect workplaces for road freight transport, building construction, etc. (about 15 thousand people).

Workplaces where many workers have been vaccinated (or diagnosed with COVID-19) in other countries may also appear to have a very low immunization rate because e. The health system only records medical records received in Lithuania.
