Employees laid off by Webhelp LT retiring from Lithuania and Kėdainių oda bankrupt


The Latvian capital’s travel and leisure consulting company Webhelp LT, which is leaving Lithuania, is laying off all its employees. Webhelp LT has informed the Employment Service that it intends to lay off 45 people and Kėdainiai Skin 29 people. According to Sodra, the first company currently has 48 employees and the second 28 employees.

Last week, Webhelp from Latvia announced on its website that its Webhelp LT would be leaving Lithuania later this year. The company attributes the decline in operations in Lithuania and the country’s withdrawal to the coronavirus crisis, which has had a painful impact on the travel business.

The company, known as Runway Kaunas, has been operating since 2004, it was rebranded in October last year.

Five years ago, Runway Kaunas hired more than 100 employees in Lithuania, according to data from Sodra.

Webhelp LT, controlled by Webhelp of Latvia, received 2,072 million dollars last year. 67.8 thousand euros. net profit of 1 million euros, which will be communicated to the Registry Center. The company planned to pay 250 thousand this year. dividends in euros.

At the time, Jonas Adomavičius, director of Kėdainių Danger, told the portal portalaikaikste.lt in 2017 that the financial situation of the company was extremely difficult: an account seized due to debt. In June 2018, the Kaunas Regional Court filed a restructuring case against the company, and if the financial situation did not improve, the same court filed a bankruptcy case against it in the summer of this year.

In 2017, the company’s revenue was down 58.8 percent. to 1,910 million the net loss more than doubled to 640.7 Cerdocyon. euros.

According to Sodra, five years ago Kėdainių oda had employed about 70 people.

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