Employee surveys revealed the situation in the ministry headed by G. Landsbergis – Respublika.lt


Although the study of working conditions was carried out in all the ministries of the country, it turned out that the situation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by former minister Linas Linkevičius, is one of the worst. The ministry is currently led by Conservative leader Gabriel Landsberg.

Advisers of the Project Management and Quality Division of the Ministry of the Interior Eglė Vileikienė in 2020 A study carried out in 2006 reveals that 66% are satisfied with the opportunity to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. personal. This is 3 percentage points less than in 2017. MFA staff said they were more satisfied with their current relationships with colleagues and line managers and the provision of work tools.

Key weaknesses and threats highlighted: only a third of employees have a positive view of their management

The study identifies the main weaknesses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of the main weaknesses is the lack of transparency in the employee evaluation and career system. It is also observed that the satisfaction of ministerial leaders with the opportunity to pursue a career and improve their qualifications has decreased significantly. At that time, professionals are increasingly dissatisfied with the psychological climate and relationships with line managers.

The weaknesses of the ministry include the unmet need for staff development, the relatively low employment rate, the insufficient provision of adequate work equipment for teleworking. It is also noted that almost half of the staff are dissatisfied with career prospects and salaries in the ministry.

At the time, among the key threats identified in the study was the fact that only a third of employees respond positively to ministry management, and it is emphasized that up to 7 out of 10 employees are not sure whether they would remain in the ministry. Ministry. Of Foreign Affairs.

The threats identified also indicate a significant decrease in the number of employees who would recommend someone else to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is also noted that more than half of the employees consider that their salaries are unfair with the market.

Exceptional conditions are created for people of political trust.

ELTA also received depersonalized responses from MFA staff, in which those working in the ministry identified the problems they faced. Among the most relevant complaints is the non-transparent hiring of personnel, with a massive hiring of senior political positions without competition.

“People are recruited to high positions without competition, without establishing criteria (more precisely, the criterion is political affiliation or personal friendship with management), using the legislature,” reads one of the responses.

“Applying selection rules and procedures to positions is not the same for everyone: some are ‘more equal than others’, so the desired people are selected, the rules are manipulated,” says another answer.

It is also argued that public officials, in principle, can only be senior specialists. Public servant advisers and managers are exceptions.

Employees emphasize lack of career opportunities

In depersonalized employee responses, in which employees identified the most problematic aspects of the job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the lack of career opportunities was mentioned more frequently.

“Due to changes in the job evaluation rules for several years in a row, starting in 2019. The application of the new version of the Diplomatic Service Law and the drafting of the unwritten rules, which came into effect in early 2006 , they actually reduced me to my position, limited career opportunities and opportunities for higher positions ”, one of the employees responded.

Other responses also highlight the problem that, as a civil servant, your chances of career advancement are nil.

“Public officials cannot participate in the selection of the heads of political departments, even if they have the necessary work experience, because when announcing the selection, it is indicated that only diplomats can participate,” replied the Foreign Ministry official.

Other responses also note that exceptional professional conditions are created for people “who do not have excellent job results, but who have influential relationships, etc.” It is emphasized that such practices completely destroy the motivation of employees, which is why many beginning diplomats leave the diplomatic service.

Likewise, in the responses of the employees who participated in the survey, it is observed that the career is made by connections, when applying for a higher position, the competence of the person is not evaluated, but the year worked in the Ministry. Of Foreign Affairs.

Managers don’t read subordinates

Respondents often point to the problem of managerial arrogance, which, according to them, leads to a bad psychological climate at work.

“The arrogance of managers and not reading with subordinates. Bad psychological climate. There is little or no opportunity for employees to defend their rights, ”said one of the employees.

Among the answers stands out the separation between the direction of the ministry and ordinary employees. It is argued that meetings often take place only at the managerial level, so lower-level employees do not know the relevant information.

“There is no information exchange between managers: we live in a ‘world of secrets’, where the only power tool of managers against subordinates (many of whom are young and more gifted than managers) is the’ knowledge, secrets ‘they own “. As if we were working for different states. Kraupu ”, says the answer of one of the employees.

Not satisfied with the amount of the salary

Employees surveyed also very often pointed to non-competitive compensation as a key issue.

“Salaries are not competitive: a large proportion of young people do not stay long and those who have worked more often no longer have the skills to look for another job in the market,” said one of the responses.

Therefore, some of the respondents did not hide the fact that they were looking for another job for a small salary.

“I am ‘just an official’, which means that in our institution you are a servant of diplomats. I have been working for many years (18 years), but there are no career opportunities, the salary never goes up, although I am constantly praised for initiatives and excellent job, but certainly not easier for the family. Therefore, I will be open: I am seriously looking for another job, because I am very disappointed, “says one of the employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who participated in the survey.

Lack of motivational system

Employees emphasize that all previously identified problems are due to the fact that employees are not motivated to work and pursue a career.

“The opportunity to move up the career ladder has been disproportionately destroyed: the current attitude of the institution is that even if an employee shows excellent work results, it is normal to work in the same position for 20 years, creating exceptional professional conditions. Such a position completely destroys the motivation of the employees, many diplomats who start their careers leave the diplomatic service, ”says one of the ministry’s employees.

“Motivation, no, a significant part of the managers believe that working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with a tragically low salary) is sufficient motivation,” adds another employee.

30% participated in the study carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry employees, that is, 266 people. 2020 May 25 – July 31 The purpose of the survey conducted in the form of an online survey was to determine the motivation and job satisfaction of employees.
