Emilia COVID-19, 17, caught in the ambush: her mother told me how things went


Inga says her daughter’s temperature rose to 37.6 degrees on Friday and that she had a stomach ache. If well-being did not improve over the weekend, the family went to the Children’s Emergency Department at the Kaunas Clinics.

At the time, according to Inga, they had no thoughts about the COVID-19 infection: Emilia felt the symptoms of a cold in October, so a whole month had passed. After an examination at the Children’s Emergency Department, the girl was admitted to the hospital for a more detailed examination of her health.

“From Monday to Wednesday, the daughter’s condition only worsened: the temperature rose and her abdominal pain increased. It was difficult for her to talk to her on the phone because she was constantly short of breath, she suffered from headaches, throat and neck pain. days early in the morning we received a call from the doctors that the daughter’s health condition was critical, she was transferred to resuscitation. I don’t want anyone to experience that horror when they see their son die in the room. “

Head of the Pediatric Intensive Care Department, Kaunas Clinics doc. Vaidotas Gurskis says that Emilia has been diagnosed with a severe form of COVID-19, which is diagnosed in people under the age of 21. years.

“This form is caused by a very stormy reaction in the body, caused by a virus, which causes a storm of cytokines (substances released during inflammation) that disrupt the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. On the first day, when Emilia came into our room with an unstable circulatory system, low blood pressure, and rapid breathing, we hooked her up to an artificial pulmonary ventilation (VPD) machine and put her into a medical coma.

We also prescribed anti-inflammatory medical treatment with dexamethasone and intravenous immunoglobulin, hemosorption procedures (when substances released during inflammation are removed from the blood), which were assisted by a doctor, toxicologist Marius Perminas and nurse Agnė Taukočienė, – says doc . Gurskis. – The treatment of this patient was the constant and meticulous work of a multidisciplinary team, which led to the rapid recovery of the girl’s health. The patient was confirmed with COVID-19 when antibodies were found.

Doc V. Gurskis is glad that Emilia did not have kidney problems, only minor liver problems were recorded and the previous circulatory, respiratory and blood clotting system disorders recovered very quickly.

Emilija (Photo of the Kaunas Clinics)

Inga remembers with gratitude how the doctors at the Children’s Intensive Care Unit spoke patiently and openly to her about the disease, its complications and its treatment. “The doctors did not leave Emilia, they did and continue to do everything possible to save our girl. Only thanks to them, my daughter woke up from the coma and I can hug my son again.”

Although the girl is still weak and will spend time in the hospital, the woman thanks everyone who saved her daughter and warns others. Inga says that people are shocked to learn of Emilia’s condition.

“We all hear the extent of the spread of the infection, we hear death statistics, but people have a hard time believing that COVID-19 can cause complex complications not only in the elderly, but also in children and adolescents. It seems distant and unrealistic only until you find it yourself. So you see not only the terrible suffering of the child, but how hard the work of resuscitation doctors is.

I wonder how people still go to the malls, flock to the Christmas trees. What happened to our family can happen to anyone else. We want to warn everyone and wish them more protection for themselves and their loved ones, because no parent would want to survive the horror our family suffered, ”emphasizes the importance of awareness during the pandemic.

Doc. V. Gurskis recalls the main symptoms of the COVID-19 disease, which can occur in children: fever above 37 degrees, headache, sore throat, broken bones, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, lethargy, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.

“It just came to our attention then. Only parents know better how their child is usually sick and what is characteristic of him during the illness. If the symptoms are disturbing, do not disappear in a few days and intensify; we recommend that you apply contact the nearest medical institution. The vast majority of children suffer from a mild or asymptomatic form of COVID-19, but if parents are concerned, we always suggest consulting a specialist, “says Assoc. V. Gurskis.

For children, 3 phenotypes of COVID-19 disease that cause multisystem inflammatory response syndrome are reported: Toxic shock-like syndrome with pronounced Kawasaki disease or partial onset of Kawasaki disease, and fever with pronounced inflammation without shock and Kawasaki disease.
