Elijah’s story: a single mother does everything possible to make a disabled daughter live a better life


As the woman continued to teach, her pregnancy was easy and smooth. The fruit developed well, so there was no reason to worry or worry. During an examination carried out during the last month of pregnancy, the doctor noticed that the amount of amniotic fluid was low and decided to send the woman to the hospital.

Egle, who is cared for by the charity and support organization “Caring Heart,” says the delivery took place quickly, was smooth and that she and her daughter did not experience any complications. The inspected girl accompanied her mother back home and the family hoped to live in peace and happiness.

After some time visiting doctors, Elijah, who according to his mother was a cheerful and happy baby, was sent to an orthopedist.

“I had to wear special splints because my baby was diagnosed with right hip dysplasia. At first it was a great fear for me, I did not imagine how she would be with those splints for so long, but everything went well ”, recalls the girl’s mother.

Personal Stock Photo Elijah Needs Help

Personal Stock Photo Elijah Needs Help

He lived in the usual rhythm until the words spoken by the neurologist were shocked

Because Elijah spent more than four months in splints, doctors advised him to exercise, massage, and train his baby. Egle says that when he started getting massages, Elijah was very sad, he cried, tensed and became irritable. Finally, it once happened that a physical therapist, realizing Elijah’s eyes were falling behind in response, offered to visit a neurologist. Even before that, Egle says that the girl, who was half a year old, had changed a lot.

“She used to be interested in toys, hugs, playing, her development was completely normal for a baby of this age. And suddenly she became lazy, irritable, her hands began to shake, so we decided to take the advice of a physical therapist and Go to a consultation It was during that consultation that I realized that something was wrong with my daughter, because the words spoken by the neurologist shook me to the bottom of my soul: “Here we do not talk about a healthy child.”

Elijah performed a CT scan and encephalogram because he suspected epilepsy. At that time, the girl was prescribed antiepileptic drugs and diagnosed with mixed specific developmental disorders. Egle mentions that after such diagnoses he turned to another neurologist, he wanted to hear an additional opinion about the girl’s health.

After another consultation with a neurologist: a set of diagnoses.

“Elijah was 10 months old when she was tested for absence of a large corpus callosum, optic nerve subatrophy, as well as epilepsy, spasmodic cerebral palsy and microcephaly.

There were so many of those diagnoses that I didn’t know what to do when I heard them. I wondered, what will happen to my son? Where to start looking for help? Also, after all the investigations, Elijah found himself in resuscitation for the treatment of epilepsy, because he was attacked by pneumonia, ”says Egle.

The girl’s immunity weakened, there were up to 40 epileptic seizures a day, and the development was far from remembering past achievements. Egle says she can’t give up and wants to help her daughter and is looking for ways to do it. The girl had to try acupuncture, she also visits a speech therapist, physiotherapist and occupational therapist, several sanatoriums, participates in neurotraining, which would require 150 a year.

Personal Stock Photo Elijah Needs Help

Personal Stock Photo Elijah Needs Help

The dream is to help the daughter to get stronger, but she lacks financial help

Currently, Eglė and her daughter live in Birštonas and go to Kaunas four days a week for classes. Progress, according to Spruce, is very small, everything is happening very slowly, but even small achievements bring great joy to my mother.

Elijah is trying really hard right now, he doesn’t give up and is a very cheerful and loving girl. However, she does not walk, does not speak, does not sit, so the mother who is raising the child alone urgently needs help, both extra hands and financial support.

There were so many of those diagnoses that I didn’t know what to do when I heard them. I wondered, what will happen to my son?

“I spend around 600 euros a month on Elijah’s education and I don’t have the opportunity to work. Maybe one day she will start to go to kindergarten, but right now my time is just for her to achieve her best and be able to go to kindergarten in general. It is very important to commit to their development, because up to the age of 5 the most solid foundations are laid for a better quality of life.

We dream of going to rehabilitation centers in Slovakia or Poland, where I think they will give you all the help you need. I want to help my daughter live a quality life, but we need help to do so. My heart as a mother is full of love for my daughter and that love is the most important thing for us at this moment, helping us to move forward and motivating us to never give up, ”says Eglė.

Comment from the physiotherapist Elijah Deimantė Stankevičienė

“Elijah’s development is severely limited by poor muscle innervation throughout the body. As a result, the girl is very tense, sensitive to touch, sound, and light. Mobility is further complicated by existing hip dysplasia. Daily exercise is currently vital to delay orthopedic surgery as much as possible In the case of movement problems, the help of a specialist is needed to train parents to work from home.

Unfortunately, Elijah’s case is much more complicated. Due to the complicated course of musculoskeletal development, exercises should be performed with the help of professional specialists (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist).

Recently, the girl is making particularly significant progress in movement and cognitive development: her manual activity has intensified, the use of special walking equipment learns to walk, which has increased her opportunities to know the environment and participate in the activities. daily activities, ”wrote the physiotherapist.

You can help Elijah in the following ways:

The family is cared for by the charitable and support foundation “Caring Heart”

“Swedbank” AB

Bank code 73000

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Container: “Loving heart”

Purpose: Support for Elijah


Sending an SMS to the number 1670, entering the word AUKA (SMS price € 5)
