Election 2020: The main promise of the “peasants” is very simple


According to the party leader, Ramūnas Karbauskis, the result of the “peasant” policy had to be felt by practically all citizens in their wallets: pensions, salaries, benefits, allowances, reserves and the state treasury, which helped in the economic crisis. caused by the coronavirus.

LVŽS also considers the COVID-19 controlled spread to be its credit. “Lithuania has managed well, now they are trying to use it for political speculation,” says Aurelijus Veryga, the “peasant” candidate of the Seimas, Minister of Health.

BNS presents the provisions of the program of all participants in the elections, published to the public in a series of press conferences organized by the BNS news agency and the Central Election Commission.

The main message of the Union of Greens and Peasants of Lithuania. “It just came to our notice then. (…) We came to this election in a situation where the situation of the Lithuanian economic crisis related to the coronavirus is probably the best in the European Union, the economic recession will be the smallest or none, ”says party leader Ramūnas Karbauskis.

Health protection. According to A. Veryga, COVID-19 revealed systemic problems in this area, which is an inefficient network of health institutions. “We had a unique opportunity if we had not received the veto of the then president, I think we would have trusted COVID in another way and we would not have talked today about the modernization of services, the lack of personnel, because it would be an internal matter.

In the next Seimas legislature, one of the tasks of the “peasants” would be to reorganize the hospital network, expand the network of infectious treatment institutions, continue to focus on public health, create integrated nursing and care services “so that the people no longer have to run, search, count, to reform the ambulance system, “to make that institution as strong as the police, the firefighters, to have well-trained people, with guarantees, with an early retirement, to work for those who are physically strong, ready to have a strong network, good location to help people reach people on time, no matter where they live. “

Economic Sciences. According to the Vice Chancellor of the Government and LVŽS candidate, Lukas Savickas, the party’s electoral program is based on the documents drawn up by the Government: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030, the Future DNA Plan of Lithuania and the National Action Plan of Energy and Climate. “We will intentionally improve the conditions for business and create better conditions for growth.” We should be one of the five most competitive countries, “he said.

The goal is for life sciences to create 5% by 2030. gross domestic product, engineering industry – more than 7%, information technology – more than 9%. GDP.

Social security and education. LVŽS promises to fight poverty. According to her, the number of people at risk of poverty should decrease by 26 percent. at 19 percent, the absolute poverty rate will drop from 7.7 to 4 percent, the ratio of registered unemployed to employed will drop from 8.4 to 5 percent. It is planned to improve the quality of education at all levels and create a common system of lifelong learning.

Regions. Among the promises of the “peasants” is the sustainable and balanced development of the territory of Lithuania and the reduction of regional exclusion. This will be achieved by refining regional specializations, attracting investment there, creating jobs in the regions and ensuring sufficient availability of services for all Lithuanian residents.

Energy. The party sets the goal of achieving a 9% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Lithuania by 2030, it intends to reduce energy intensity by at least one and a half times and 45%. increase the share of renewable energy sources in total energy.

The motto of the party election. “You. For the family. Lithuania.”

Candidate for Prime Minister. Saulius Skvernelis may be the current head of government. “But there will be elections, if we form a coalition, we will probably not be the only ones to solve the problem, the President of Lithuania is also involved in the decision; in any case, we will definitely have enough candidates for all positions if we have the right to delegate,” said the leader of LVŽS.

Expect to receive mandates. “If we have few representatives in the Seimas, it will be difficult to expect a coalition of forces that represents non-liberal values. If the liberal parties form a coalition, the State Bank will be history, many things that we have done will be destroyed,” said R. Karbauskis .

In 2016, during the Seimas elections, the LVŽS won 59 seats in parliament and formed the XVII Government. There are currently 49 members in the Peasant Group.

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