Elder of the TS-LKD faction: Karbauskis and Veryga’s criticism of the rulers is indecent


“Ramūnas Karbauskis returned ether to say what he could have done himself. They say that we are getting closer to the Government. The Lithuanian people had to reach out in summer and autumn, when it was already possible to predict the second wave. Already, as they say, lessons had been learned, but it is apparently only in theory, because practice shows that all these “sciences” are in vain, “writes the curator on Facebook.

“It was easy and irresponsible to announce the winners in advance with the flags of victory raised midway through the pandemic management route. Now it is obscene to point the finger at those who run with additional obstacles, ”he says.

At a press conference on Monday, the leader of the “peasants” R. Karbauskis said that some of the current quarantine measures applied by the right-wing government are “nonsense”, which his party would never have done had he remained in power . . The leader of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania (LVŽS) and former Minister of Health A. Veryga affirms that it is simply necessary to talk about alternative measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic. At the conference on Monday, politicians presented the LVŽS’s proposals to waive final exams, movement control, and put forward proposals for small business restart.

Earlier Monday, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said he would listen to criticism from “peasants” if they turned out to be valuable.

“I really appreciate all the suggestions and I will definitely listen to them, and if there is something valuable, we will definitely pay attention. And the criticism is very good, it is strengthened and everything is fine with that,” said the Minister of Health after the Emergency Commission of the Government (WESC).

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