Educators would like to receive salary supplements during quarantine, but not everyone is lucky Business


Brigita working in one of the capital’s nurseries 15 minutes told readers in educator groups on social media that they read about bonuses paid to educators due to increased workload during quarantine. The woman was surprised by this, because she had not heard anything about bonuses or supplements to her salary at her institution, although teachers working in Kaunas or Klaipėda said they would receive them.

Brigita emphasized that the workload of teachers during quarantine has increased significantly in preschool educational institutions, because not all parents really listen to the recommendations and additional work is also produced.

“Even now, the number of children has not decreased at all, and even parents who are currently on paternity or maternity leave or who work remotely take them to kindergarten. Even with the tightening of quarantine conditions, few children come to daycare less. Everything is only recommended, so nobody pays attention, ”said the woman who works with preschool-age children.

The number of children has not decreased at all even now, and they are taken to kindergarten even by those parents who are currently on paternity or maternity leave or who work remotely.

According to her, now each child should be dressed separately and taken outside with their future parents, to pay more attention to safety, which also takes more time. According to Brigita, all the matters related to the kindergarten group fall on the shoulders of an educator, and the constant stress for her safety does not help either.

“We work much harder, and all that stress adds up, because perhaps not all parents behave responsibly, they walk everywhere, we don’t know if we are in danger,” the educator feared.

Brigita admitted that educators have not yet dared to apply for bonuses due to the increased workload, but they hope to receive at least Christmas bonuses. So far, educators have received them every year, but this year the situation may be different.

Photo from at school

Photo from at school

“We believe that we really deserved them this year, but they told us that money was not allocated from the municipality for bonuses. Still, they promised to pay something, but people are afraid to speak, afraid to ask,” said the interlocutor.

Decisions are made by the heads of the institutions themselves

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (ŠMSM) 15 minutes In its response, the Commission confirmed that the director of the educational establishment, like the rest of the staff, can grant bonuses for additional workload when there is an increase in the workload in the performance of the functions established in the description of the post.

This means that each educational institution makes its own decisions about supplements.

The Vilnius City Municipality commented that additional funding was provided only for psychologists who worked during the first quarantine.

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports has allocated additional funds for this, which have been successfully redistributed among educational institutions subordinate to the municipality. No additional funds were provided for teacher bonuses.

Taking into account the current situation, we are doing everything possible to provide all educational institutions with all the security measures against COVID-19, ”reads the response sent by the municipality.

According to the capital municipality, the bonus can be granted only for specific tasks that are especially important for the functioning of the budgetary institution or after acquiring the right to receive an old-age pension from social security and terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employee. (teacher).

The municipality also takes care of it

For her part, Ona Gucevičienė, Head of the Department of Education of the Municipal Administration of the City of Kaunas, explained that during the quarantine the situation and the work processes of the educational institutions of Kaunas are different, constantly changing depending on the epidemiological situation from the country.

“Some educators work exclusively remotely, others use mixed educational methods, so the workload of each kindergarten or school specialist is different. The situation is best seen and evaluated by the directors of the institutions, so it is they who grant bonuses and salary supplements to education specialists, ”says O. Gucevičienė.

According to her, the bonus for Kaunas teachers for additional workload cannot exceed 30% of the amount of the fixed part of the official salary. These rates are provided for in the Law on Remuneration of Employees of State and Municipal Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania and on Remuneration of Commission members for work.

If there is money left from November and December salaries, we will consider allocating it for teacher bonuses.

According to O. Gucevičienė, the available balance is currently being calculated, so it is possible that teachers will continue to receive symbolic awards.

“If there is money left after November and December salaries, we will consider allocating it for teacher bonuses. This would turn into token gratitude for your hard and complex but crucial work.

At present, we also strive to ensure an organization of quality education remotely and on a daily basis, the city contributes to the modernization of educational institutions. Schools and kindergartens receive additional funds for technological equipment and educational measures. Computers, video cameras, outdoor furniture, smart boards and other facilities will be provided according to current needs. ” 15 minutes commented a representative of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.

Klaipėda Municipality reported on the current situation in some detail. The response indicates that 20 out of 90 educational institutions in Klaipeda paid teachers (including preschool and preschool teachers) bonuses and bonuses for additional work or increased workload related to quarantine.

According to data from the Klaipeda City Municipality, an average of 32 percent was paid. official salaries, and currently teachers have been paid a total of 172 thousand. Premiums and 240 thousand euros. bonuses for additional work or increased workload in quarantine. In December, according to the municipality, bonuses and bonuses will continue to be paid.

Klaipėda Deputy Mayor Arvydas Cesiulis added that the adjusted procedure is currently in force: the amount of funds for teaching allocated to schools depends on the number of classes in them, but, in his opinion, this is not very correct .

“The more classes, the more money the school receives and the more salary from the teachers. Therefore, the allowances and bonuses for teachers are awarded only with the savings made in the school in this financing sector. Teacher salaries cannot be used for teaching environment funds. We believe that this order is flawed: the “basket” of teacher salaries does not depend on teacher qualifications and is centered on the average of their coefficients.

In Klaipėda, we have schools with highly qualified pedagogues, such as expert teachers, teacher methodologists, who are paid a salary corresponding to their level from the same basket of teaching funds. The paradox is that in these schools there is practically no money left to encourage teachers to do a good job or do extra activities, because there is nothing left to do ”. 15 minutes said A. Cesiulis.

Andrius Navickas, president of the Lithuanian Union of Education Workers, admitted that the workload of teachers has really increased, because it is more difficult to prepare for the lessons. But he says he hasn’t heard of accessories at all.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrius Navickas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrius Navickas

“I have not heard that anyone will be paid unless funds remain at the end of the year and they are redistributed in some way. However, I don’t have that data, “said A. Navickas.

According to him, the work has increased for all teachers in the country, for which everyone should be grateful.

“The circumstances that make it work more are the same for everyone, so I believe that bonuses should be paid the same for everyone,” explained the union president.
