Education Minister Candidate: As Risk Increases, There Should Be a Shift to Distance Education


“I think it depends on the specific situation in a particular educational institution. I would first listen to epidemiologists, experts, opinions and recommendations. It is very important that the school community itself agree to a strategy. If there really is a danger and a risk, then we should switch to distance education, ”said J. Šiugždinienė after meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda.

This issue was not discussed during the meeting with the head of state, said G. Nausėda’s spokesman, Antanas Bubnelis.

The Head of State hopes that much attention will be paid to the issue of education also after the Seimas elections. As Mr. Bubnel said, the president had no doubts about the candidate’s experience in the field of higher education, so he focused on initial and general education. The education issues of universities and ethnic communities were also discussed.

“The opinions of the president and the candidate for the position of minister agreed that the national agreement is the opportunity to advance in the field of education and improve results,” said Bubnel.

The candidate believes that a broad agreement will be reached with all political forces. In his opinion, this should be duly taken into account in discussions on the subject with both politicians and the educational community.

According to a spokeswoman for G. Nausėda, the views of the candidate and the head of the country coincided in many respects, but the president missed her vision of the sport.

As with other candidates, a possible team was discussed during the meeting with the president.

Call for a shift towards distance education

According to the BNS, the Lithuanian Union of Educators approached the appointed Prime Minister Ingrid Šimonytė asking “to reassess the situation regarding the future work of educational institutions and to consider the possibility of working remotely alone.”

According to the union’s appeal, with the rapid spread of the virus, “the situation becomes especially unfavorable in preschool, preschool and primary education institutions, because they are the ones who work in contact form.” Older students have switched to distance learning since the beginning of November.

“According to the Government Resolution of November 4, kindergartens and primary schools function in contact form. But after more than three weeks, the situation is deteriorating catastrophically: the number of infections in educational institutions is increasing rapidly, and both students and teachers are falling ill. Therefore, the question arises whether it is worth risking the health of students and teachers and continuing to work live, ”says Andrius Navickas, president of the Lithuanian Union of Education Workers.

Aivaras Dočkus, an English teacher at the Elektrėnai “Ąžuolynas” progymnasium, who has just come down with Covid-19, says the quarantine should be a quarantine, not a parody.

We have information that municipal education departments are putting a lot of pressure on the administrations of educational institutions to continue teaching directly and demanding that they return to schools as soon as possible. Perhaps the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports give such instructions to the municipalities? ”- the professor is quoted in the report.

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) announced last week that more than 4.4 thousand people have registered with the country’s education and training institutions since the beginning of September. coronavirus cases.

NVSC representative Daiva Razmuvienė later claimed that the majority of those infected were in schools and kindergartens, out of 3.7 thousand. cases in educational institutions 55 percent. composed of students, the rest, 45 percent. – employees of educational institutions. The number of infected people in higher education has exceeded 600 since September.

With the introduction of quarantine in the country on November 7, education, with the exception of preschool and primary education, is carried out remotely or mixed. The quarantine currently runs until December 17 inclusive.

In politics – from the academy

J. Šiugždinienė, 48, is a political and social figure from Lithuania, 2019-2020. Member of the Municipal Council of the City of Kaunas. The politician was elected to the Seimas for the first time during this term, with the TS-LKD party.

J. Šiugždinienė in 1994. She graduated from Kaunas University of Technology and obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration, then obtained a Master of Public Administration from Kaunas University of Technology, and in 2008 obtained the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences.

2008-2020 KTU, Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Associate Professor. 2013-2015 dean of this faculty. 2015-2017 Vice-Rector for Studies of the KTU. 2017-2018 Acting Rector of KTU.

2019-2020 Member of the Municipal Council of the City of Kaunas.

J. Šiugždinienė worked in the United Nations Development Program, advised the governments of many countries on the reform of their state governance systems. He also has experience working in the Government of the Republic of Lithuania: he headed the Strategic Management Department and held the position of Vice Chancellor.

She is married and has two children.

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