Economist Kuodis – on the management of the second wave: had already warned at the end of August


Asked what Lithuania did less in the fight against the virus, the economist commented that on August 31, after giving an interview to Knowledge Radio, he had already hinted that covid the developmental model or the epidemiological model in general highlights a number of important issues.

“So there is a huge gap between when the problem arises and manifests itself. In other words, if you have 20 cases of infection on any given day, in a few weeks you may have several hundred, and in a few more, thousands. If politicians had taken this science or the model on which epidemiology is based seriously, they would not have started on September 1. That’s what I said on August 31, that it’s not worth doing. “

According to him, this time he warned that everyone would regret having violated the so-called normal life for a few weeks and then they would have terrible consequences.

“It just came to our attention then. Anyone can find that model online and it’s freely available.”

Furthermore, he added, all the cards were shuffled during the Seimas elections. According to R. Kuodis, politicians wanted to play “normalization”, to show that they controlled the first wave, but now we have fallen among the top ten in the world according to the spread of COVID-19.

“It is well deserved, because basically during the second wave, no one was guided by the science that was followed during the first wave. So, we succeeded this time. Here’s the great tragedy that politics, ratings are much more important than lives. (…) But it seems even more tragic when we have some January 13 a day. “

When asked to imagine the curve we would move after the announcement of the quarantine and its various adjustments, the economist said that simply saying the word “quarantine” was not enough.

“It just came to our notice then. Perhaps by introducing a curfew at night, limiting people’s fear of looking for Christmas gifts, discounts, etc. In reality, the quarantine was largely verbal, and if it had been true , now we would not have such consequences. Now there is an attempt to appeal more to some kind of human morality, an attempt to throw responsibility in all directions. “

According to R. Kuodis, when he managed to control the first wave, it is possible to remember what was happening at that time.

“The Minister of Health was wearing a marksman’s uniform and aviator glasses. Of course, when you are lucky, you can lift your head up, blow up your peacock’s tail and show: ‘I, I, have done something.’ to fail in the second half of August and early September, then we saw a subtle change that the municipalities are not doing something, that I am no longer a general of the nation and that she herself has no conscience, is not empathic, is ashamed why it is everywhere. This is not how crises are managed. “

According to him, appealing to people’s consciences to manage public health crises is stupid.

“In any society, there will be a part of the people who will question the shape of the earth, will question vaccines, will question the existence of livestock and its threat. With those people, the only coordination mechanism is to say that there are strict rules and if you don’t follow them, there will be severe penalties. By the way, those fines should have a deterrent effect. This is how crises are managed. “

Economist Kuodis - on the management of the second wave: had already warned at the end of August

According to R. Kuodis, those measures were largely peaceful during the first wave and it was strictly stated that all unnecessary things in life, such as restaurants, clothing stores, would be closed in the public interest.

“We just realized that until October 12 it wasn’t clear that nothing bad was happening, including budget issues, which are now starting to slide. It turned out that the second wave was not ready, there is not enough money for downtime, there is no money for the purchase of vaccines, etc. This is a crime against the nation, this kind of action. I understand that the alpha and omega “peasants” are public relations, polytechnics, but you have to have some conscience. “

When asked by the economist if he was proposing to tighten the quarantine screws further, he said the move was two-dimensional.

“The first is the measure of austerity, the second dimension is when it is introduced. Everything that is being done now is too late. Karbauskis has once again told the opposition in a broadcast that it is diversifying, everything has been done except the curfew. It talks about a dimension and fails when it should be done, when it is optimal to do it, according to the model I mentioned. That thing is wetting. “

According to R. Kuodis, it is no longer enough to do “something”, because it is necessary to do it on time. Now, he says, and politicians themselves see that many cases are completely untraceable and that the virus is spreading almost uncontrollably.

“Consequently, it is only now that talks begin, whether to close schools or switch to distance education. Late, too late. It is a shame for Lithuania, which is a sparsely populated country, to be in the top ten in the world. based on this problem. We do not have megacities, and I understand that in some New York City with “crowded” subways, narrow streets, and people climbing on each other, it is difficult to control the virus. But in Lithuania, where the largest city with a population of half a million is a shame. “
