Echoes of rallies: government mistakes will cost the country dearly


The rallies held in Vilnius and Klaipeda this week revealed not only public opposition to vaccines, the preparation of some politicians for elections, but also well-coordinated actions against the state. According to the country’s highly experienced statesmen, the current government’s new mistakes can be very costly to the country.

The politician saw parallels

Arvydas Pocius, a member of the Seimas elected in Klaipėda, diplomat, general of the mission and one of the first defenders of the parliament after the restoration of independence, assured that the events of Tuesday in the Seimas of Vilnius are very reminiscent of the tense time 1990- 1991.

“In fact, all of this was very reminiscent of the early years of Independence, when we defended the Lithuanian Parliament and other important state targets from enraged Jedi instincts, the Soviet army, the Kagebists … even from shame,” A said. Pocius.

He thinks we should talk to the deceived people first. There were people at the rally who care about Lithuania, but they are deluded.

After 30 years, seeing things very similar to the Seimas was painful and grainy, and even embarrassing.

“Those people are manipulated by people who have completely different goals. After what has happened now, we have to talk to people, explain and discuss it. After all, when Algirdas Paleckis, who is convicted of spying on Russia, comes to the rally, “People applaud him, the question is, what happened? So do those people think the same and support it? It’s hard to believe that, “said A. Pocius.

In the crowd and the convicts

The politician made no secret of the fact that people were spotted at the rally who weren’t there just for them, who were obviously carrying out certain tasks according to clear instructions.

“There is a hybrid war, it is obvious. There are illegal refugees who are sent to Lithuania from Belarus, and it is no coincidence that the protests of discontent start at the same time. But there are clear coordinators of those events. They behaved aggressively while waiting for the parliamentarians. let them appear, “said A. Pocius.

The member of the Seimas is convinced that both the Department of National Security and the Ministry of the Interior must know all these leaders and managers of the protest, and this must be made public.

Observation: According to parliamentarian A.Pocius, the speeches of some members of the Seimas who participated in the demonstration provoked unequivocal thoughts. (Photo by Vygintas Skaraitis / Fotobank)

However, for Tuesday’s rallies, the performance of some MPs who took the podium in Vilnius was unequivocally assessed by the mission general.

“Politicians are politicians. Some actions evoke certain thoughts. They are parliamentarians of the Republic of Lithuania, they have all the rights, but in this case their activities are directed against Lithuania. After all, they swore to the Lithuanian state, but by their actions it they destroy, “said A. Pocio.

Naivety has no limits

The member of the Seimas, the former mayor of Klaipeda Eugenijus Gentvilas also agreed that the fifth column is using these riots.

“Anyway, we can’t regard those protesters as anti-statesmen, but they always complain by their side. This freshness raises their heads, and people think that liberal liberal fascism is evil. Their naivety is limitless, there is a lack of critical thinking, and those crowds are manipulated, “he said. E. Gentvilas.

The deputy acknowledges that the current ruling majority has made mistakes in trying to manage both the migration crisis and the pandemic, but that this was inevitable.

Attitude: Member of Seimas E. Gentvilas does not rule out that the fifth column is using vaccination disturbances. (Photo by Paulius Peleckis / Fotobank)

“Such things started in Lithuania for the first time. And it was not always clear how to do it. I admit, there is a lack of communication. But any government can be blamed for not doing everything optimally. There are certain ideologues who create such ideological scenarios. , and how funny it is to hear now in Russia or Belarus the fact that the Lithuanian people call their government liberals, because Lukashenko is repeating the same thing. The rhetoric comes together, “said E. Gentvilas.

However, the parliamentarian stressed that the entire crowd cannot be called anti-state, but that in reality there are all kinds, he does not rule out.

Radicals prepare for power

Algirdas Grublys, the former head of the Klaipeda section of the State Security Department, who spared no criticism from both the country and city authorities, said what was happening was very worrying.

“I feel bad today. This provocative protest no longer fits the norms of our society, which we are used to living for about a decade. I see radicals and Lithuanian losers preparing for the elections to the municipality and to the Seimas.” I suspect that some things are funded by the state. For me, as a former official of the Department of State Security, the situation on Tuesday looks a little different than it may seem to many, “A. Grublys opened yesterday.

Direct cut: now there is a great lack of normal communication with the public.

Projects must first be well researched, considered and only then presented to the public.

According to A. Grublis, people are now given visions that they do not yet know if they will become a body and thus a stud is spawned, which should not be the case.

“I have my opinion on the individual members of the Government who lack competence. I have great respect for the Prime Minister, who does everything possible to maintain the Government. I regret that she has to work for at least three ministers. It was not necessary to train a government, – A. Grublys spared no criticism.

Suspicions: A. Grublys, the former head of the Klaipėda section of the Department of State Security, has no doubt that this week’s rallies are ingenious and orderly actions aimed at causing commotion. (Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis)

It also hampered the city government, because the new city hall, according to A. Grublis, is inactive and fragmented, which generates anxiety.

“It seems ridiculous when after the quarantine restrictions the city council works remotely. There are solutions that need to be discussed, thoroughly debated. The room is tidy, safe distances can be kept, masks can be worked on. Different opinion here?” Let us reject the personal responsibility of officials, which is dangerous. Let’s reject the provocateurs, who may have worked for money at rallies, the vast majority of people are simply misled by the lack of normal information, “Grublys said.

Called to speak to the people

Dainius Kepenis, an elected member of the Seimas in the port city, was one of those MPs who spoke out against a crowd of protesters in Vilnius on Tuesday.

He is convinced that there would be no room for unrest if the Lithuanian government dared to reverse its own decisions.

“The biggest mistake of the rulers on Tuesday was that they did not come out and talk to the people. If they had said that we would abide by the Constitution and all international human rights, we would not be vaccinated and we would no longer need passports. , people would have left, “Kepenis said.

According to the member of the Seimas, the explanations that we will no longer live as we used to live is the greatest foolishness, error and deception of the people.

“We will live as we live if we respect each other, love each other and follow the spirit of Vydūnas. It is forgotten because it is unnecessary in this context. Vydūnas said that it is much more important to take care of health than to treat diseases. How to overcome resistance to the digital field faster , he came up with the fourth industrial revolution “, taught D. Kepenis.

Attitude: D. Kepenis, who spoke at rallies in parliament, is convinced that there were no enemies of the state among the crowd of protesters. (Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / Fotobankas)

Speaking of this phenomenon, the Seimas member stated that the actors who are now exporting this revolution to Lithuania are behaving very badly.

According to D. Kepenis, we have to stop that process, then people will not go to Vilnius, they will not meet in Klaipeda, you just need to talk to them.

“Vaccines are supernatural things. Nature has made man resistant to everything. When we distort normal life, all kinds of artificial things become necessary. Then politics becomes artificial. For the digital concentration camp. No people have the power. These actors who break the Constitution are to blame. We broke it for the first time when we passed the Communicable Diseases Law. People suffered, but when they began to pass laws requiring forced vaccination, people said “enough”, he said. .

Drove out of the dining room

The Seimas said that he himself had been expelled from the Seimas canteen because he had not shown his passport.

Baken claimed to have it, but never and nowhere to use it because he is with those people who are protesting against “this fascism.”

“Those people who care most about their health on a daily basis are segregated, separated. They can no longer enter a cafe, a restaurant, or a concert. I can tear the passport in front of your eyes, I have never used it and I won’t use it. ” I wanted to, but nobody listens to me. They hired many doctors who proved that natural immunity means nothing. Let’s start by telling the truth and logic, then everything will be fine in Lithuania, “said D Kepenis said.

At the rally, he said he had not seen a single man who was anti-state.

“When we start listening to the people, when there is no more forced vaccination, when there is no need for a slave passport, when people see that their house is calm and there are no migrants walking around the yard and not breaking, the people He does not go to the rallies. There are many questions to answer. to the issues that concern, and we only explain that everyone is laying off, beets and well organized anti-states “, D. Kepenis got angry.

This is not the end

Seimas member A.Pocius believes that this is not just a question of vaccinations, and is convinced that such concentrations may be repeated in the near future.

According to the politician, it cannot be ruled out that in this way Russia and Belarus will take revenge on Lithuania for supporting the Belarusian opposition, due to the fact that S. Chichanouskaya and its headquarters are operating here.

“This is a revenge that will continue. Therefore, this is not the end. After all, the ‘Zapad’ military training that started last year in the Kaliningrad region and Belarus is gaining momentum. The active phase is scheduled for on September 10 and 16. Therefore, we must be vigilant, and all our services will have to monitor the situation together with the NATO allies, we must take this very seriously ”, emphasized A. Pocius.

What to do next? E. Gentvilas thinks – work his works.

“Public protests and rallies are an inevitable part of democracy, but I would very much like those who exercise democracy, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, to remember that there is not only the right to demonstrate, but also the obligation to comply with the law. “- E. Gentvilas is convinced.
