Easier than you thought: the whole truth about dental restoration


The painful reality: missing teeth cause a host of discomfort and health risks, and a toothless smile repels rather than attracts. Is it possible for these patients to regain chewing function and life without complexes? Dentist Tomas Andziulis agreed to share the whole truth about modern dental restoration methods.

No teeth, no problem?

T. Andziulis, director of T. Andziulis Dental Clinic and Kaunas dentist, is especially valued by Kaunas residents and faces the consequences of tooth loss on a daily basis. The interviewee observes that the myths of the dental world are still full. “So far, I agree with patients who follow the idea of ​​’no teeth, no problem.’ People are happy that a damaged tooth is extracted and believe that it will be finished. “

Unfortunately, they soon face the bitter reality. “Not everyone wants to believe the words of the doctors. Although we warn that it is necessary to restore a lost tooth, some patients take it by hand. And then he comes suffering and the dentist has to save a person from a true horror story ”Opens T. Andziulis.

Without restoration of teeth, it is difficult for the patient to articulate and pronounce words clearly. The sweep becomes an everyday satellite. Complexes, disorder, fear of communication follow. “Patients lose their chewing function, unable to chew food properly. If you have a severe digestive disorder, it can even be found at the hospital reception. If the patient does not seek a solution in time, the jaw begins to dissolve; no dentures will stop this process. As the bone disappears, the deformity of the face begins. Sometimes its results are tragic. A person ages a decade a year … And all this, because the teeth were not restored in time, “says the doctor.

The way of salvation is only one

If you have lost at least one tooth and want to protect yourself from all these effects, the only effective method of dental restoration is implantation. “An implant that is screwed into the jaw is a substitute for the root of a natural tooth, allowing a complete restoration of the function and aesthetics of chewing. In my practice, I have successfully applied several implantation methods, they all work ”, says the happy doctor.

Unlike many of me, dental implants are a simple procedure, the subsequent healing period is not complicated, and the patient can return to their normal routine the next day. “It just came to our knowledge then. We can restore one or all teeth in just 24 hours. Before, it seemed like an idea from the field of fiction, and now it is our daily life”, T. Andziulis is happy with the capabilities of dentistry He is convinced that even patients who have lost most of their teeth will be able to smile again thanks to implants.

Restoration of teeth in two implants

“If you are thinking of restoring all of your teeth, the all-in-four strategy is very popular. Non-removable dentures are attached to 4 implants. This restores the look and function of the natural tooth. But there are more ways. If the patient dreams with a 100% chewing function and special comfort, teeth can be restored with 6-8 implants ”, says the dentist.

Find a way out even for the frugal

It’s no secret: the price of dental implants is often a deterrent. “The implants are made from only the highest quality antiallergic materials and have a lifetime warranty. Understandably, the price is higher than that of removable dentures. Very often, people go to the doctor with preconceptions. They say, “just don’t offer implants, it’s too expensive for me.” However, as they start looking for a way out, those attitudes change in favor of implants. Many clinics offer flexible payments, deferred payment or payment in installments is possible ”, assures the interviewee.

T. Andziulis adds that there is another especially economical solution: the restoration of teeth on two implants with a removable prosthesis. “The big problem with dentures is inconvenience and only about 30 percent of chewing function is restored. Meanwhile, this method restores chewing function by up to 60-70 percent. This will significantly improve the quality of life ”, says the doctor.

The implantation procedure is very simple: “two implants are screwed into the lower jaw after pain. They heal in a few months or even earlier. Finally, a plate with locators is attached. The locating system ensures a firm fixation without glue and patients can enjoy food with confidence. Such a plate extremely reliably holds both during meals and at rest. Furthermore, this method, unlike ordinary prostheses, effectively protects against bone dissolution ”, T. Andziulis mentions the advantages of an inexpensive implantation.

The possibilities for dental implants these days are limitless and patients can enjoy comfort and life with their heads held high. The only question worth asking is: Are you committed to change?
