E. Musko’s friend gave birth to the couple’s firstborn.


E. Musko’s friend gave birth to the couple’s firstborn.

A friend of Elono Musko gave birth to the couple’s eldest son, the head of US electric car giant Tesla said Monday.

E. Muskas, 48, has been meeting with 32-year-old musician Claire Boucher, a pseudonym better known in the music world as Grimes, since 2018.

When fans asked about the baby on Twitter, the head of US space technology company SpaceX, E. Muskas replied that it should be born “in a few hours.”

Four hours later, E. Muskas announced on Twitter: “Everything is fine for mom and baby.”

He did not provide further details about the baby.

This is Grimes’ first child. E. Muskas already has five children. An eccentric business magnate divorces three times, twice with the same woman.

Grime posted her pregnancy in January on Instagram. She shared a photo showing her nude, with a noticeably rounded belly. The musician wrote next to the photo: “Pregnancy is a very wild and militant state.”

The couple’s first appearance at the Met Costume Institute “Met Gala” party in 2018 caused quite a stir in both the music and business worlds. Grimes appeared at the event with a necklace reminiscent of the Tesla logo.

Recognized for his grand ambitions and eccentricity, Musk was again in the media spotlight last week for his tirade on Twitter, including a statement that Tesla’s stock price was “too high.”

His record cost the company nearly $ 15 billion. Lost market value of US dollars.

Editor Raimondas Čiuplys, BNS
