E. Misiūnas announced that he would not return to work as a judge: the presidency blocked him


He announced on Facebook on Monday that the president refused to entrust E. Misiūnas with the duties of a lower-ranking judge.

“Today, more than a month and a half after the day I applied to restore my status as a former judge, I received a message from the Legal Group of the Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania that I will not be appointed to the post of a former judge. It is argued that I participated in politics and did not comply with the principle of “political neutrality”, – said E. Misiūnas.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Eimutis Misiūnas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Eimutis Misiūnas

He assured that he had turned to politics because he could do so in accordance with the law, and also stressed that he had not joined any party and had participated in the Seimas elections as an independent candidate.

“When making the decision to participate in politics, I followed the provisions of article 61 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania, which states that a former judge can be appointed a judge of the same court or of any lower court in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, transfer or appointment to the position of head of an institution or state body designated by the Seimas or the President of the Republic, and a term has been established that “two years have not elapsed since the end of the period of office” .

The ministers are appointed by the President of the Republic of Lithuania.

Article 113, paragraph 2, of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania states that “A judge may not participate in the activities of political parties and other political organizations”, and Article 51 of the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania establishes requirements for a candidate for district court judge.

I fulfilled all the requirements established by law both in 2015, when I was appointed as a judge in the Vilnius City District Court, and now.

I want to emphasize that I was not a member of any political party, I participated in the elections as an independent person, ”said E. Misiūnas.

According to data from the Central Electoral Commission, E. Misiūnas participated in the Seimas elections as a candidate nominated by the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, his name was on the electoral list of this party.

He also served as Deputy Minister of National Defense, having been for some time an advisor to the Minister of Political Confidence of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis.

E. Misisi was surprised that to return to work as a judge, he needed to be “politically cold.”

“It should be noted that neither the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania nor the Law on Courts of the Republic of Lithuania contain the concept of“ political cooling ”. On the contrary, he was willing to perform the difficult and responsible position of judge with honesty and transparency after the duties of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania. but the Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania decided otherwise …

I appreciate the response I heard today, because in the uncertainty of a month and a half, it did not allow me to take active steps to find a new job.

So ladies and gentlemen, I am open to suggestions, I am not afraid of challenges. I am a doctor of law in the field of social sciences, former deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania, minister of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, judge, professor and officer,

He worked as a judge of the Vilnius District Court in 2015-2016.

Before that, in the Special Investigation Service, Faculty of International Law and Business, Mykolas Romeris University.
