E. Jablonskas: I imagine my mother’s tears of happiness when the officers found her son.


Why those pig ears?

For several days, sharp discussions about the virus on Facebook, in which R. Kuodis called opponents “watnikai”, “primitive krachabor who pinches the feather”, and emotions poured out in an offensive tone, also carried over to Seimas.

The politicians had to explain to Vitas Vasiliauskas, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, about the lexicon of his deputy.

The stormy sequence of R. Kuodis’s correspondence with users of social networks was seen by many famous people, politicians, businessmen and journalists in the country.

Prize: R. Kuodis, Vice President of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, could apply for the Social Networks of the Year nomination. Some famous people have said that they haven’t remembered the kind of ruckus caused by R. Kuodis on Facebook for many years. (Photo by M. Vaičiulis / Fotobank)

The war of words threw him to R. Kuodis and Jolanta Blažytė’s social network account, where the businesswoman shared a link to the daily publication with her comment.

Of course, the woman was surprised by the figures published in the trial and the questions asked, why does the Bank of Lithuania buy a ton of food products for the budget money, spend money on parties, entertainment and luxury items?

“Currently, the public is outraged that the governors of the Bank of Lithuania, who receive much higher wages than the President of the Republic of Lithuania, do not agree to reduce those wages even during the crisis. And somehow, they are equal and more equal … But wages … And here is the journalist “” that the so-called “cattle farm” called by the Bank of Lithuania is not only happy with the high wages. This farm also buys tons of meat, salmon, ears of pork and even … plums. The farm “manager” says it is meant to feed employees. Such “employee catering” activity is legal, LB “farm” experts gently suggest such questions are tactless. can only be done … “watnikai”, – J.Blažytė expressed the opinion on the account of the social network.

“Watnikai, watinė journalism, krachaborai, libai-krachaborai, akanamystai …” – R.Kuodis, the face of the Lithuanian economy, used all possible reservations from the “brattva” dictionary, not forgetting the term “economic” “bl. .. “, which is suitable for all cases.

R. Kuodis, Vice President of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, responded to the businesswoman with striking language errors.

“Look what’s going on here! 🙂 Well, you have to be completely unpleasant not to understand such a thing: if you buy bread in a bakery, then the bakery has to buy flour, not you 🙂 AND it is NOT a scandal. AND still distributing nonsensical watnikines (write written by a journalist) suggesting that “the nation feeds bankers for free” 🙂 Journalism: “If bank employees pay for lunch at their own expense, why buy products with money of the state? “Isn’t this the stupidest thing you can read in the newspaper?[EventhoughallLTjournalismismovinginaddressforyeyellows”wroteRKuodis(thelanguageisnotcorrected-AA)[NorsnūdienosLTvisažurnalystykajudatakryptimseptinmyliais”–rašėRKuodis(kalbanetaisyta–AA)[AunquetodoelperiodismoLTseestámoviendoenesadirecciónporsietemillas”escribióRKuodis(ellenguajenoestácorregido-AA)[NorsnūdienosLTvisažurnalystykajudatakryptimseptinmyliais”–rašėRKuodis(kalbanetaisyta–AA)

Argument – “bl …”?

Such an explosion of thought from a famous economist did not go unnoticed.

After the comments that followed R. Kuodis’ speech, the Vice President of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania no longer wrapped his words in cotton.

Addressing the opponents, he commented: “For the primitive crabs that pinch the feather. (…) Crabs, engage in a now heavier rebound:” why when the wind blows from the east, the clouds somehow go to West? “:) Vperiod”.

In his next speech, R. Kuodis, who has a doctorate in social sciences, continued unaware of the emotions.

“When you explain to a person n times that we pay for chops, and she still manages that ‘the bankers clog up their stomachs for free,’ it is a) a problem of mental failure, or b) conscious wetting,” said R. Kuodis . uncorrected – AA).

Former Interior Minister Gintaras Furmanavičius also expressed surprise at this discussion on the social network.

“When I hear the word ‘Wata’, I understand that the opponent’s arguments have ended,” wrote G. Furmanavičius.

Dan Arlauskas, president of the Employers’ Confederation, also shared his impressions of the discussion.

Don’t see: V.Kasiliauskas, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, has no questions about the rhetoric of R.Kuodis on the social network in the viral discussion. He believes this is the opinion of his deputy, and the bank chop scandal is an inflated affair. (Photo by V. Skaritis / Fotobank)

“After reading the comment by the leading bank moralist, he did not believe that an official maintained with such a level of tax money could afford it. It is a shame. It is obvious that the chief moralist commander tolerates his rhetoric.”

In his comments, the Vice President of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania distributed the epithets of “Vatnik” generously to all, both left and right.

Eugenijus Bukinas, a former deputy editor-in-chief of Lietuvos Rytas newspaper, who received sharp comments from R. Kuodis, also received a verbal kick from the banker, called the “chat room.”

The most infuriated economist had the fattest sayings.

“In that bl, WE ARE LEARNING! What bl is no different, liberal? Is that a power, of course?” Argued R. Kuodis (language is not corrected – A.A.).

It is true that when the vocabulary used by R. Kuodis appeared in the LNK report, the economist, responding to questions posed by the newspaper, had already tried to alleviate the situation, explaining that “bl …” is not a bad one Russian word, but “blin”.

Proposed to publish the full menu

Well-known television presenter Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė also admitted that she was overwhelmed by the words used by the representative of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania in the discussion.

Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė / Editorial Stock Photo.

Besides the insults, the political disputes, the personal sympathy displays, the discussion is basically about the same thing: why the Bank of Lithuania buys a ton of food from the budget, spends taxpayers’ money on entertainment, parties, and satisfies others. wishes of bank employees.

I even broke the words used in the discussions.

R. Kuodžius still had the same questions: what is the menu in the bank dining room and how much does a cutlet cost there?

“I even snapped at the words used in the discussion. Listen, why don’t you post a menu for a few days at that bank? Is there a week with all the prices and pictures of those chops, a? Everyone would appreciate it, would you? it would be clear who knows how to count better? Well, it’s not difficult, if you fight, it’s over! – wrote R. Mikelkevičiūtė.

Although angry, economist R. Kuodis, however, reacted to the question and noted in one place that the soup and the cutlet in the bank’s canteen cost four euros.

Vatnik win

Entrepreneur Ugnius Kiguolis, who followed the battle of words over banker chops for several days, laughed at several dozen Internet users with his comment.

“Can anyone take notes? It must remain in history. We are preparing a project for that. The radiant culture of officials needs to be published,” said U. Kiguolis.

J. Blažytė summed up the frantic battle of words on Facebook, receiving most of the epithets “Vatnik” by R. Kuodis.

“The emotional traps with all their ‘droppings’ were so powerful that they would not be cut by any armored tank or anti-tank missile. The triad, so to speak, poured freely: ‘watniki’, ‘water journalism’, ‘crachaborans’.” akanamystai “- all possible reservations from the dictionary” bratva “were used by the face of the Lithuanian economy R.Kuodis, not forgetting the term” economic “” bl … “, which is suitable for all cases, – wrote J .Blažytė.

Jolanta Blažytė / Editorial Stock Photo.

It is true that the businesswoman in the Facebook discussion, unlike R. Kuodis, thought clearly and consistently, wrote comments without grammatical errors and showed that she really studied the spelling and punctuation rules of the Lithuanian language at school.

“The secret here is that the Bank of Lithuania is called a state within a state that lives by its own rules. One of the most visible rules is the arrogance of leaders, sometimes” seasoned “with Russian bad words, lack of privilege and responsibility LB is partly or partly responsible for the country’s finances However, LAC is much more difficult in this area than eating subsidized chops, and the facts speak for themselves: the annual study by the World Economic Forum (Competitiveness Report Global 2019) shows that Lithuania The financial system indicators are only 75. In terms of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, only 84th place and “fleet” near the lagging third world countries, such as Algeria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, etc. But this is a tragedy for the entire Lithuanian economy. In Lithuania, problems of education and health systems are often spoken out loud, but for some reason there is fear of talking about s “holes” in the financial system. Perhaps he is simply fearful, knowing that instead of answering specific questions from LAC, he can only get slogans “Vatnikai attack”? – J.Blažytė asked rhetorically.

He was also surprised that the accusations about subsidized chops and acoustic chairs were resolved by LAC managers through collective agreements, supposedly agreements with the bank union.

“He continues to be happy that the LAC union has not yet mentioned any gold bath. I hope that the same union will protect LAC leaders and the rioters who will ask why the Lithuanian financial system has such deplorable indicators,” said the businesswoman. .

For dishes – on the podium

The famous Seimas member Audronė Jankuvienė also had questions about R. Kuodis’s rhetoric.

Insight: According to A. Jankuvienė, that rhetoric by R. Kuodis discredits the Bank of Lithuania. (Personal file photo)

“I had carefully read both the Bank of Lithuania’s publication on public acquisitions and the statements by the President of the Bank’s Board in public. I was interested in the rhetoric of Vice President V. Vasiliauskas, so I asked him in the Seimas,” Seimas member did not hide.

V.Vasiliauskas answered A. Jankuvienė’s question about the so-called cutlet scandal of the Bank of Lithuania without saying much.

“It would be difficult for me to comment on what my colleague R. Kuodis communicates on social media. This is his personal opinion and it has nothing to do with the Bank of Lithuania. In response to the question about the chop scandal, my head is inflated. Well, yes, we have “and for the canteen to provide catering services, it has to buy food. For that, the employees who eat in that canteen pay it, “explained V. Vasiliauskas.

Seimas member A. Jankuvienė was surprised that public statements by the Vice President of the Council of the Bank of Lithuania did not bother the head of the bank.

“In my head, that rhetoric by R. Kuodis discredits the bank itself. Perhaps those statements can be considered as his personal opinion, but he is a senior official of the Bank of Lithuania, and those epithets discredit the country’s largest financial institution. The second time that such senior officials a “culture” of humiliation, intimidation, insult, we are not surprised that it is spreading throughout society and becoming “anti-normal,” said the politician.

Also remembered the bitter

Regarding R.Kuodis texts available to the public on the public social network, the newspaper wrote to the Vice President of the Council of the Bank of Lithuania, asking why the newspaper’s journalists and their own opponents are called ” Vatnik. “

As Nerija Putinaitė, an associate professor at the Vilnius University Institute for International Relations and Political Science, stresses, in addition to links to Kremlin politics, the term “vatnik” has another meaning: it denotes a person outside of society.

According to N.Putinaitė, the term “Vatnik” is a sign of the post-Soviet mentality, which is also related to a person on the social frontier and their humiliation.

R. Kuodis’ response to the newspaper is surprising.

He uses non-normative words and it is difficult to understand what he means.

From R. Kuodis’s answer it is clear that the representative of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania did not like the publication of the newspaper and annoyed the issue itself.

The man explained that bank employees do not eat free, employees pay for lunch themselves.

Kuodis, who has a doctorate, recalled Lenin in a response sent to journalists, mentioning that “eastern troliban”, “pistol phishing” resented suspicions of “alcohol influence”, recalled that some conservatives had accused him of ” become a Russian agent. “

“I have not been so close to bitterness for betraying my homeland,” R. Kuodis taught enigmatically.

It is true that for some reason a member of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania wrote the word “conservatives” with the letter “c”.

“I will continue to defend myself, my colleagues from slander and my homeland from aqueous journalism,” concluded R. Kuodis with the slogan and recalled who lost the case at the Bank of Lithuania and why.

For comments, a study by ethics guards

Although R. Kuodis can await condemnation from the educated part of society due to the non-normative vocabulary, his behavior is unlikely to receive an evaluation by the bank’s own ethics guards.

After previous complaints about Kuodis’ statements on Facebook, the Bank of Lithuania stated that the man had not violated the code of ethics.

This time, the then chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, Stasys Jakeliūnas, received an avalanche of offensive words.

According to this politician, R. Kuodis commented again on the social crisis commission initiated by S. Jakeliūnas in 2009 on the social network.

The behavior of R. Kuodis was later discussed by the Board of the Bank of Lithuania.

Paradoxically, however, just at the time of the hearing, the board was chaired by E. Kuodis himself.

It is true that when his essays were examined on social networks, the vice president of the bank’s board left the room and withdrew from the subject.

It is at this time that R. Kuodis had to replace V. Vasiliauskas.

What decision can be expected when subordinates evaluate the boss’s behavior?

The Board decided that R. Kuodis did not violate the code of ethics.

However, R. Kuodis, who had signed the signature after this decision, was suspected of a conflict of interest at the time.

The investigation was carried out by the Official Central Ethics Commission.

He announced that he had unanimously decided that R. Kuodis had violated the provision of the Law on Coordination of Public and Private Interests in the Civil Service to avoid conflicts of interest and, if it arose, withdraw.

The Commission established that in August of last year, R. Kuodis did not withdraw from some matters related to him on the LAC Board.

For example, he withdrew and did not attend the board meeting to discuss and vote on whether his conduct complied with the ALC Code of Ethics for Employees, but then he signed a resolution that he did not violate the Code.

In the explanation, R. Kuodis stated that he had signed the resolution as interim president of the LAC Board, and not as a natural person.

“Can there be questions about how ethical issues are understood at the Bank of Lithuania?” – Seimas member A. Jankuvienė asked rhetorically.
