E. Gustas will not be appointed head of the center after the conclusion of the COEC.


“The Commission has decided today (Wednesday – BNS) that they will not grant Mr. Gustav an exemption from the employment restriction at the center. This means that he must be subject to the requirement to ‘cool down’ for one year,” the spokeswoman told BNS. of the COEC, Eglė Ivanauskaitė.

Agriculture Minister Kęstutis Navickas confirmed to BNS that E. Gustas will not be appointed to this position. However, he has not yet been able to say what the next steps will be for the center director’s competence.

“Since the contest ended a long time ago, it is now necessary to find out – the lawyers will have to weigh in on how to do it – if we have to confirm the second candidate or if the results of the contest are no longer valid. I can’t say what the next action will be today, “Navick told BNS.

According to E. Ivanauskaitė, the commission analyzed the decisions made by E. Gusto during his tenure as Vice Minister and established that in October of this year he chaired the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Ministry and signed its minutes, which decided to allocate an additional 58 thousand . euros.

“In the opinion of the members of the Commission, people who hold such high positions should not be employed in subordinate legal entities, as this would contradict the purpose of the Law on Conciliation of Public and Private Interests and would create the appearance of opacity”, said E.

E. Gustas himself submitted an application to the commission: he asked for an opinion on whether he could be appointed to this position without breaking the law.

At the beginning of December, the commission had already expressed the opinion that E. Gustas must “cool down” for a year and cannot work at the center for the same reason.

Later, the commission’s opinion was requested by former minister Andrius Palionis. He petitioned COEC after the commission had failed to launch an investigation into E. Gusto in early November and recommended that it assess whether there were legal obstacles to occupying the position before making a decision on his employment.

At the end of October, Andrius Vyšniauskas, a member of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party National Union, also appeared before the COEC, asking for an investigation into whether E. Gustus should not be subject to a one-year “reflection” period.

The Agricultural Information and Rural Business Center has not had a manager for several years.
