Dutch investigators want to question Numa from more than 26 million. euro transfers


The Amsterdam Court of Appeal, which decided last year to open an investigation into remittances from Dutch company TAF Asset 11, previously linked to N. Numa, approved its plan earlier this year.

The investigation plan approved by the Chamber of Commerce of the Court in January stipulates that the conversations with the businessmen linked to TAF Asset 11, both N. Numa and other former and current shareholders and executives, must begin in February and the investigation report it must be presented to the court in July. or in August. The court also ordered the investigators to submit periodic investigation reports.

Mr. Numa’s family office does not change position and does not comment on the procedures in the Netherlands.

“As mentioned above, neither Nerijus Numa nor its related companies are involved in the ongoing TAF Asset 11 investigation, so we cannot comment on the subject of this investigation, its investigation period or plan,” said Paulius Mencas, representative. of the Office. BNS.

The TAF Asset 11 performance study covers more than six years since 2014 and was launched to evaluate transactions with the company’s approximately $ 26 million. euros. According to a Dutch court, these funds were transferred to the TAF Asset 11 account of N. Numa and three companies of the Marcinkevičius brothers in 2009 “for tax reasons”.

According to the court, between the end of September and the middle of November 2014, several transactions took place that resulted in bonds issued by the Polish company Emir 77, which currently constitutes the assets of TAF Asset 11, and 76.32% . The shares of TAF Asset 11, previously indirectly controlled by N. Numa, belonged to the Polish company Averline.

“After the transactions, the total capital of TAF Asset 11 amounts to LTL 25.8 million. Claim of 77 euros against Emir 77, without guarantees and in unfavorable conditions for TAF Asset 11 and unusual. TAF Asset 11 has reduced the value of this requirement to zero in its 2016 financial statements. The question arises as to what interest TAF Asset 11 could have paid in the acquisition of the Emir 77 bonds ”, the Dutch court ruled.

The study will assess why TAF Asset 11 chose to invest in Emir 77, which led to such decisions, the role of Polish businessmen and the country’s lawyers, the information available to shareholders, as well as the role of Lithuanian businessmen in the transactions and others. aspects.

TAF Asset 11 was previously owned by the Cypriot companies Bertona Holdings Limited and Miglione Investments controlled by N. Numa (76.32% of the shares), while the other party was owned by the Marcinkevičius brothers through Mindteo, registered in Estonia (Mindaugas – 7.87%). percent, for Amber – 1.97 percent, for Žilvinas – 13.85 percent).

In 2014, TAF Asset 11 provided 25.8 million LTL. EUR loan to Bertona Holdings Limited. The transaction was followed by a transfer of shares and accounts receivable between TAF Asset 11, Bertona Holdings Limited, Emir 77 and the Cypriot companies Averline Holdings Limited and Miglione Investments, on the basis of which 19,783 million euros were transferred. part of the debt denominated in euros was transferred to Miglione Investments.

Following the assignment of part of the debt, Bertona Holdings Limited paid out € 19,783 million. Miglione Investments reduced its share capital by € 1 million and paid the free funds to Amarentio Holdings Limited, a Cypriot company with preferred participation. In 2015, the share capital of Amarentio Holdings Limited was reduced to LTL 19,264 million. paid to its shareholder N. Numai.

Representatives of N. Numa previously stated that in these transactions the businessman himself lent money to the companies by buying rescue shares, and a year later the loan was repaid after the amortization of the shares.

In September last year, the Chamber of Business of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal removed the director of Taf Asset 11, restricted the rights of the main shareholder Averline, appointed an independent state official to lead him and launched an investigation into the activities of the company.

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