Dust: virus loves December, let’s go home


“Let’s try to be home,” said A. Dulkys.

The minister said that now neither the figures, nor the time, nor the indicators speak for Lithuania.

“People are dying today, so we need to take those national measures as soon as possible, like restricting movement and restricting contacts, so we can get back to that manageable situation,” said A. Dulkys.

“The virus loves December, winter is a time for all diseases in general,” he added.

On Sunday, the government substantially tightened the quarantine and extended it until January 31. Substantial restrictions: it is forbidden to leave without good reason both from the municipalities of origin, complete education and preschool, it is carried out at a distance, non-food stores close, families are prohibited from meeting.

In a few weeks, he is scheduled to self-assess how the tightening of the quarantine has worked.

(70 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. At the first meeting of the Government – tightening of quarantine

Hospitals are on fire

According to A. Dulkis, red traffic lights are already on in all hospitals in the country and the principle of traffic lights, according to which municipalities are divided according to the number of Covid-19 infections, is losing its meaning. Furthermore, Covid-19 patients are likely to need at least 500 other places to receive treatment in hospitals in the near future.

“In the near future, according to the dynamics, it will be necessary to think of at least 500 beds, but behind them is our medical community, specialists,” said A. Dulkys.

According to him, additional capacity will be sought in hospitals.

It is also planned to change the activities of the National Center for Public Health to focus on the most effective work, for example, so that contacts are no longer sought if it lasts more than 36-48 hours, as this would later lose its meaning.

“If the search for contacts is carried out when those people have already completely infected everyone, by the third, fourth or fifth day, that work does not make sense. We have to make such methods proactive in the first 36-48 hours “said A. Dulkys.

The highest number of deaths from coronavirus was in Marijampolė County, deaths were between 40 and 99 years of age.

Last day 2849 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed, 24 people died from COVID-19, the Statistics Department said on Sunday.

115 people recovered on the last day. Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 93,000 people in the country. 101 people, 52 thousand. 994 – still sick, 38 thousand. 893 – recovered.

A total of 815 people died from the coronavirus in Lithuania and 400 people died from other causes.

Last day 9024 samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus, bringing the total number of samples analyzed since the start of the pandemic to 1 million. 414 thousand. 224.

According to the Department of Statistics, 2,227 COVID-19 patients are treated in hospitals, 191 of them in resuscitation. 1185 patients need oxygen, 106 people have artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, approximately half of the hospital beds are occupied: 8,013 out of 16,000. 560. Of the 685 resuscitation beds, approximately two thirds are occupied, 398. Of the 637 beds that can be subjected to artificial pulmonary ventilation, 244 are occupied and of the 6182 oxygen beds are occupied 2173.

Most of the coronavirus deaths last day were in Marijampolė County. Seven people died here, five more died in Vilnius county, four in Kaunas and Tauragė, two in Klaipėda and one in Utena and Telšiai counties.

The dead were between 40 and 99 years old. Most of the deaths (14) belonged to the age group 70 to 89 years.

A total of 15 women and nine men died last day.
